SPECIAL EHIBITION / 特別展 September 1-30 2024
“What is Extra Dimension? / 余剰次元とは何か”
[Contents / 目次]
Chapter 1 / 第1章
Risa Randall’s Theory of Extra Dimension
/ リサ・ランドールの余剰次元論
Chapter 2 / 第2章
Kumagusu Minakata’s Theory of Spirit World
/ 南方熊楠の霊界論
Chapter 3 / 第3章
Carl Gustav Jung’s View of Life and Death, and Jung and Pauli’s Theory of Synchronicity / ユングの死生観と、ユングとパウリの共時性理論
Chapter 4 / 第4章
Reincarnation in Tibetan Buddhism and Physicist David Bohm
/ チベット仏教の輪廻と物理学者デヴィッド・ボーム
Chapter 5 / 第5章
Brain Scientist, Atsushi Iriki’s New Theory of Evolution
/ 脳科学者・入来篤史の新・進化論
Chapter 6 / 第6章
Criticism of INTERSTELLAR / インターステラー批評
Chapter 1 / 第1章
Risa Randall’s Theory of Extra Dimension
/ リサ・ランドールの余剰次元論
Lisa Randall, a theoretical physicist at the forefront of modern science, can be said that she have built a new bridge between science, art, and religion that is relevant to the modern era. This is probably largely related to her understanding of art and religion. She also writes her own opera librettos and curates art exhibitions. It is precisely because of her personality that her theory of extra dimensions has spread beyond the scientific community and penetrated into our everyday world, becoming modern gospel. She has greatly liberated the imagination of people living in the present.
Lisa Landor was easy to understand and stated in the “Warped Passages” about the extra dimension as follows.
“One layer is parallel to our layer and may contain a parallel world. Even if there is an organism in another layer, the living thing is confined in a completely different environment, so it must be perceived totally different force with a totally different sensation. Our senses are coordinated to pick up scientific reactions, lights, and sounds surrounding us. In another layer, the fundamental force and particles should be different, so if there are creatures there, there is no point in common with our layer creatures. For some layer worlds, we may be able to find the signal.”(Lisa Randall “Warped Passages”)
Such a structure is familiar to investigators in religion and art in different worlds. Or, it seems that her thoughts are already in the world of religion and art.
Lisa Randall answered to one choreographer that “the influence by Extra Dimension on physical phenomena is infinitely small, so if we are receiving it, we could already see its effects” to the choreographer’s question of “I know you study Extra Dimension, please teach me does Extra Dimension influences the movement of humans body?”.
For me, this exchange is interesting. Because, her answer also leaves the possibility that if its observation accuracy increases dramatically in the near future “its effect may be observed“. And if it comes up with a case where the effect is demonstrated, can she admit it honestly? Because she confessed in the previous work “Warped Passages” that she believed its existence before “demonstration” in her verification work about Surplus Dimension, in short she belongs to a next generation type as a scientist.
The outline of Lisa Randall’s theory of extra dimensions is roughly as follows. She boldly infers the existence of extra dimensions. If her reasoning is correct, it will give rise to a very “Copernican revolution“, as she says. Its effects go far beyond the field of physics. The appeal of her theory of extra dimensions extends to the field of religion and art, and it can be said that it liberates human imagination in a wide range of ways.
“The universe appears in some places as three-dimensional space, and in other places it appears in higher dimensions. We may live in a three-dimensional brane and experience three-dimensional space, but beyond our perception, this may not be the case. In other words, our universe might be a small isolated like the three-dimensional hollow within a larger multidimensional world. This is an idea that will bring about a Copernican revolution beyond our imagination.”
In March 2013, the state-of-the-art LHC in the mountains of Switzerland succeeded in detecting Higgs Boson, which is supposed to be one of the particles that make up extra dimensions. From now, what kind of new particles will be detected in LHC, including elucidation of Dark Matter? And every time a new particle is detected, scientists are forced to abandon the space model that they had previously proposed as the true form of the universe and switch to a new model. People in general are left behind and will be swayed. It cannot be said that the big bang theory, which has gained a great deal of trust, may be changed to “need to be corrected” one day. She focused on the Higgs Boson, because it was believed that only the Higgs, which gives “mass” to elementary particles, could travel between extra dimensions and our four-dimensional space. She focused on the Higgs, because it was believed that only the Higgs, which gives “mass” to elementary particles, could travel between extra dimensions and our four-dimensional space.
