[Epilogue] / [おわりに]


 For Unexpected Work, in Unexpected World, and with Unexpected People.


I have always lived with such a thought. This hope has not been realized yet. So there is a big emptiness in my heart. I need to fill up the emptiness.



On October 29 2016, my performance at Theater Institute in front of the Museum of Contemporary Art Warsaw. This night, at the theater surrounded by trees, I went outside the theater and started dancing from under a big tree. I also helped with the lighting effect, and I could see a large group of ghosts behind the audience watching me, they were looking out from the audience seats. I heard a faint voice “Called by you, we came here as a part of the representatives of all the Earth members. As you know, Earthmen are not just about living beings. I think your ideas about us, aliens, and the extinct animals are also great. So, please show us your dance soon.” They came to this theater to support me. And I felt that some of them are also mixed with the deceased my best friend Yvonne.
Yvonne was a French dance critic and Wittgenstein translator whom I met in Paris in 1990. It was thanks to her that I was able to continue thriving as an artist cheerfully.

 2016年10月29日、ワルシャワ現代美術館の前にあるTheater Instituteでの私の公演。この夜、木立に囲まれた劇場での公演で、私は劇場の外に出て、近くにある大きな樹の下からダンスを始めた。照明効果も手伝い、客席から身を乗り出すようにして私を見ている観客たちの背後に、観客よりも多い数の亡霊たちの群れが見えたような気がした。耳を澄ますと、かすかに声が聴こえた。「アナタに呼ばれ、ワタシたちは全地球員の代表の一部としてここにやって来た。ご存知のように、地球員とはいま生きている人間たちのことだけでありません。ワタシたちや異星人や絶滅した動物たちについても考えているアナタの構想は素晴らしいと思う。だから、早くアナタのダンスを見せて」と言っていた。孤軍奮闘する私を応援する為に彼らが来てくれたのだ。そして、彼らの中には、いまは亡き親友・イボンヌの姿も混じっている気がした。


I love Istanbul so much and I am continuing to come there every year since 2001. The reason why I love Istanbul, because Yvonne said that there are no cities where cultural shock is received as much as Istanbul. Istanbul is a big exchange point of civilization from ancient times to the present, and many cultures are mixed. Also, my students of women of my class at the contemporary dance department of the university and the participants in the dance studio, they have four different kinds of beauty, from Arabic, European, Russian and Asian. Sure, Istanbul is a nice city that leaves past heritage in a form that is visible and experiences cultural shock intensely. When I come here every time, old and new blood revives on my body and rejuvenates.
Recent Istanbul is controversial due to political turmoil, but cities with such a heavy history are rare in the world. I want to taste such a sense of Istanbul, I walk around the city alone during my work and get on a ship that goes through the Bosporus. This time is my dear time when I can think things most minutely. Many ideas are born on this ship, including the ideas what I want to do now and how I want to die. My life has been quite eventful, and there was always something unsettling in my heart, but the only time when I was on this boat gazing at the waves of the ocean I felt at peace.



America’s first female cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead sent a life full of dread. Due to the talent that she loves everyone deeply, she had fall in love many times, she got deeply hurt and got the great pleasures. She married with Gregory Bateson, and made a child and divorced. This is a meaningful poem by Ruth Benedict she quoted;


“All that we have is the time that two wonderful living steps are attracted to each other’s investigation and carved one tempo.”


The relationship between Margaret and Ruth also progressed secretly as a relationship of love, and Margaret wrote that “The moment of intelligent opening of eyes is similar to falling in love.”



Philosopher Arendt Hannah was a disciple of Heidegger. Heidegger taught her thoroughly about “How important is to think by yourself”, she resonated deeply with this thought. In the open court asking Eichmann Adolf’s crime of Nazi war criminal warrant about how Eichmann is not a brutal human being but a mediocre person who just merely thinks not to think himself by complying with power. Then she received a great bashing from the press and public opinion that they wanted to thoroughly criticize the cruelty of Eichmann. However, Arendt bounced off this bashing. She has shown herself over how long it is that there are cases where it is sometimes how big negative chains may be caused by not thinking about important issues on our own and leaving it to others. We need to take responsibility ourselves for what we did. However, if we cease thinking ourselves, that trace will not remain in our mind and we can’t take responsibility for it. It is pointed out by Arendt that Eichmann was a good example.
And, when we look the movie of Arendt, we know another her theme underlying her life is love. Arendt loved Heidegger on a young day when she met him. Arendt in a young age, she was staring to Heidegger with an expression of euphoria. The expression is beautiful and impressive. Her husband who has continued to support her still knows that her love is alive in her heart and it is sad. He can’t change its love. But Arendt’s love to Heidegger is purely spiritual and it does not break the relationship with him. Arendt still loves her husband and needs him. That’s why he also accepts her. Such challenges frequently occur in our life. Having subjects of spiritual love will enrich our lives. But it is painful for our partner to have it. What to do? People in such a situation will be tested to their fullest extent of their ability to adjust.

