“Dance Diary / ダンス日記


I dance to sow a “New Seed” on the ground where Tatsumi Hijikata fell down. I dance to make a “New Record” beyond Kazuo Ohno’s record dancing until 103 years old. I dance to respond to Shusaku Arakawa who whispered to me a mysterious word with a “New Solution.”


One day Tatsumi Hijikata asked to me “Why Butoh Choreographer needs own words?” I answered to him we need it for “Standing Up”. Because having own words is standing by ourselves and having own world as one spirit.


One day I asked to Kazuo Ohno “Why you don’t feel tiredness for such a continuous dancing?” At that, he could answer to me “Numberless souls exist behind the audience and always they ask to me we want to see your dance. My energy of my dance comes from them. So, I don’t feel tiredness entirely because its energy is infinity”.


One day Shusaku Arakawa forced me to an unreasonable discussion, “we should disappear our body to get the immortality. how do you think?”. I answered to him “No, I don’t think so. we can find another way to get the immortality when we master to float our body little and create new postures with a new dance technique. we need the body forever.”


By replacing dance as “Creation of Posture” the world of new design starts from dance. We can get a route to approach to 8 billion people around the world.


“The body is not a tool for expressing a story, the body is a story”. We can start our jump to a “New World” depend on this recognition.


Space Dance can realize “Mature Dance with the Age”. This ability points up a big difference between Space Dance and other dances. In other dance worlds, usually dancers should retire at some time, they can’t overcome the age. We can find a reason in this point why Space Dance will be popular in today’s world.


We don’t need to keep a beaufitul person. It is OK if we will be beautiful just one moment. Because each time the beauty will be created and each time it have a destiny to fade out.


We need just a weight. If we have the weight we can start Space Dance by floating our body little.


When we organize the body as the object as much as possible, we can get the freedom. Toru Terada, a philosopher for KUKAI, named this condition as “Nirvana, Transparent Body”. In this nirvana the body starts to talk a “Long Past History” and “Vision of Body”.


When “Affinity” between body and environment increases, we can experience a mysterious world of movement where new movements are born one after another.


We move because we are filled. We don’t need to act hastily because we are filled. We go out from the condition with the full to find a something new, and we return back to the full. When we continue this movement as a breathing the full starts to expand it like a “Snowball”.


“Mind” seeks “Form” and “Form” forwards “Mind“. Usually it is difficult to stop to stick to “Form”, because I would like to love it as my lover. But when I don’t stick to one “Form” I can meet with unforeseen “Form” more. And my true dear lover waits me with an unexpected figure in advance of worlds with various “Form”.


When I stands up in a Space a “Fluctuation” will come up. The audience sees me as a dancer who lives in a Space and see me as a dancer who dances as a Space. There, a Space moves with a “Fluctuation” together with my movements. Extra Dimension appears into this “Fluctuation” in a Space, so I am dancing while I am bringing Extra Dimension into our world. At last the audience starts to think about me, I exist both into our world and into Extra Dimension same time as a double existence.


When I repeat one my favorite movement, i don’t know why, but I can hear a nostalgic and mysterious music. I feel it is a cry of long past amimal which is memorized in my brain. I wonder I hear it as “change of unknown tiny flow of electricity = Music” during a time one old memory and one new memory contact each other.


Humans are always alone, both when we come into the world, when we create our important expressions, and when we die. So, one miracle named “Love” has been born to bring into contact “One” and “One.”


When my feeling clear I can meet with my “Dear One” whom I want to meet. In my dream, I am following my lost beautiful lover, she died at an early age.


Following her appearance, I could pass through one narrow gate that usually I couldn’t do it. And I could appear at a strange world, before I never see it. Oh, Extra Dimension exists here, very near with my world!


There she was sleeping in calm. Also the lost animals, the dead people, and the aliens were sleeping in calm too. My lost lover, come up now, please awake up and come to life again as my wife.


What is Love? Love is a condition when I am living with a new unified existences, no difference between I and others. A world filled with Love is truly happy, it looks same but quite different. A world lost Love suddenly changes to the emptiness.


I became new. When I looked at my face in the mirror there was another face that I had never seen. I felt nostalgic with this new face.


In my Space Dance, I am enjoying by myself because I see myself from far-off another planet.


I know one small Buddha named “Maitreya” with an ancient smile at Uzumasa-Koryuji in Kyoto, Japan. Is there such a quiet and beautiful smile in this world? “Maitreya” sat down next to me and she said “Time, It’s you”.


I have several times when I feel “Person whom I never met before” appeared repeatedly in my dreams. I had a time when I suddenly woke up from my dream I was doing a strange posture. I feel these experiences are a sign for me to call upon to “go on a journey to the unknown place.”


I am so happy and busy every day because I have my favorite works increased year by year. In my body and in my brain young cells are born, and in my night dream I am flying as a 17 teens dinosaur with a wing. I feel everything are “Gift” from Space Dance.


[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]