Now that the existence of the Higgs particle has been confirmed, what happened to her theory of extra dimensions? Has it been proven correct? It is unclear at this time. In the same year, she and her collaborators proposed a new theory of dark matter called “Double-disk Dark Matter,” but did not mention extra dimensions. Has she retreated from extra dimensions? Why does she seem to turn her attention to dark matter?
ヒッグス粒子の存在が確定された事で、彼女の余剰次元論はどうなったのだろうか? 正しいと証明されたのだろうか? 今のところ不明である。彼女は同じ2013年には共同研究者と共に『ダブルディスク・ダークマター』というダークマターに関する新理論を提唱しており、余剰次元については語っていない。彼女は余剰次元論から撤退したのだろうか? 暗黒物質に関心を移したように見えるのはなぜだろうか?
What is Dark Matter? It is currently believed that dark matter is closely related to the birth of the universe. Fluctuations in the density of dark matter also occurred due to slight “fluctuations” that existed in the early universe. The denser areas attracted even more dark matter, which in turn attracted ordinary gas through its gravity. Eventually the first generation of stars and galaxies formed from the gas, which then collided and merged to form the galaxies we know today.
ダークマターとは何か? 現在では、宇宙誕生にダークマターが密接に関係していると考えられている。初期の宇宙に存在したわずかな「ゆらぎ」をもとに、ダークマターの密度にもゆらぎが生じた。密度の高い部分はさらに多くのダークマターを引き寄せ、その重力によって通常の物質であるガスが次第に引き寄せられた。やがて集まったガスから最初の世代の星々や銀河が形成され、銀河は衝突・合体を経て成長し、現在に至ったという考えである。
What new particles will CERN detect in the future, including the Higgs boson, which could shed light on the particles that make up dark matter? And every time a new particle is detected, scientists are forced to abandon the model that they had previously proposed as the true nature of the universe and switch to a new model. Ordinary people are left behind and confused each time. Even the Big Bang theory, which has gained tremendous trust, may one day be revised to say that it needs to be revised.
More recently, in March 2024, it was reported that NASA’s James Webb Telescope discovered a galaxy called “ZF-UDS-7329” that is 13 billion years old, beyond our understanding. This galaxy is larger than the Milky Way, something scientists thought was impossible, and the observations challenge previous thinking about how dark matter shaped the early universe. This is impossible because, according to current cosmological models, dark matter is not believed to have been mature enough at that time. However, isn’t this case also a typical example of the “overconfidence” and “conversion” of scientists?
Either way, why was a mater born, and the universe was born? And why are we here? It has not been understood by anyone yet. Does the “subject that creates matter” exist or not? Of course, that too remains a mystery, but humans want to know.
If there is a “subject that creates matter,” then regardless of whether it is an extremely small elementary particle or not, this subject may be the one that creates the multi-layered physical world in the universe. The four-dimensional world in which we live may be one of those multi-layered physical worlds. Therefore, we can think that the human brain generates consciousness and the mind as physical phenomena belonging to the four-dimensional world, but that after the death of this brain, consciousness and the mind continue to exist in a different form inside another brain in another world.
Chapter 2 / 第2章
Kumagusu Minakata’s Theory of Spirit World
/ 南方熊楠の霊界論
Minakata Kumagusu was the first to introduce the word “Ecology” to Japan. He loves slime molds and women, and is an internationalist who has traveled abroad to learn about everything, while a native who has collected plants and chased after ghosts in the Kumano forest. He lived off the money sent by his younger brother, protected the shrine forest, gave lectures to the emperor, was a letter junkie, understood 19 foreign languages, and was a heavy drinker. He was the number one Japanese by scale. He said “Relation is born when cause and cause interact. Today’s science understands cause, but not relation. My mission is to study this relation” and it came to be evaluated as “Intellectual Giant.”
Kumagusu’s collection of slime molds was one of his important lifeworks, and his awareness of slime molds seems to have formed the basis of his thinking. For slime molds, life and death are one, and they are both animals and plants. The slime mold is truly a marvel.
