SPACE CULTURE / スペースカルチャー

With the development of medical care, it is said that the average life expectancy will eventually reach 120 years, mainly in developed countries. This is the arrival of the so-called “Immortal World.” The life plan of “I will retire at the age of 60 to 70, and then enjoy my remaining life” will be completely obsolete. However, it can be said that there is an opportunity for the elderly. In other words, as long as the elderly are aware of their “advantages of maturity of wisdom“, it is a chance for the elderly to escape from their status as the weakest in society. These themes 1 to 8 below should be of immediate interest to elderly people, and depending on how we approach them, we can demonstrate our unique abilities as an elderly person. In this department of “SPACE CULTURE“, putting elderly people at the forefront, together with them, let’s take on challenges, engage in the “Work” necessary to correct global culture and create space culture, and create a “Creative Life” that will keep us busy and enriched every day.



Today, Image generation AI has evolved to the point where it can output images of people, things, and scenery that don’t actually exist, as 2D, or as 3D, at a level that feels almost “real.” At this time, our important task is not to argue over the superiority of the “real” and the “virtual,” but to create a “virtual” that has the power to invade the real world and transform it. The goal is to bring a “New Reality” in our life.



Even if my favorite lover who appeared in my information space gained more precision and were able to interact intimately and enjoy this experience like a real experience, but it were not real revivals of a lover, so my room is a same room. When I switch it off, it stays in its original room and my life has not changed. But, taking this opportunity by my lover, if my life will change? For example, what if a doorbell ring while I am talking with lover and one person who looks exactly like my lover is standing there? In that case, was my creation beyond a “Certain Limit“? And what if this person says “I feel I am called here, so I come“, and I feel this person is a “Lover’s Rebirth,” and a new life starts with this person? If such a situation occurs, it may be a wonderful example that information has changed the condition, and information has created a “New Experience“? We try to create such an information that has a power to realize a condition called “From Information to Experience.”

 情報空間に登場させた私のお気に入りの恋人も、どれほど精度が増し、親密に触れ合うことができてこの体験を実体験のように享受できても、実際に恋人が蘇生したわけではなく、私の部屋が変化するわけではありません。電気のスイッチを切れば元の部屋のままで、私の生活には何の変化もないままです。しかし、登場した恋人を契機に、私の生活が変化するとすれば? 例えば、私が恋人と話し込んでいる時に玄関のベルが鳴り、そこに恋人とそっくりな人物が立っていたとしたら? つまり、私が制作し私の部屋に登場させた恋人は、あくまで仮想の存在と思っていたのに、この世に対応する実在をもっているとすれば? その場合には、私の創造が「一定の限界」を超えていたのでしようか? そして、その人が「私、あなたに呼ばれた気がしたので、ここに来ました」と言い、私にもその人が「恋人の再生」と感じられ、その人との新しい生活が始まったとしたら? もし、そのような事件が起きるなら、情報を契機に事態が一変し、情報が「新しい体験」を呼び起こしたという驚くべき事件になるのではないでしょうか? 私たちは、そのような「情報から体験へ」という事態を引き起こす力をもつ情報の創造に挑戦します。


What will happen to our bodies in tomorrow’s world, where regenerative medicine and genome editing are accelerating? An “Artificial Body” would be a special target for elderly people who wish to live beyond the age of 120. “Genome Editing” to create “New Human Species” has already started. With the use of iPS cells, human cloning, and regenerative medicine, humans will definitely be able to obtain the artificial bodies they desire in the near future. In order to make possible a “Future of our own choosing” rather than a “Future that is forced upon us,” we are not waiting for scientific results, but as proof of our proactive attitude, we will challenge to design the “Body of Future” consisting of four types of bodies, a living body, an artificial body, an online avatar, and a robot as our alter ego to be sent into space.

再生医療やゲノム編集が加速されて行く明日の世界において、私たちの身体はどうなっていくでしょうか? 「人工身体」は、120才を超えてなお生きる事を望む高齢者には特別に獲得したい対象になるでしょう。人間の「新しい種」をつくり出す「ゲノム編集」も既に開始されています。iPS細胞・クローン人間・再生医療の活用により、人間は近い将来、間違いなく自分の望む人工身体を手に入れるでしょう。私たちは、「強いられる未来」ではなく、自分たちが「選択する未来」を可能にする為に、科学的成果をただ待つのではなく、自分たちの能動的姿勢の証しとして、生身の身体・人工身体・ネット上の分身・宇宙に送る分身ロボットの4つの身体から構成される「身体の未来」のデザインに挑戦します。


We are currently working on a project to develop APAROS as a “Robot with a Mind” and grow it as our “Alter Ego.“ “Robot with a Mind” has not yet been developed in the world, and a human’s “Alter Ego” would not have appeared yet. If “Robot with a Mind” and our “Alter Ego” appear in society, human life would undergo a truly revolutionary change. “Alter Ego” is a “Separate Body” of a person, and love flows two-way between the two. In that kind of relationship, they understand each other’s “Pain” and a definitive “Attachment” is born. It will no longer be possible such the utilitarian response to treat robots simply as objects, throw them away when we get tired of them, or use them as weapons. This is because, people develop the sense of the robot as their “Second Body.” No one wants to hurt their own body. On the other hand, if we can’t grow up with this idea of ​​”Alter Ego,” we will suffer the recurring nightmares of science fiction, such as Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics. Robots harm humans and shape their world in ways that are contrary to human interests.



In order to regenerate Earth Culture, it will be necessary to eradicate war, eliminate poverty, give birth to a new group of small nations, culture that gives birth to new economy and economy into culture, protect the environment,enhancing education, and so on.



