/ スペースダンス & デザイン 14日間

「こども宇宙ダンス」+「スペースデザインワークショップ」+「スペースダンスワークショップ & 公演」+ 「スペースダンス 写真展&映像展」から構成する『スペースダンス & デザイン 14日間』を開催します。
■Mission / ミッション
Development of a New Scientific Sense /
In the wave of information technology that is rapidly progressing around the world, and in today’s social situation where it is becoming difficult for anyone to distinguish between real and virtual, “SPACE DANCE & DESIGN 14 days” stimulate our bodies and recognize ourselves as the real existence with the body and awaken the original plentiful physical sensations as the humans. Then, based on this physical sensation, we can respond to “Real” and “Virtual” correctly, also when we need we can create “New Real” between “Real” and “Virtual”, finally we can develop “New Scientific Sense” that we need for our daily life.
世界中で急速に進む情報化の波のなかで、リアル(現実)とバーチャル(仮想)の判別が誰にも困難になりつつある現代の社会状況において、「スペースダンス & デザイン 14日間」は、私たちの身体を直接に刺激し、自分がいかにリアルな身体的存在であるかを教え、人間として持っている本来の豊かな身体感覚を覚醒さます。そして、この身体感覚を基礎にして、リアルにもバーチャルにも正しく対応し、必要に応じてリアルとバーチャルの間に「新しいリアル」を創造していくという、私たちの日々の生活を支える「新しい科学的センス」を育てます。
■ Intellectual Craving for Knowledge and Creation
/ 知と創造への欲求
In the era of our information society, if we leave it, we easily forget that we are “physical presence“. We open “SPACE DANCE & DESIGN 7days” based on the feeling as “the humans live as being existence with a body” in order to rethink the necessary themes to live better and build a new method for it.
ほっておけば、自分が「身体的存在」であることも容易に忘れていく私たちの情報化の時代。『スペースダンス & デザイン 7日間』 では、「人間は身体をもつ存在として生きている」という実感をベースに据え、よりよく生きるために必要な問題を考え直し、その方法を新しく構築します。
Our wish for knowledge and creation has created art and design, and pursued science and technology, then we could develop our human’s society. So, in our today’s world what makes a wish for knowledge and creation?

For example, Into the “Mysterious Microcosm” created by a piece of special cloth called Space Tube, we can make a floating easy. And we can experience the condition of pseudo-zero gravity and the soft cloth of Space Tube wrapping our body brakes our body balance, but soon it supports us gently. Also, since the shape of the space is decided by how we move into Space Tube, we can get a very nice “Nostalgic Feeling” as if we return back to the mother’s womb. Also, inside of Space Tube we can see a very “Beautiful Space Formation” which we have never seen before.
例えば、スペースチューブという一枚の布がつくりだす「不思議な小宇宙」では、ふわりと身体が浮き上がり、擬似的無重力の状態を体験でき、身体を包むやわらかな布は、身体のバランスを崩したかと思えば、すぐにやさしく支えてくれます。 そして、スペースチューブの中では自分がどう動くかで空間のかたちが決まる為、お母さんの胎内に帰ったような「懐かしい感覚」がします。同時に、内部ではこれまで見たこともないような「美しい空間造形」を見ることが出来ます。
Such the experiences of pseudo-zero gravity and an unexpected space wake up our primitive feeling and awareness, and give us a new recognition about our body and environment. The moment when a new door of the recognition is opened is “Time of New Discovery” and it is also the moment when “Wish for Knowledge and Creation” is born.
■ What is SPACE TUBE? / スペースチューブとは?

SPACE TUBE is “Soft Space” used a special elastic cloth. It is installed suspended by the ropes at a certain height from the floor and developed for the Space Dance Performance and for general public including the kids. On April 2001 SPACE TUBE could debut at The United Nations in New York and on 2004-2006 through the collaborative research together with Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA) in Japan it could realize a social debut officially.
Space Tube has been estimated as a Boundary Object. Boundary Object, this means an “Object which exists on the Bound.” Both children and adult, both general people and a specialist, both a person who belongs to scientific fields and a person who belongs to artistic fields, they can feel same interests towards Space Tube with common sense.
SPACE TUBE is also criticized as “Flower in the Sky” and it is floating in the air with an unique form that no one has seen yet. The characteristics of SPACE TUBE are four, “Closed Space“, “Various Postures“, “Nostalgic Feeling“, and “Unexpectedness“. And at the exhibition it is constituted by “4 Rooms” such as “Balance and Posture“, “Light and Darkness“, “Real and Virtual“, and “Contemplation and Healing“.
■Contents / 内容
14 DAYS PROGRAM, 10:00-20:00 from Monday to Sunday
14日プログラム 10:00-20:00 月曜日~日曜日
[week 1 & week 2]
13:00-15:00 every day