“Slime mold has life and death as one. In the world of slime molds, they are most active when they appear dead. Slime molds have a life cycle that transforms them into animals and plants. The germinated spores gather together to form a deformed body. As it splits and gathers, it becomes an indeterminate shape nearly two meters long and slowly moves around the forest. It also changes shape overnight and forms spores on dead leaves and branches. It has an ecology where life and death alternate.”
Kumagusu had an unwavering belief in the existence of ghosts, and lived in a hut in the mountains of Kumano and studied them through his own experiences. According to his observations, real ghosts stand vertically at people’s pillows, while hallucinatory ghosts hang horizontally over people. What an interesting observation! He said as follows;
“The phenomenon of ghosts is not due to hallucinations or abnormal psychology, but is a purely spatial phenomenon. It is a form of reality, and whether or not we can perceive it depends on our brain power.”
His reference to “brain power” is interesting because while “brain power” is a metaphor, ghosts may actually be something that can only be sensed by the brain. For him, ghosts are things that are felt and seen by the brain. In other words, “ghosts are information in the brain.”
Kumagusu came to believe in the existence of the dead through the following dream experience.
“My deceased father and brother appeared in a dream and prophesied that there would be plants that weren’t supposed to be there. When I went there, the prophecy came true. This sort of thing happens often.”
Jung has a similar experiences. He said “In a dream an old man appeared to me and told me that the book I was looking for was in a certain library. When I went there, it really was. Later, I knew he was a person who died in the 17th century on one mangazine. I believed in the existence of the dead.”
Furthermore, the following experiences make us infer that “the human brain stores peculiar physical experiences linked to peculiar dreams.”
“When I was sleeping with my legs out of bed in England, I had a dream that I was reading a book in the same posture at my parents house in Wakayama. In London, one night when it was raining heavily, I had a dream of a heavy river flow that I had heard while I was walking down a river with my family on Mt.Koya in Wakayama. So, I analyzed how dreams are created by the entry of external stimuli into the mind.”
Kumagusu’s way of thinking about “Mind” as follows is also unique, and he connects it with the reality of the afterlife. In reincarnation, not only is one person reincarnated into another person, but multiple people may also be reincarnated as one person. In the first place, one person is imagined to have multiple people living together.
“Human minds are not one. It is made up of three or four.I am now experiencing how the mind communicates with the mind. After death, not all psychic complexes disappear, but some remain. Some stay in space forever. Some stay in graves, homes, and other worlds.”
Chapter 3 / 第3章
Carl Gustav Jung’s View of Life and Death,
and Jung and Pauli’s Theory of Synchronicity
/ ユングの死生観と、ユングとパウリの共時性理論
“If I miss a day from that job, the unpleasant physical symptoms immediately set in. When I go back to work, the symptoms disappear and my mind is completely fine” said Jung. Jung’s books were the “Book of Youth” for me when I was young. In particular, his word such as “When one knows a lot, one becomes lonely. It is important to have some presage of secret, it fill with something impersonal” left an impression on me. He said that there is an unique afterlife. There was also a book about “Synchronicity” with Wolfgang Pauli, a physicist famous for the exclusion principle.
Jung’s recognition of space and time is almost same to the physicist’s recognitions of space and time. And in Jung’s case, it seems that “Reality” was embodied as the “World of consciousness” and “Another dimensions” was embodied as the “World of the unconscious.”
“The concept of space – time has only approximate validity, and there exist regions of greater or lesser distortion. There are indications that some parts of the mind do not obey the laws of space – time. A complete figure of the world requires adding another dimensions.”
Why should the afterlife be told as a mythology? This is because, as Jung said as follows, the afterlife is a different world, and we cannot imagine it. Jung seems to have distanced himself from those who thought that the afterlife could be described in normal language and imagined.
なぜ来世は神話として話される必要があるのか? ユングが次のように語っている通り、来世とは別の世界であり、心に描けないと考えているからである。ユングは、来世も通常の言葉で語れイメージとしても描けると考える人びとには組せず、彼らからは距離を取っていた。
“My writing is basically an attempt to give an answer to the question of interaction between this world and the hereafter. We cannot envision other worlds in our mind governed by very different laws. So I cannot do more than tell a story, tell it as a mythology. To the intellect, my attempt at mythology is a fruitless speculation. But emotionally, it is a healing and worthwhile act. It gives a strange charm for us.”