 そして、アーレントの映画を見ればわかるように、彼女の人生の底流になっているもう一つのテーマが、愛。アーレントはハイデッガーと出会った若き日に、彼を愛した。ハイデッガーを陶酔の表情で見つめていた若き日のアーレント。その表情は美しく、印象的だ。彼女を支え続けた夫も、いまでも彼女の心にその愛が生きていることを知り、それが悲しい。彼にはその愛をどうすることも出来ない。しかし、アーレントのハイデッガーに対する愛は純粋に精神的なもので、夫である彼との関係を壊すものではない。アーレントは依然として夫を愛し、彼を必要としている。だから彼もそれを理解し彼女を受け入れていく。人生にはたびたびこのような難題が起きる。精神的な愛の対象をもつことは人生を豊かにする。しかし、それを自分のパートナーがもっていることは辛い。どうするか? 人は、このような局面で、自分の調整能力を最大限に試される。


It is necessary for everyone as much as Love, and there is nothing to bother. It is as close as possible, none is impossible in the distance for Love. I also had one of themes to live seeking “Impossible Love” on the way of my life.
As Bjork sings “I am lonely without you, but I have not met you yet”, people are waiting for the appearance of “You” that they don’t meet yet? Love is one of the driving forces of human activity, no one can avoid passing. Especially, since Love is putting out their souls unprotected to the opponent, so if we make a mistake for selecting a partner, we hurt each other soul and fight each other with a bitter experience. Still, no matter how much we discipline, we can’t withdraw from Love. And we will be more deep our thoughts on “You” where Bjork sings whenever we have a bad time.



“A Very Long Engagement” was a 2004 French film starring Audrey Tautou, it became a hot topic. This is a story of an incredibly intimidating protagonist searching for her fiance who was presumed dead, and her indomitable spirit is truly incredible. Without giving up, she picks up the few connections she finds and acts on them, and through her actions she discovers new connections one after another, eventually meeting her fiance who had lost his memory. What a miracle. He was alive. She sits in front of him as he continues working and looks at him in silence. A frighteningly happy time. The quiet and peaceful time flows as if it will last forever. In the final five minutes of the film, the mood shifts to another world all at once.

 オドレイ・トトゥの主演で話題になった2004年のフランス映画「A Very Long Engagement」。まさに気の遠くなるほどの主人公による死んだとされた婚約者を探し出す物語で、彼女の不屈の精神はまさにすさまじい。諦めずにわずかな「繋がり」を拾い出して行動する彼女は、その行動により次々と新しい「繋がり」を発見して行き、最後に記憶喪失になっていた婚約者に巡り逢う。何という奇蹟。彼は生きていた。仕事を続ける彼の前に座り、黙って彼を見続ける彼女。恐ろしいほどの幸福な時間。静かな平安の時間が永遠に続くかのように流れる。映画の最後の5分になって、一挙に別世界に転調するのだ。


My work is to pursue “Dance that Matures Beyond Age” as a Space Dance Artist and to inform amicable relationship between body and environment, then to make “New Design” based on its information. Bringing about a fundamental revolution in art by developing art to give birth design. Also, my work is to contributing to earth culture reform and space culture development through this design. What is necessary for such a big goal? Who should I see for it? Where should I go for it? So, I go around the world, repeating trial and error, getting down without going anywhere, and getting up as often as I can. Therefore, my life is so busy.


 It has been able to born only from a single spirit with specific knowledge, unexpected value and sticking commitment.


Today’s our modern world is already full with the countless wonderful expressions. Every time I learn about its fact, I often doubt myself that the world doesn’t need me and my expression is unnecessary. But it seems not to be the case. It seems that the world is waiting for a lot of expressions as we can fill the world with “Myriads of Better Things”. So, I also need to refine my sense and commitment and keep my hope.



