SPACE DANCE in the ROBOTIC UNIVERSE / スペースダンス・イン・ザ・ロボティックユニバース

Dance & Design
/ スペースダンス・イン・ザ・ロボティックユニバース

■ Video / ビデオ作品

■ Mission / ミッション

Inspired by a mysterious word of artist Shusaku Arakawa as “If you can’t produce something after your dance, maybe you feel the emptiness?“, with a concept of “Dance & Design“, I composed “SPACE DANCE in the ROBOTIC UNIVERSE” where the design is born after dance.

美術家・荒川修作の「ダンスの後に何も生まれていないと、虚しいのでは?」という不思議な言葉に霊感を受けたことから、 「ダンス & デザイン」というコンセプトを掲げ、ダンスの後にデザインが誕生する『スペースダンス・イン・ザ・ロボティックユニバース』 を構成しました。

I composed “Space Dance in the Robotic Universe” with 12 chapters and 3 main characters of this work, Author – Tetsuro Fukuhara / Space Dance Artist, APAROS – Author’s Alter Ego, and ELENA – Author’s premature lover keep “growing” through the updates of this work.

作品は 全12章から構成され、「姿勢の進化史・水の翼・流体家具・姿勢支援ロボット」等のデザインが誕生します。そして、作品の更新を通じてこれらのデザインが成長すると共に、作品の主人公である作者(福原哲郎 / スペースダンスアーティスト)作者の分身ロボット・アパロス作者の早死にした恋人・エレナの3者も、この作品の更新を通じて「成長」を続けます。


12 chapters / 全12章

Chapter 1 MEMORY / 記憶

Dancer develops the sensitive movements that feel especially nostalgic. By repeating these movements, dancer experiences the revival of “Forgotten Memories” stored in the brain. By concentrating even further, dancer amplifies the “Forgotten Memories” and discovers that they exist as a vast layer of memories spanning from ancient times to the present, as the “Evolutionary History of Posture.” Dancer fills the body with an overflowing energy of nostalgia and dances while reminiscing about the “Evolutionary History of Posture.”



Chapter 2 WALKING DANCE / ウォーキングダンス

Dancer makes a “Most gentle walking in the world” to form the amicable relationship between the feet and the ground. And dancer reminisces the moment when the humans realized the “Miracle of Bipedal Walking” by two legs, and experience the “Feeling as starting Humans again.” And in order to deepen this experience, dancer wears “Shoes” on both or just one foot, which make walking easier or more difficult, and pursue a more unique and individual way of walking as a dance.



Chapter 3 “PARADISE in the LITTLE MOVING” / 

Dancer does not consume all of the energy flowing into the body, but instead controls movements, organizes “Small Movements“, layering “One Movement” upon “One Movement”, cultivating energy that expands like a snowball, and enters the “Paradise of Small Movements“. In this state, dancer will not tire no matter how much dancer moves. Dancer transcends the barriers of age and regain the lost “Wildness.” And dancer discovers that there is a “Hidden Unknown World of Movements” within dancer’s movements, and experience it with great joy.



This is a restrained “Dance of Beauty” by dancer. As the dance progresses, the audience see “Water Wings” on dancer’s naked back. Dancer takes off a jacket slowly and play a suppressed beauty scene as a ceremony to be born again as a “New Life Form.” The audience see the sight that dancer’s back will be visible slowly like the moon is climbing from the edge of the mountain. Dancer releases the body in the sky and stores the necessary power of flight for a “New Journey.



Chapter 5 “EXSTRA DIMENSION” / 余剰次元

Inside Space Tube, dancer entrusts dancer’s body to it and experience the sensation of Space Tube expanding into dancer’s own “Second Body.” Dancer floats within this sensation, recovering various lost memories. Depending on the revived memories, dancer’s body transforms, becoming a “Fish“, an “Amphibian“, a “Quadruped” or a “Bird“. Furthermore, dancer recognized that by continuing to dance while maintaining 100 percent affinity, a “Boundary” would appear. Within a “Boundary” there exists another space, which is “Extra Dimension.” “Extra dimension” is made of a substance different from the substances that make up reality and exist overlapping with reality.