What follows is Jung’s unique view of the dead. According to him, the dead want to grow and owe it to the living.
“The dead have a keen interest in the final psychological consequences of the human. The dead only know what they knew when they died. For that reason, they tries to enter the world of the living in order to acquire human knowledge. I often feel the dead standing behind me, and try to get my answer. Only in this world can opposites collide and raise the level of consciousness. The knowledge attained in this world forms the upper limit of the knowledge attainable by the dead. Therefore, life on earth keeps the great significance for them.”
Why are people born? At least for Jung, there is a reason for it. That is “Because I was given a problem to solve.”
人はなぜ生まれてくるのか? 少なくともユングにとってはその理由がある。それは、「解決すべき課題を与えられたから」である。
“A person is born, attains knowledge, dies, and starts all over again. A long time ago, I was faced with a problem that I could not answer, and I was not able to complete the task given to me, so I had to be born again. When I die, what I do stays with me. When a person dies, it becomes important what they can bring into the another world.”
These Jung’s ideas moved me when I was young and continue to do so today. I almost died once recently. but did not die. That night, in a dream, someone said to me “You can’t die yet, because you haven’t finished your work. Please come back when you’re done. Only then we will be able to reach you to the shore without the need to turn back like this time.” Who said that? I feel that the person resembled Jung’s face.
私は、若い頃、このようなユングの考えに心を動かされ、それは今でも続いている。私は、最近、一度死にかけた。しかし死ななかった。その夜、夢の中で誰かに「あなたは、まだ死ねない。仕事が終わっていないので。終わった時にもう一度来て下さい。その時にだけ、今度のように引き返す必要はなく、無事に向こう岸に到着できるはず」と言われた。誰がそんなことを言ったのか? その相手はユングの顔に似ていた気がする。
I had read Heisenberg’s book, and from this relationship I also had read Pauli’s book. However, he suffered from symptoms of the “PSI Phenomenon,” and through this he became acquainted with Jung and was his patient for a long time. It is understandable that he was involved in Jung’s synchronicity theory because of this relationship, but from the perspective of an accomplished physicist, I would have liked him to explore the synchronicity theory from the perspective of “materiality.” Perhaps he developed the unique argument.
Chapter 4 / 第4章
Reincarnation in Tibetan Buddhism and Physicist David Bohm
/ チベット仏教の輪廻と物理学者デヴィッド・ボーム
Modern medicine judges death by “Brain Death” and “Cardiac Arrest”. Because of “Brain Death”, consciousness also disappears because it is the brain that is generating consciousness. We believe that “Cardiac Arrest” completes death and begins body decay. Indeed, if anyone dies, they disappear in a matter of time before our eyes, leaving no traces of it. However, these are the understanding of the physical phenomena that make up the four-dimensional world where we live. Indeed, consciousness will disappear with the death of the brain. However, its extinction is the annihilation in our world, if there are other physical phenomena, it may continue to exist in a different form.
How to die together with the theme of how to live will become an especially important theme. Heidegger was also particularly sensitive about death, teaching that “only when one becomes aware of death as a precursor to death can one live one’s own life.” In the world of Butoh dance when I was young, the importance of how we deal with death was emphasized and was a common theme. This is because, when I am prepared to accept that there is no next time, there is only now, and are able to control time, special movements in dance emerge. Also it is in our life.
It is Tibetan Buddhism that brings in the most strategic way to death. In the preface to Sogyal Rinpoche’s “The Tibetan Book of Life and Death“, 14th Dalai Lama said as follows.
“Where and how to be reborn after death depends on the power of Karma, but the state of mind at the moment of death also affects the quality of regeneration, the moment of death is the most profound and profitable It is also the time when an internal experience occurs, the process of death and death brings encounter between Tibetan Buddhism and modern science.”
About death, Tibetan Buddhism can prepare a definite practical program for incarnation and declare that it is possible to talk with modern science. The 14th Dalai Lama also spoke with physicist David Bohm. For contemporary people who are increasing fear of death, which is said to be a time when people don’t know how to die, apart from whether there is regeneration or circulation, it is wonderful that we can prepare such a program. It is a valuable precedent case for those who want to practice their own active death, “Death is the last creative design opportunity” left to the living one.
