500,000 kids and general public enjoyed Space Tube Experience around the world.

We develop this project as “KIDS SPACE DANCE“, because we think that today’s kids need to get a “New Sense” in our information society and to correspond to the coming Space Age.
Through Space Tube Experience the kids can get back the physical sensation, so we help to solve “the social problem of the loss of physicality in information society“. Also, the kids can learn about “the distinction between Real and Virtual” which becomes difficult to understand for anyone where the virtualization by the technology such as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, AI, and Robotics rapidly progresses.
Like that, the kids can study the importance of Real at first, secondly they can recognize the value of Virtual, at last, with the value of Real & Virtural, they can cultivate a new “Sense” necessary for the living.
[Recommendations from various fields / 各界からの推薦文]
◆Terufumi Ohno, Director of Mie Prefectural Museum
On 2019 August, 7,500 parents and children over two days, far exceeding expectations, participated in “Kids Space Dance” by Tetsuro Fukuhara at “Kids Science Exposition” (Kyoto, sponsored by the Inamori Foundation, produced by NHK Educational). The physical experience will be important enough to become an information society and Space Tube Experience has become a valuable opportunity for it.
◆Asahi Newspaper,
National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Tokyo
/ 朝日新聞 東京・日本科学未来館
When we look into it, it looks like a white tunnel. Step inside. Our sense of direction becomes uncertain, as if we are walking through a fog. When we move our body, we lose our balance due to the elasticity of Space Tube, and it feels like we are being wrapped around it. Adults enjoyed posing in their own way, and children lay down and cheered. It was held at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Odaiba, Tokyo.
◆Kumi Kawasaki, Curator of Arts Gallery in Kawaguchi
/ 川﨑久美、川口市アートギャラリー・キュレーター
Space Tube is very popular with close to 300 visitors every day! It was an amazing sight.I’ve never seen so many children get so excited as they crawl into the tube, come out, and immediately line up at the entrance again… over and over again. Something like morphine is appearing in the brain!? There seems to be a monster attached to Space Tube.
毎日300人ちかい来場者で、スペースチューブは大人気です! なんだかすごい光景でした。沢山のこどもたちが、チューブにもぐりこんでは、出てきて、またすぐに入り口に並び・・・の繰り返しで、こんな風に子どもが興奮する光景は見たことがありません。なにか脳内モルヒネ!?、でも出ているのでしょうか。スペースチューブには魔物がついているようです。
◆United Nations Uganda Office
/ 国連ウガンダ事務所
“Kids Space Dance” was a truly unique project here in Uganda. This is because, in some schools it also functioned as a healing tool for the various “Damages” that are special to conflict areas. This provided a new opportunity to rebuild the “Hearts” of children in need of rehabilitation who were threatened by armed soldiers and who were left with mental disorders, as well as vulnerable young people orphaned by war.
◆Masahiro Masunaga
Embassy of Japan in Uganda Kampala (Uganda)
/ 増永雅博 在ウガンダ日本国大使館 カンパラ(ウガンダ)
Space Dance gave Ugandan children a valuable experience.We believe that this event allowed Ugandans to learn about a side of Japan that differs from the image they have of Japan, which was very meaningful in terms of promoting the relationship between Japan and Uganda. The Embassy of Japan in Uganda will provide as much cooperation as possible the next time you visit Uganda and hold a performance.
◆INVITATION to Space Tube Experience
Yuichi Takayanagi Director of Tama-Rokuto Science Center
GPS, meteorological satellite, broadcasting satellite · · ·. For us who live in the ocean of countless information, opportunities to conscious of the workings of sensibility directly knowing the environment in the body are rapidly decreasing, and opportunities to feel conscious of the work of sensitivity to human beings becomes precious as much There. The experience of self-awareness of the world with Space Tube and the attempt to express it through the whole body must be an adventure to revive the sensitivity that is buried under consciousness and to know the new world that can be shared by the group. I would like to encourage many of you to experience Space Tube.
◆Recommendation from Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
/ 宇宙航空研究開発機構からの推薦文
Space Development and Space Tube
Hiroyuki Iwamoto, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
/ 宇宙開発とスペースチューブ
Once we get used to Space Tube, we can move comfortably and freely. It is similar to how astronauts go into space and gradually learn to move their bodies freely in zero gravity. I would like many people to experience Space Tube and experience a new way of moving their bodies. This new experience will help humans adapt to life in space and advance into space.
■ Essence of Space Tube Experience
/ スペースチューブ体験のエッセンス

The essence of Space Tube Experience is “in Space Tube the balance of the body is lost, but by a is given.” The kids are geniuses of entrusting. Using strong “Reaction Forces” acting from the left, right, and bottom, the kids will learn new ways of moving that they did not know before, and wake up to new sensations. It is possible to feel that unknown abilities are sleeping in themselves, and “New Self-Confidence” can sprout in their hearts.
If this kind of Space Tube Experience is not a temporary event, but a daily experience from an early age, the kids will develop the diverse and versatile new abilities on their own.
■4 Types / 4つのタイプ

Through our long experiences we know that the condition of kids’s Space Tube Experiences are roughly divided into 4 types such as “I like Movement“, “I am concerned about Structure“, “I am interested in Beautiful Space Shape inside”, and “I am sensitive to Sounds and Smells“. If our adults don’t press its tendency to them under the compulsion and we watch over them fondly, we can develop their “New Individuality” based on the physicality and we can help them to develop the new talents who will be responsible for the new era.
Also, we believe that if the kids start to enjoy Space Tube Experience from young time and if they master “KIDS SPACE DANCE”, sure they can get the several new talented abilities more exactly.
■ What is SPACE TUBE? / スペースチューブとは?