Chapter 6 “STRANGE FRUIT” / 奇妙な果実

One day, Dancer meets three beings who appear from a “Boundary.” in Space Tube. Kibe. the representative of the lost animals. Tana, the representative of the dead, and Elena, the representative of the aliens, they live in different Extra Dimension. They ask Dancer that they know now the living beings are planning to escape Earth and live into space, so they want to join this plan and make this “Space Migration” a success. At first, Dancer is surprised, just as when the humans encountered the monsters in the Arabian Nights, but dancer soon comes to understand them, because there are some things that dancer can think about as a human being.



Chapter 7 “FLUID FURNITURE” / 流体家具

Dancer began to play a game of mutual inflow and outflow with the other three at the “Boundary,” and the four dancers intermingled, repeatedly appearing and disappearing from view. Before long, by supporting each other, all four were able to remain motionless within the “Boundary” in strange postures at any given time. The presence of these beings from other worlds, all of whom have never met before, in one space causes parts of the space to harden or soften, and the space begins to take on plasticity, supporting the postures of the four. It resembled the image of an astronaut stuck in a strange posture in a reduced-gravity space. The four consulted and decided to name the plastic space as “Fluid Furniture.” Dancer recognized that the functionality of the “Fluid Furniture” increases depending on the degree of integration of the four.



Chapter 8 “AFFINITY” / 親和性

Dancer’s brain went numb and dancer was inspired when the four became more and more integrated and the “Fluid Furniture” began to form a harmony, Dancer speculated that the four belong to four different extra dimensions, and because their material compositions are different, they intersect in completely different ways than when they are in the same extra dimension, which is how this new harmony is generated. It is an interaction between different substances belonging to different dimensions. The more the four become integrated, the stronger the harmony becomes. Dancer created this harmony in the head in a 12-tone scale, then took out a violin and played it while continuing to dance. Thus, one beautiful “Music” that everyone had never heard before was born.



Chapter 9 “STANDING ZEN” / 立ち上がる禅

Dancer activates “APAROS, AI ​​robot as alter ego” to depart into space with the other three. APAROS can not only learn a dancer’s dance and reproduce it, but also develop “New Dance” that satisfy the dancer’s potential desires. And by giving APAROS a “Mind,” Dancer can help APAROS grow as an alter ego of dancer. When dancer puts on APAROS as a robot suit and departs for space, if dancer dies during the migration, APAROS will take over for dancer. Alternatively, dancer can be regenerated inside APAROS and continue the planetary migration. APAROS is a tool that makes planetary colonization and human evolution possible. Dancer wears APAROS and slowly stands up. This scene is a “Declaration of Future” by dancer.



Chapter 10 “WALKING DANCE 2” /

Dancer wearing APAROS were supported by “Fluid Furniture,” and formed a “New Set of Postures” that no one had ever experienced before, somewhere between standing and sitting, and between sitting and lying down. This slight difference in posture may have little meaning on Earth, but in the space environment it is of crucial importance. Because “Posture is the womb of cultural creation,” and through these postures dancer acquired “New Wisdom” and “New Creativity” necessary to survive in a space environment. All human attempts to colonize planets to date have failed because they have not acquired this new wisdom and ability to act. This “New Set of Postures” will open the door to a “New evolution” for humans.



Chapter 11 “CATHARSIS” / カタルシス

Love” was born between dancer wearing APAROS and Elena, and the two of them reminisced about the evolutionary history of life, spinning beautifully and quickly like a pair of double genetic spirals, and then merging. From this union, the two gave birth to the first intelligent child, a “Space Race” distinct from Earth’s inhabitants. The two continue to dance in joy. The life of dancer obsessed with impossible love has now come to fruition. Elena lives inside dancer, and dancer lives inside Elena, and the two are never apart.



Chapter 12 “FLOWER” / 花

Dancer wearing APAROS formed a “New Family” with Elena, dancer’s newborn child, and Kibe and Tana. Then, Elena Kibe Tana’s friends joined the “New Family” and they became a large group, entered “Extra Dimension” through “Border“, determined the direction of the universe they would depart from, and set off toward the planet that they had confirmed was habitable. According to Elena, there are countless planets suitable for humans to live on in galaxies outside the Milky Way, but this group is the first to have actually made the journey to colonize a planet. A huge number of “Flowers” rained down on the earth.
[Design group express a video of an infinite group of galaxies, dancers moving through them, and flowers raining down on the earth.]


[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]