In “The Tibetan Book of Life and Death”, Sogyal Rinpoche preached, “Death is neither defeat nor tragedy, but a great opportunity for transformation.”
“I want everyone not to fear death. May everyone die peacefully, be surrounded by loving care at that time, and attain the highest happiness that comes from understanding the true nature of mind and reality. Life and death are one whole, and death is the beginning of a new chapter in life. The aspect in which life and death unfold together is called bardo, and bardo is a continuum of a series of changes. There are four types, “Bardo of this world“, “Death-Bardo full of pain“, “After death-Bardo of law“, and “Rebirth-Bardo of rebirth.” Bardo is just like the moment we step on the edge of a precipitous cliff. It is a series of moments in which the possibility of liberation and awakening increases even further.”
Furthermore, Sogyal Rinpoche, who has a deep knowledge of science, said that the three Bardos, “Death-Bardo full of pain”, “After death-Balrdo of law”, and “Rebirth-Bardo of rebirth”, are similar to the three concepts in the physicist David Bohm’s approach to reality, “Extended order“, “Implanted order“, and “Hyper-implanted order“. Sogyal Rinpoche said that for Bohm, the universe is a manifestation of three intertwined phases of matter, energy and meaning. For Sogyal Rinpoche, Bohm is an important scientist and thinker who supports the correctness of Tibetan Buddhism from the scientific side. Bohm himself said as follows;
“The mind may have a structure similar to the universe. There is tremendous energy and movement in what we call empty space. The various forms that come to mind may be similar to elementary particles. When various forms touch the bottom of our heart, we may feel light.”
David Bohm was a physicist who had a great influence on theoretical physics, philosophy, neuroscience and the Manhattan Project. His scientific and philosophical viewpoints are said to be inseparable, and he formed a friendship with Jiddu Krishnamurti, and in his later years met with the 14th Dalai Lama. Like the physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who had a close relationship with Jung and studied “Synchronicity”, Baum is recognized with building a “Bridge between science, philosophy and religion.”
However, I wanted Bohm to explore “materiality” as well, rather than just hinting at the “affinity between the two worlds.” The same goes for the relationship between Jung and Pauli, and that is the true job of a physicist.
Chapter 5 / 第5章
Brain Scientist, Atsushi Iriki’s New Theory of Evolution
/ 脳科学者・入来篤史の新・進化論
Until now, the evolution of living things and humans has been mainly explained by Darwin’s theory of evolution. The theory is that only those that have changed (evolved) themselves to adapt to their environment survived, and those that could not adapt perished.
However, since humans began to use tools, there is a growing belief that Darwin’s theory of evolution cannot explain human development at least. In other words, humans use tools to create artificial objects, artificial spaces, and information that are best for humans life, integrate them into the environment to create an artificial environment, and by living in the artificial environment, are starting to walk on a “New Evolutionary Road” developed new functions in the brain. Humans are no longer passive to their environment. Humans live while adding changes to the environment. Therefore, a new evolutionary theory is needed to explain such human evolution.
Furthermore, it is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that we have entered an era in which the development of AI may make it possible to create artificial brains. This is because a “New Mind” may be born in the information space. Similarly, Atsushi Iriki describes the “Mind leaving the Body” as follows:
“In the near future world connected by the net, what happens to our “Self” leaving the body and floating into the electronic society? When the mind leaves the body, where does it go? Will human’s brain and mind with science technology and intelligence create new “Something” again?”(“Origin of Intelligence, Hand and Brain Mechanism to Create the Future” by Riken Brain Science Institute.
Kodansha 2007 at page 181.)
「ネットでつながれた近未来世界では、身体を離れ、電子社会を浮遊する<自己>はどうなるのでしょうか? 心が身体を離れた時、それは一体どこへ向かうのでしょうか? 科学技術と知性をもった人間の脳と心は、また新たな<何か>を創造するのでしょうか?」。
It is impossible to estimate “Mind leaving the Body” for an ordinary brain scientist who thinks that the mind occurs only in the body. But we can’t find any contradictions in his thought because he thinks that the mind occurs in the brain as a virtual existence. If his thought is right the mind can leave the body, and we are released from the big question of long-standing such as “how is the mind occurred as a physical entity in the brain?“
In the 2020s, the explosive success of ChatGPT developed by OpenAI in the United States has sparked competition in the development of conversational AI among tech companies, including Google and Meta. Even Elon Musk, who initially objected to OpenAI, decided that the momentum could not be stopped and founded his own new conversational AI development company.
