SPACE DANCE SCHOOL / スペースダンススクール

/ スペースダンスワークショップ & 公演

We are operating “SPACE DANCE SCHOOL” with “SPACE DANCE WORKSHOP & Performance” as live project and with “SD-School” as online project.

スペースダンススクール」を、『スペースダンスワークショップ & 公演』をライブプロジェクトとして、『SDスクール』をオンラインプロジェクトとして運営しています。

[Space Dance Workshop & Performance Promotion
/ スペースダンスワークショップ & 公演プロモーション]

[video; youtube]


Through “SPACE DANCE SCHOOL” we bring up “Space Dancers” for the space dance project and for operating “SPACE DANCE & DESIGN MUSEUM.”



■ 12 Chapters of Space Dance Workshop & Performance /
スペースダンスワークショップ & 公演の12章

We hold “Space Dance Workshop” with following 12 chapters and based on this result we hold “Space Dance Performance” together with the workshop participants.



12 chapters / 全12章

Chapter 1 MEMORY / 記憶

Dancers dance with a relaxed way by “technique for handling the body objectively“, and they especially dig up the subtle movements that they find nostalgic. As they move, they experience the “Forgotten Memories” stored in their “Brain” being brought back to life through the movement. Then, by concentrating even more, they amplify the memory and their body is filled with an overwhelming energy of nostalgia.
(Design group mainly consisting of designers, architects and AI artists together with Brain Scientist challenge to develops an “Electroencephalography Measuring Device” for the visual cortex of the brain and attempts to create a visual representation of the “Evolutionary History of Posture” experienced by dancers.)



Chapter 2 WALKING DANCE / ウォーキングダンス

Dancers make a “Most gentle walking in the world” forming the amicable relationship between the feet and the ground. And dancers reminisce the moment when the humans realized the “Miracle of the Bipedalism” by two legs, and experience the “Feeling as starting the humans again“. In order to deepen its experience, dancers try to quest, prepare the tools if they feel a necessity, and make a more unique way of walking as a dance.
(Design group mainly consisting of designers, architects and AI artists design “Shoes” to support dancers’ endeavors and attempt to express visually the “Miracle of Bipedal Walking” that dancers experience.)



Chapter 3 “PARADISE in the LITTLE MOVING” / 

Dancers don’t consume all energy which flow in the body and dare to organize “Little Moving” controlled the dance, layer “Little Moving” on “Little Moving”, then they bring up the world of the energy which expand like a snowball. When done well, dancers will never tire, no matter how much they move. And dancers know the “Hidden Unknown Movement’s World” in their dance movements, then they touch the top of dance by the continuation of “Little Moving” and realize “PARADISE, freedom possible all movements in all directions” with a big joy. Lastly dancers get back the “Wildness” lost in the life.
(Design group mainly consisting of designers, architects and AI artists( express the relationship between a dancer’s body and space as the “Body-Space Model,” and this model defines the affinity between the dancer and the space reaches 100 percent when a dancer enters paradise.)



Chapter 4 “Open a BODY in the SKY” /

This is a restrained “Dance of Beauty.” As the dance progresses, the audience can see “Water Wings” on their naked back. Dancers take off a jacket very slowly and play a “Suppressed Beauty Scene” as a ceremony to be born again as a “New Life Form.” The audiences see the sight that dancer’s back will be visible very slowly like the big moon is climbing from the edge of the mountain. Dancers release their bodies in the sky and store the necessary power of flight for a “New Journey.” With the wings, dancers are free to go anywhere they want.
(Design group mainly consisting of designers, architects and AI artists design the “Water Wings” of dancers and visualize the spectacle of the dancers flying.)



Chapter 5 “EXSTRA DIMENSION” / 余剰次元

Dancers entrust their bodies to the Space Tube and experience the sensation of the Space Tube expanding into their own “Second body.” They float within this sensation, recovering various lost memories. In response to these revived memories, the dancers’ bodies repeatedly transform like a fluid, becoming a “Fish,” an “Amphibian,” a “Quadruped,” and a “Bird.” Furthermore, when the dancers achieve a state of affinity with the space, a “Boundary” is formed in the center of the Space Tube, giving the dancers the sensation of the existence of an “Extra Dimension” there. “Extra Dimension” is thought to be made out of a different substance than the material that makes up reality, exists overlapping with reality. Dancers can experience the strange sensation of “Lost Animals, Dead People, and Aliens” living in “Extra Dimension” peeking out from the “Boundary.”
(Design group mainly consisting of designers, architects and AI artists express the dancers’ bodies becoming fluid and resembling fish, amphibians, quadrupeds, and birds. They also express the “Boundary” in the center of the space tube, “Extra Dimension,” and the “Lost Animals, Dead People, and Aliens” emerging from the “Boundary.”)



