Philosophy and Method of Space Dance by Mariann Izabella Sarkadi



The famous japanese installation artist, Chiharu Shiota is known for her distinctive yarn woven creations that offer the audience a wide range of associations. The yarn network that often streching accross gallery rooms reflect very well that everything is connected, both inside the body processes and outside of it.
As her material plays with architectural elements she creates a whole new world yet familiar for the mind. She works with three colours (red, black and white) that has such a strong and clear meanings, that it makes it easier for the viewer to understand many connotations.
The main similarities between her art and Space Dance are the use of human body and space as artistic tools and the analyse of their interactions. Both are concerned with the projection of the inner spiritual world.
In addition to her solo exhibitions she also works on set design of several dance productions where the unique technique she uses depict human connections in a very visual way.



Flow experience in dance

While practicing Space Dance, the creator can have an experience that modern psychology calls flow experience. This state of mind was formulated in 1998 as a strand of positive psychology. In this state you can be completely immersed in what you are doing, joyfully and instinctively doing the “task” and identifying with it. It is characterised by a loss of time perception, loss of self- awareness and also by a loss of control over the situation. Thanks to this, the perfomer is in the present and not afraid of how the activity will develop in the meantime. The activity is rewarding from within, so it is not an effort for the individual. The creator of the psychological concept discovered that when people perform their peak performance they forget about themselves, time and problems. The flow experience, like Space Dance is not a conscious state, we just let it happen. This requires being present in the moment. Space Dance technique helps us to concentrate only on the body with a clear mind, so that we can exclude external factors that may distact us.

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The body has an innate movement that we use in everyday life. All of our gestures are autonomous. How these small movements are made varies from person to person. The body language of everyday life is as revealing as in dance. Alongside the established movements, spontaneous, new movements also lead the free dance, giving the body new experiences again and again. In space dance method there are no choreographies that limit this freedom of self-expression. In contrast to most traditional dance styles, here the dancers can experience the essence of slow moving. At first glance, it may seem easy to move slowly. When I started to pay attention to this, I realized that the body has much more difficulty in maintening and switching between movements than in a more dynamic rhythm. To help us tune into this dynamic, the presence of nature can be very helpful. I’ve noticed several times that just walking in the park slows down my steps, because the creatures of the nature also effect the vibration of the human body.



The difference between space dance and other dance styles

We tend to describe all the elements of the material world we live in. Meanwhile we are aware that there are some things that cannot be explained, that we can only know through experience. This is what exactly happens with space dance.
The most obvious difference between this dance form and other styles is the space where the movement takes place. The dancer finds a whole new perspective on self-expression by surrendering his body to the presence of nature. To move in the open air is to connect to our miraculous mother nature in the most authentic way. This unique relationship allows the body to manifest itself without the pressures ans rules of modern society. This would be the second most striking contrast to other modern dances. Space dance is based on improvisation where the human body responds to the vibrations of nature and they form a continuous and unrepeatable dialogue.
Through the method, every layer and depth of the soul is freely manifested. Creating outdoor helps us to form a sacred bond with ourselves and with our planet. The body gives its best performance when it unfolds its inner truth.

[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]