Artificial intelligence programs such as these have unnerved many industries around the world as they grow in their ability to eerily imitate human speech.
For example, the Writers Union of America called on studios and distribution companies to “regulate the use of AI,” but negotiations broke down. Even if the union insists that “Machines cannot create art. The heart and soul will be lost from the story,” but the company, whose only goal is to produce hits, does not agree. In the first place, with the progress of AI, there is a possibility that the concepts and boundaries of “art“, “mind” and “soul” will become ambiguous, so far beyond the union’s recognition, things are interesting and same time serious.
In my thinking, there is a possibility in the company’s response. First, the capabilities of conversational AI should be developed to the limit. The company will do it. Is conversational AI really enough for humans to fear? No one has yet confirmed it. If scriptwriters become unnecessary, in other words, if AI can produce “works” as if they have a “mind” and lead to hits, the company will welcome it. This is because the cost savings will also result in large profits.
私の考えでは、会社側の対応には可能性がある。まず、対話型AIの能力は限界まで開発すべきだからである。会社側はそれをやるだろう。本当に対話型AIは、人間が恐れるに足るものなのか? まだ誰も確認できていない。それでもし脚本家が不要になるなら、つまり対話型AIが「心」を持つかのような「作品」を生み出しヒット作品にもつながるなら、会社側は大歓迎である。経費削減で大きな利益にもなるからだ。
Shouldn’t writers also take this opportunity to explore a “new independence“? If they can create a system that produces “excellent work that has never existed before” by developing something superior to the company’s AI and combining it with their “mind”, the opposite is true. It is also possible to dismantle the system itself of the movie company and take the initiative. It may be possible to get an active position and turn the tide at once.
脚本家も、これを機に、「新しい自立」を模索すべきではないか? 自前で会社側がもつ対話型AIより優れたものを開発し、脚本家の「心」と融合させるなどの工夫をして「今までにない優れた作品」を制作する体制を構築できるなら、逆に映画会社の仕組み自体を解体して主導権を奪うことも出来る。能動的立場を獲得し、一気に形勢逆転できるかも知れない。
In any case, no one can stop the progress of AI. Even if the governments of each country were able to put restrictions on the activities of OpenAI and others, it would only lead to the emergence of a new force that would soon take their place. We can’t control humans appetite for conversational AI, and that is the fate of the technological world.
The difference between “a work with a mind” and “a work without a mind” becomes difficult for both the production side and the audience because the “mind” itself undergoes a transformation. And not only that, this transformation of the “mind” may be truly useful for human evolution as the possibility of “creating a new mind” in the information space that conversational AI and its development form may have.
As Atsushi Iriki also adopts as a hypothesis, the “mind” can exist in information space apart from the body. Even if the “mind” that resides in the brain and the “mind” that resides in the information space exist in different dimensions, its difference may not be a problem for humans. In other words, even if we know that the others is not human, if the others “responds” to the human’s “mind”, the human will regard that the others have a “mind”.
AI increases the frequency of dialogue with the user, and not only outputs sentences that satisfy the user’s needs, but also expresses the user’s latent desires, which the user could not write even if he wanted to. when it reaches the level of outputting sentences that impress the user, saying “This is exactly what I wanted to write!” will be considered to have a “mind.” It is an excitement as if someone had looked into the depths of one’s mind and mined the ore of the talent that sleeps there. There is no doubt that he will be grateful and have a strong sense of familiarity. Machines, or more precisely, information spaces, have a “mind.”
Chapter 6 / 第6章
Criticism of INTERSTELLAR / インターステラー批評
Christopher Nolan’s movie “Interstellar” (2014) is a work that expresses the scene that Extra Dimension affects Four-Dimensional World. This movie is like a picture for Lisa Randall’s Extra Dimension Theory. The featured scene is a scene where the hero returned to a nostalgic room 30 years later when he departed to the universe to reunite with his daughter. The hero contacts from Extra Dimension called “4 dimensional hypercube TESARACT” where time and space expand and shrink, and the daughter lives in the same our Four-Dimensional World.