We invite the children and their parents, and we hold “KIDS SPACE DANCE” with 8 workshop themes of “Walking, Entrusting, Making Balance, Straining Ears in the Darkness, Feeling Transmission Sense in the Light, Overlapping Real Body on the Body of Image, Floating, and Recording“, then we organize “Kids Space Dance Performance” as its results.
[week 1 & week 2]
/ スペースデザインワークショップ
15:00-17:00 from Monday to Friday

Week 1 of the “Space Design Workshop” will cover a total of 19 workshops, including 14 workshops from the “Space Design Workshop” and 5 workshops from the “Space Dance Workshop”, excluding 7 workshops that overlap with the “Space Design Workshop”. Each participant will choose three to five themes from among these 19 workshops. Participants try to design various Objects, Spaces, and Images through the training their imaginative power and creativity. The results will be used in the “Space Dance Performance” in [week 2], and participants will perform together with members of Tokyo Space Dance
「スペースデザインワークショップ」の[week 1]では、「Space Design Workshop」からの14のワークショップと、「Space Dance Workshop」からの「Space Design Workshop」に重なる7つのワークショップを除外した5つのワークショップの合計19のワークショップを対象とし、参加者は一人につきその内から三つから五つのテーマを選択します。参加者は、想像力と創造力を鍛え、モノ・空間・イメージのデザインに挑戦します。その成果は、[week 2]で『スペースダンス公演』で使用し、参加者が東京スペースダンスのメンバーと共に公演します。
[week 1]
SPACE DANCE WORKSHOP / スペースダンスワークショップ
18:00-20:00 from Monday to Friday
In [week 1] of the Space School Workshop, participants will check out the 19 workshops that will be designed at the Space Design Workshop, select three to five designs they would like to work on, and practice a dance based on those designs, in preparation for the collaboration with the Space Design Workshop in [week 2]. In [week 2], if there are multiple designs that participants want to work on, participants will choose one or two of them and create a space dance using those designs together with the participants who created them. If none of the designs have been made, you will ask a member of Tokyo Space Dance to make the adjustments.
「スペーススクールワークショップ」の[week 1]では、参加者は[week 2]での「Space Design Workshop」の参加者とのコラボレーションの為に、「Space Design Workshop」でデザインされる予定の19のワークショップをチェックし、自分が取り組みたいデザインを三つから五つ選択し、それを想定したダンスを練習します。[week 2]では、自分が取り組みたいデザインが複数デザインされていればその内の一つか二つを選択し、それを制作した参加者と共にそのデザインを使用したスペースダンスを制作します。もし、一つもデザインされていない場合には、調整を東京スペースダンスのメンバーに依頼します。
[week 2]
18:00-20:00 Saturday & Sunday

Tokyo Space Dance members will coordinate the participants’ production in [week 1] so that all 12 chapters necessary for the “Space Dance Performance” are completed as much as possible, and even if all 12 chapters are not completed, they will eventually put them together as one performance and perform the “Space Dance Performance” together with the participants.
東京スペースダンスのメンバーは、「スペースダンス公演」に必要な12章が可能な限り出揃うように、参加者たちの[week 1]での制作を調整し、仮に12章の全部が揃わない場合にも、最終的に一つの公演として纏め、自分も参加者たちと共に参加して「スペースダンス公演」を公演します。
[week 1 & week 2]
/ スペースダンス写真展 & 映像展
10:00-20:00 every day

We hold “SPACE DANCE PHOTO & VIDEO EXHIBITION“ with the selected photos & videos from the last SPACE DANCE PROJECT recorded by Tokyo Space Dance in Japan and overseas, currently ongoing projects, and Tetsuro Fukuhara’s works.
世界中で開催したスペースダンスプロジェクトの記録と、現在進行中のプロジェクト、また福原哲郎作品などをまとめ、「スペースダンス写真展 & 映像展」を開催します。
[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]