When will humans be able to stop “War“, which we have come to recognize as “Foolish Endeavors“? In our world, there are still leaders are overflowing obsessed with old ambitions of “Territorial Expansion“. What kind of “Method” is needed to stop “War”? Are the methods that we think are effective? We have started creating a “War Eradication Simulation“.

人間はいつ、「愚かな試み」と認識するに至った「戦争」をやめる事が出来るのでしょうか? 私たちの世界には、今だ「領土拡張」という古い野望に取り憑かれた指導者たちが溢れています。「戦争」をやめる為にはどんな「方法」が必要でしょうか? 私たちが考えるその「方法」に実効性があるでしょうか? 私たちは「戦争撲滅シュミレーション」の作成を開始しています。


About 20 years ago, economist Jeffrey Sachs proposed eliminating world poverty by 2025 and began working as a special adviser to the United Nations. But now in 2024, the targeted industry has not grown, the world is still rife with poverty, and his method seems unlikely to succeed. What does it need? From our perspective, it seems like he is bringing Western success stories to Africa, for example. Instead, perhaps we need an “African Version”? Why hasn’t Africa developed an industry that can compete with Europe and the United States? Will that be possible in the future? First of all, even today, Westerners’ sense of time and things is completely different from that of Africans. We will consider the theme of “Eliminating Poverty” from this basic issue.

今から約20年前にエコノミストのジェフリー・サックスは、2025年までに世界の貧困を解消すると提案し、国連の特別顧問として活動を始めました。しかし、2024年の現在、目標とした産業は育っておらず、世界には依然として貧困が溢れ、彼の方法は成功しそうにもありません。何が必要なのでしょうか? 私たちの視点からは、例えばアフリカに対しては、彼は欧米での成功事例を持ち込んでいるように見えます。そうではなく「アフリカ版」が必要なのでは? アフリカではなぜ欧米に拮抗できる産業が誕生しないのでしょうか? それは今後可能になるでしょうか? まず、欧米人の時間とモノに対する感覚とアフリカ人のそれとは、現在でも全く違います。私たちはこの基本的な問題から「貧困の解消」というテーマを考えていきます。


They continue to use their vetoes at the United Nations, Russia continues the war of aggression against Ukraine, China continues the exploitation of Tibet and Uyghurs, and United States continues the unjust support for Israel. The ego of a big country that prioritizes its own profits, backed by the powerful military force. In order to prevent the egos of such great countries, is it necessary to break them up into groups of smaller nations? Just as Gorbachev once led the way in dismantling the Soviet Union. Where are the capable politicians who can do that now? The United Nations, headed by a mere clerk, is completely ineffective and is also a target for dissolution. What is the ideal country today? The Nordic countries are able to take stock of their tragic past history, and are working to build peaceful, prosperous nations with high levels of politics, economy and culture. The immediate ideal we should strive for is the Nordic countries?

国連では拒否権を連発し、ロシアはウクライナへの侵略戦争を続け、中国はチベットとウイグルに対する搾取を続け、アメリカは不当なイスラエル支援を続けています。強大な武力を背景に、自国の利益を優先させる大国のエゴ。このような大国のエゴを阻止する為には、大国を小国家群に解体するしかないのでは? かつてゴルバチョフがソ連を解体し、その先陣を切ったように。そんな力を発揮できる優秀な政治家はいまどこにいるのでしょうか? 単なる事務屋に過ぎない人物をトップとする国連はまったく無力であり、国連もまた解体の対象になっています。今、理想の国家とは? 過去の悲惨な歴史を総括でき、政治・経済・文化のレベルが高く、平和で豊かな国づくりを進める北欧諸国。求めるべき当面の理想は北欧諸国にあるのではないでしょうか?


In order to stop the destruction of the global environment, it is urgently necessary to realize energy conversion, carbon dioxide emission reduction, forest protection, and assistance to developing countries. And at the same time, “Overeating Body Modification” and “Inventing a New Way of Life” will also be necessary, although no one is advocating it loudly. The question “What is Environment?” needs to be constantly updated, and today the “Body” is an important element. If it is true that the rapid development of the information society is causing physical deterioration, then any consideration for the “Outside Environment” becomes completely invalid. Everything begins and ends with the body. We have started creating a “Global Environment Improvement Simulation” on an unprecedented scale.



Environmental Protection Project is important, and research into it is currently in full swing at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Although there is an abundance of investment capital, there is an overwhelming lack of new, unconventional businesses that are suitable for investment. Even in this field, there is a serious lack of human imagination, and new talent is eagerly awaited. From our experience practicing “KIDS SPACE DANCE” around the world, we have found that there is a serious shortage of “Body Care Projects,” especially in Africa, Asia, and South America. It is time for us, starting from “SPACE DANCE & DESIGN MUSEUM“, to propose new businesses aimed at environmental conservation, starting with “KIDS SPACE DANCE”, which are based on physical care and targeted at adults and the elderly.



In order to develop space culture, it is essential not to bring the negative aspects of earth culture into space. The current policy of the leaders of the world’s great powers, who are trying to take Earth’s wars into space, is the worst. They can’t understand space culture, have a lack of awareness of the underlying changes in the human body in space, and don’t have the self-awareness necessary as humans. And, for developing space culture, it will be necessary to freely adjust the gravity in the 0G to 1G environment to realize “Creation of New Postures” and to give birth to “New Species of Humans“. When humans begin to exist as a “New Species” and start working together for “Development” with other aliens, humans will recognize they realize for the first time that they will participate and be able to success in developing space culture.


[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]