SPACE TUBE is “Soft Space” used a special elastic cloth. It is installed suspended by the ropes at a certain height from the floor and developed for the Space Dance Performance and for general public including the kids. On April 2001 SPACE TUBE could debut at The United Nations in New York and on 2004-2006 through the collaborative research together with Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA) in Japan it could realize a social debut officially. The basic dimensions are “Length 10m x Height 1.4m x Width 0.5m”, but we adjust it.
We invite the kids and their parents and we hold “KIDS SPACE DANCE” with 7 themes of “Waking Dance“, “Entrusting“, “Making Balance“, “Straining to hear in the Darkness“, “Feeling Sensation of the Body melting in the Light“, “Overlapping Real Body on the Body of Image“, “Floating & Falling“, and “Making Records & Expressing“. Then, “Kids Space Dance Performance” as a final. We hold this project for Science Museum, Museum, Primary School, and others as the Extracurricular Lesson, as part of “New Scientific Education“.

[1] Walking Dance /ウォーキングダンス
Trough “Walking Dance” in Space Tube the kids can get back the amicable relationship between the sole of foot and the ground, also they can make soft the ankle, the knee, and the waist easy. Then, through these experiences they can control their whole body and they can raise the body as a “Sensitive Antenna” with the various senses.
[2] Entrusting / ゆだねる
Trough “Entrusting” in Space Tube the kids can change Space Tube as their “Second Body“, also they can experience the bodily sensation naturally such as the touch feeling of the cloth, the condition of the tension, and the intensity of the rope. Then, through these experiences they can feel the extended sense of consciousness as if they became a Space Tube.
[3] Making Balance / バランスをつくる
Trough “Making Balance” in Space Tube the kids can recover the balance of the body once broken and experience a new sense of balance. Then, through these experiences they can try to do such as the jump, the stop in an oblique posture, the falling and so on.
[4] Straining to hear in Darkness / 闇の中で耳を澄ます
Trough “Straining Ears in Darkness” in Space Tube with the darkness, a delicate sound, and a delicate smell, the kid’s senses are sharpened, they can hear a sound that they could not hear before and they can sense a smell that they could not sense before. Then, trough these experiences they can feel the signs that the surplus dimension world coexists inside Space Tube.
[5] Feeling Sensation of the Body melting in the Light /
Trough “Feeling Transmission Sense in the Light” in Space Tube with overflowing light, the kids can feel like the boundary between the inside and the outside of Space Tube disappears and they can experience the feeling that their bodies melt out to the outside. Through these experiences they can develop the sensation they can move spaces freely.
[6] Overlapping Real Body on the Body of Image /
Through “Overlapping Real Body on the Body of Image” in Space Tube with a video camera and a projector, the kids can learn about the “difference between real and image” with their bodies. Then, through these experiences they can study that new creation will be possible with a combination of real and image. (We use a video camera and a projector.)
[7] Floating & Falling / 浮遊し、落下する
Trough “Floating & Falling” in Space Tube the kids can experience the A pseudo zero gravity between zero-gravity and one-gravity, and when they make a floating they can form several unknown postures. Also, when they experience a falling they can enjoy one special feeling of the relief as if the astronaut return back to the earth. Then, though these experiences the kids can recognize that they are “Existence with the Weight” that they grew up in one-gravity global environment and can imagine themselves when they advance into the space environment in the future.
[8] Making Records & Expressing / 記録し、表現する
Finally, the kids, will draw sketches, record with video cameras, cameras, etc., and express in words the sights and experiences that left an impression on them in Workshops 1-7, as much as they can. These tasks can be done inside Space Tube, and can be done while remembering them after going out of Space Tube.
◆Megumi Sugiyama / Curator of Yamanashi Prefectural Science Museum
杉山惠 / 山梨県立科学館・キュレーター

“Space Tube,” an experiential device made from fabric with excellent elasticity and resilience, is currently creating a buzz in Europe, America, Asia and elsewhere. When you look inside, you’ll see a white space with a strange shape you’ve never seen before, as if you’re in another dimension. When you touch the material, it feels stretchy, soft, and warm. It’s unstable, you can’t move in a straight line and it feels like you’re experiencing weightlessness. At times you may feel like you are flying in the sky. This magical experience can be enjoyed by both adults and children, so be sure to bring the whole family along.
[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]