An Ukiyo-e artist of the Edo period, Hokusai Katsushika, he said “I want to live more 5 years and I want to paint” at his 90 years old just before his death. There was no Ukiyo-e artist who drew such the wonderful spine-chilling pictures year by year as Hokusai was in his later years. I am encouraged looking at Hokusai’s “Picture of Tiger in Snow” which I put in the room whenever I was in low spirits. This picture is speculated as his last work, in a picture the tiger is soaring in the snow and rising to the sky. This picture is soft and quiet, but full of the spirit, I feel that Hokusai finds the next subject of his paint and starts on a journey joyfully [R-28].



The future is dark for those who are swayed by popularity and become concerned with increasing the number of followers. There are cases in the world where idols who were once successful, drawing in audiences of 100,000 at a time, suddenly went on the decline and could only draw 500 people, and felt so defeated and depressed that they committed suicide. On the other hand, there are people who, even though they only have an audience of around 10 people at any one time, continue performing until their death and successfully complete a rare work that is highly regarded by future generations. One of the wonderful words left behind by Butoh dancer Kazuo Ohno was, “My passion for dance is the same whether I’m in front of one audience member or 10,000. Behind even one audience member I feel the souls of countless dead people, and I dance for them.” It is true that we do not only work with those who are alive now. Human beings are social and historical beings same time, and we work for the dead and for the future. The number of dead on earth far outnumbers the living. The number of people in the future will also increase infinitely. That is why I want to live and express, experiencing the lives of those who have died and those who will live in the future.



Han Kang, a South Korean author who will be awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature, has declined interviews from many of the media, as her father explained, because she thought, “There is a war raging in the world, and corpses are being brought in every day, so what kind of banquets are there to have and happy press conferences?” This author, who also won the British Booker International Prize in 2016, is a rare find these days and a wonderful writer with a social conscience. She also says she doesn’t use social media.



Meister Eckhart, a medieval German mystic and church pastor, preached to people about the “Need for Inner Seclusion” in their lives. This is to secure a “place for one’s work” that is not influenced by the powers of the time or the actions of others. I too named the place “Eckhart’s Garden” and began to build it. In this place, I have no need for any living beings, only work that I can do alone, and use whatever fancy technology is in vogue and only what I can get my hands on. Mujica, the former president of Uruguay who became famous worldwide as “World’s Poorest President,” once said, “What is human happiness? Isn’t it having a job that you can do at your own pace?” I too have been able to work at my own pace and do work that I feel only I can do. So I’m happy and busy every day. Every time I climb a mountain, a new one appears before me to climb.

 中世・ドイツの神秘主義者で教会の牧師だったマイスター・エックハルトは、生活の中で「内的に隠遁する必要」を人びとに説いていた。時の権力や他者の動向に左右されない「自分の仕事の場所」を確保するためである。私もその場所を「エックハルトの庭」と名づけて、築き始めた。この場所では、私はどんな生者も必要とせず、私一人だけでやれる仕事だけをする。また、どんな魅力的なテクノロジーが流行していても、自分に手に入るだけのものを使用する。「世界で一番貧しい大統領」として世界中で有名になったウルグアイの元大統領・ムヒカは、「人間の幸福とは? それは自分のペースでやれる仕事を持っていることではないでしょうか?」と言っていた。私も、自分のペースでやれ、自分にしか出来ないと思える仕事が出来て来た。だから、私は幸福で、毎日が忙しい。一つの山を越える度に、目の前にまた登るべき新しい山が見えてくる。


Japanese information scholar Kenichi Imai said the following in his book “Information Technology and Economic Culture” (NTT Publishing, 2002):

“If KUKAI were to be resurrected in modern times, how would he act? As a young man, KUKAI traveled to China in search of the essence of Buddhism. In Japan at that time, traveling to China must have been as adventurous as boarding a spaceship in modern times.”

For me, the modern version of KUKAI’s adventure is not a ride on a spaceship that anyone can take if we pay the money, but rather the actual practice of reincarnation in space by myself, Aparos and Elena, and the record of that experience. I wonder how many adventures I could have had with this book, just like Kukai. The more I think about it, the more it seems to me that what I wrote wasn’t an adventure, but rather a preparation for an adventure. My alter-ego, Aparos, which I said I needed to live to be 170 years old, is not yet operational. I haven’t found the people I’m looking for yet. For my final adventure is to begin with those I am searching for, and with Aparos. So, even though I’ve finished writing this book, I can’t really sit back and relax. A new voice is coming from the window of my studio in Kumano, and when I look outside, I know someone might be standing there waiting to greet me. He or she must be the one who can provide me with the information I need.

 日本の情報学者・今井賢一は『情報技術と経済文化』(NTT出版 2002)のなかで次のようにいっていた。



[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]