Chapter 6 “STRANGE FRUIT” / 奇妙な果実

The “Lost Animals, Dead People, and Aliens” that appear at the “Border” are in need of the living and wish to interact with them, inviting dancers into their world. Dancers are surprised when dancers learn the reason, and when dancers learn about their current situation dancers stop being afraid and become interested. They say they wish to work together to make “Space Migration” a success. Through this “Border” a “Mutual Flow” begins, they move from the extra dimension into reality, and dancers move from reality into the extra dimension. They rejoice at having overcome the pain of years of confinement, and dancers tremble with excitement at the grandeur of the new plan, as dancers’ worldview is renewed. It’s just like when monsters and humans interact in the story of Arabian Nights.
(Design group mainly consisting of designers, architects and AI artists express a scene of “Mutual Flow” between dancers and “Lost Animals, Dead People, and Aliens.”)



Chapter 7 “FLUID FURNITURE” / 流体家具

As a result of “Mutual Flow,” “Fluid Furniture” is formed at the “Border” in accordance with the movements of dancers and “Lost Animals, Dead People, and Aliens.” “Fluid Furniture” is a trace of the movement of the two elements flowing into each other. When the two are united to form the “Chair.” “Fluid Furniture” is completed and disappears, and the scene moves on to the formation of the next “Chair.” The more diversity in dancers’ nationalities, genders, ages, etc., is shown, and the more diverse the types of “Lost Animals, Dead People, and Aliens” are, the more rare and valuable “Chair” will be. Just as a pebble washed up on the beach bears many lines of scars from collisions, and the more complex and numerous these lines are, and the more diverse the impression of beauty they give, the richer the stone is thought to be its history. “Fluid Furniture” expresses the richness of “Mutual Flow.”
(Design group mainly consisting of designers, architects and AI artists express the process of the formation of “Fluid Furniture” and design “Rich Fluid Furniture.”



Chapter 8 “AFFINITY” / 親和性

Every time “Rich Fluid Furniture” is born, a new piece of music is born. Music was originally a “Re-editing of Time” and a celebration of the emergence of a new world. Dancers and the “Lost Animals, Dead People, and Aliens” stop their “Mutual Flow” and come together again at the “Border.” Surrounded by nostalgic objects and people, Dancers feel numb and happy, and together with them celebrate the birth of “Rich Fluid Furniture.”
(Design group mainly consisting of designers, architects and AI artists express “Birth of Music.”)



Chapter 9 “STANDING ZEN” / 立ち上がる禅

As “Lost Animals, Dead People, and Aliens” look on in anticipation, Dancers activate “APAROS – AI robot as Alter Ego” which has been designed for them. APAROS is an essential tool for human evolution and planetary migration, learning and recreating the dances of dancers and developing “New Dance” that satisfy Dancers’ latent desires. Dancers put on APAROS as a robot suit developed to create Alter Ego, and slowly stand up. This scene is a “Declaration of Future” by Dancers.
(Design group mainly consisting of designers, architects and AI artists design and express “APAROS.”)



Chapter 10 “WALKING DANCE 2” /

Posture simulation for post-humans. Dancers stand in an extra-dimensional 0G to 1G environment, imagining that Dancers will travel into space in the very near future. Then, together with APAROS, wear as a robotic suit, Dancers attempt a “New Dance,” and create “New Posture” that Dancers have never experienced before, somewhere between “standing and sitting” and “sitting and lying down.” “Posture is Womb of Cultural Creation,” and this “New Posture” opens the door to “New Evolution.” In this time APAROS functions as a posture-assistance robot for the dancers’ attempts and is called the “Memory Chair” because it remembers all dancers’ all postures.
(Design group mainly consisting of designers, architects and AI artists design APAROS as the “Memory Chair” when it is functioning as a posture support robot.)



Chapter 11 “CATHARSIS” / カタルシス

Dancers understand that Dancers need alien partners for “Evolution” and “Planet Migration,” dancers each choose an alien to form a team of “Two,” and teach partner the “Posture Creation” techniques Dancers have learned. Each “Two” retraces the evolutionary history of life, rotates beautifully and rapidly like a pair of double genetic spirals in Extra Dimension, and combines to give birth to the first intelligent children of a “Space Race” different from the inhabitants of Earth. The content of their love determines the direction of their cosmic journey.
(Design group mainly consisting of designers, architects and AI artists express “High-speed Rotation by Two” and design an “Space Race.



Chapter 12 “FLOWER” / 花

According to aliens, there are countless habitable planets in galaxies outside the Milky Way. Dancers form a “Big Family” with APAROS, Alien who have formed a partner, children, lost animals, dead people, and other aliens, enter the Extra Dimension through “Boundary,” decide the direction of the universe they will depart from, and set off to a planet that they have confirmed is habitable. A huge number of “Flowers” rain down on the earth.
(Design group mainly consisting of designers, architects and AI artists express “Planet,” “Journey,” and “Flower.”


[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]