In the movie, the two worlds are connected via “Bookshelf” of this room as an intermediary. Father moved the books and the watch from behind and gave a signal, both of them “daughter when small” and “daughter who grew up as a physicist” both feel “Father” sensitively. Finally, the grown daughter notices that the watch on the bookshelf carved “Cipher“. Then, she could solve the secret of gravity from the cipher and could success in launching a big space colony near Saturn. This is a story that human beings who were about to die on the diseased Earth were relieved by migrating to space colony.
In this movie, the theoretical physicist Kip Thorne who was awarded the Nobel prize served as a science consultant and became a big topic after the appearance of the black hole by the latest scientific knowledge was portrayed. But, there is no detailed explanation about “TESARACT” which is the most important, which is regarded as a space connected to all the times of the Earth’s past, present and future, which arrived after the hero was absorbed by this black hole. Although TESARACT is in contact with our Four-Dimensional World through a bookshelf as one of Extra Dimensions.
Why the time at TESARACT connected to the earth’s time? The hero entered in TESARACT by being absorbed by the black hole, how did he come out from TESARACT? Also, can he enter in TESARACT again? Is there no physical change due to entering and leaving TESARACT? The effectiveness of TESRACT is expected to be enormous for the humans, but what kind of benefit can we imagine?
I think about the Extra Dimension including these questions as one “hypothesis” or “story” as follows.
TESARACT is one of Extra Dimensions where time and space freely stretch and shrink, but there are many Extra Dimensions join to our Four-Dimensional World other than TESARACT. In Extra Dimension that I perceive “They – The Dead, Lost Animals, Aliens” live as close to “They” who appear in “Interstellar”,
And, this Extra Dimension is composed of substances different from substances including Higgs boson and dark matter constituting Four-Dimensional World. Those who live in Four-Dimensional World can have a “Mind” with continuity in this Extra Dimension after their death. But, since the substance is different, the body is also different, so it seems to be completely different from the other’s point of view. Only the principal understands the identity. Even “They” who live in Extra Dimension, other than their own, don’t know how they were in Four-Dimensional World.
In order for us living in Four-Dimensional World to move to Extra Dimension, we need to discover the “Boundary” in Four-Dimensional World, and we need to occur “Saturation of Mind and Body = Catharsis” there. If we can move, we will have a different body, live a different time from Four-Dimensional World, and we can move space freely. Also we can make a contact to Four-Dimensional World from Extra Dimension. If we want to return to Four-Dimensional World it will be OK to stop “Saturation”.
Why “They – The Dead, Lost Animals, Aliens” which I perceive could move to Extra Dimension? Because they experienced “Death” that is close to “Saturation”. They are living with same mind when they had lived in Four-Dimensional World, and with different body. But, they can’t return to Four-Dimensional World. Because they lost body that they kept it in Four-Dimensional World. Me too, if i die in Four-Dimensional World even if I can move to Extra Dimension but I can’t return to Four-Dimensional World. Just I only can send “Signal” to Four-Dimensional World.
The hero of “Interstellar” was able to move to TESARACT because it fell into the black hole and accidentally experienced a state close to “Saturation of mind and body”. He moved to TESARACT through the black hole, also he returned to Four-Dimensional World through the black hole again, but he can move to TERASACT again. Because, he couldn’t established its method deliberately. Therefore, he can’t establish the effective use of TESARACT as a property of the humans. He could only return to a planet where one colleague is left and continues their research in the last scene of the movie. Since the space colony have already been realized, so there is not much meaning to work there.
If I produce a sequel of “Interstellar”, at first let’s the hero develop a transportation to TESARACT. For its purpose, the humans intellectual maturity and the physical modification are also required. Then, let’s the hero solve all other Extra Dimensions and develop a “New Way of Contact and Collaboration” with all existence living in Extra Dimensions. This collaboration will be the arrival of new opportunities, this will give us the unknown possibilities of space development by the humans more than space colony which only allows the migration of earthlings.
[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]