SPACE DESIGN SCHOOL / スペースデザインスクール


[BASIS / 基礎]

SPACE DESIGN SCHOOL” takes on the role of the engine that operates “SPACE DANCE & DESIGN MUSEUM” together with the “SPACE DANCE SCHOOL.” It consists “SPACE DESIGN SCHOOL – Basis” and “SPACE DESIGN SCHOOL – Application“, basically through the collaboration with “SPACE DANCE SCHOOL” we produce and replace the contents which consist “SPACE DANCE & DESIGN MUSEUM.” The students of this school together with the teachers train the power of imagination and creation, and try to design several objects, spaces, images, and information.

スペースデザインスクール」は、「スペースダンススクール」と共に「スペースダンス & デザインミュージアム」を推進するエンジンの役割を務めます。「スペースデザインスクール~基礎」と「スペースデザインスクール~応用」から構成され、基本的に「スペースダンススクール」とのコラボレーションにより「スペースダンス & デザインミュージアム」を構成するコンテンツを制作し、また更新します。 このスクールに参加する生徒は、教師と共に、想像力創造力を鍛え、様々なモノ・空間・イメージ・情報のデザインに挑戦します。



■ Classroom with Diagonal Floor / 斜めの床の教室
Jun Aoki (Architect) / 青木淳(建築家)

I wanted to design an elementary school where I couldn’t tell where the classrooms were or the corridors. We can sit there and there are depressions. In that case, the floor should be made diagonally. This is because each kid’s new actions may happen.


■ Body of Future and Chair Development / 未来身体とイスの開発
Masato Sasaki (Cognitive Psychology / The University of Tokyo)
/ 佐々木正人(認知心理学/東京大学)

The body of future appears in the fun of foot movements and the fun of body movements. There is a place where “movement = dance” looks peculiar as it is, and the body of future should be constructed as a place without explanation.


■ Spatial Computer Development / 空間型コンピューターの開発
Michitaka Hirose (VR Engineering / The University of Tokyo) /

Let’s design a computer as a human replica that can make decisions even with incomplete information, such as being lost or worried like a human being.



[Basic Study for Space Design / スペースデザインのための基礎訓練]
/ アフォーダンスによるスペースダンス

We study Space Dance based on “AFFORDANCE“. In Space Dance the environment supports the dance. We don’t want to create a dance by ourselves. We dance, by becoming one unity with the space or the objects, together with the space or object. It is not the dancer but the “Relationship between the dancer and the space or the object” determines the dance movements. This workshop will be a success if the space or object also appear to be moving with the dancer from the viewpoint of the audience.



[Workshop 1 / ワークショップ1]
Space Tube / スペースチューブ

About a Space Tube that helped to establish Space Dance, considering a Space Tube currently developed by Tokyo Space Dance as the initial form, we design a New Space Tube by making improvements in terms of materials, structure, and information from the perspective of each designer.



[Workshop 2 / ワークショップ2]
4 Rooms, Balance & Posture + Light & Darkness +

Real & Virtual + Contemplation & Healing /
4 ルーム、バランス&姿勢 + 光&闇 +
リアル&バーチャル + 癒し&思索

We design “4 Rooms, Balance & Posture, Light & Darkness, Real & Virtual, Contemplation & Healing” using Space Tube, lighting system, sound system, generating smell, and video camera & projector. Through 4 Rooms, people can experience Space Tube with many ways from the view points of Art, Science, Information, and Healing.

スペースチューブと、照明・音・匂い・ビデオカメラ&プロジェクターを使用して、「4つの部屋~バランスと姿勢の部屋 + 光と闇の部屋 + リアルとバーチャルの部屋 + 思索と癒しの部屋」を構成します。人びとは「4つの部屋」により、スペースチューブをアート・科学・情報・癒しの観点から多面的に体験できます。


[Workshop 3 / ワークショップ3]
Body-Space Model / 身体-空間モデル

In order to express the amicable relationship between the body and the space, we design “Body-Space Model” using Space Tube experience. First, we define “Affinity” as the “Degree of Intimacy” realize between the body and the space. Then, when we apply “Body-Space Model” to the dancer’s movement, we set up “Body-Space Model” will be visualized in the range of “Blue (0%) to Red (100%)” according to “Affinity” realized by the dancer.


With “Affinity” of 90 percent or more, “Body-Space Model” is dyed red, the dancer lives in the space and reaches “Saturation“, the dancer’s next movement becomes unpredictable to both the dancer and the observer, then the world of “Unexpected Movement” begins. The dancer recovers the lost “Memory” according to the dancer’s conscious and unconscious interests. For example, if the dancer’s brain revives the memory of the ancient fish, Ichthyostega, the dancer’s skeleton will reproduce the movement of Ichthyostega to the extent possible, and the dancer will experience the emotions of Ichthyostega in a pseudo manner.



[Workshop 4 / ワークショップ4]
New Generation Office with Space Cube

/ スペースキューブを備えた新世代オフィス

As one of model cases, we use “Body-Space Model” and construct “Space Cube” as a compact form of Space Tube utilizing the experiences of the above design workshop 1-6, then we design “New Generation Office” for the young generation. If we can setup Space Cube at the house and office for the adults and kids, they can get Space Tube Experience easy. Also, today’s young generation who want dairy physical training and want to give a break to turn on and off for their works, if they setup Space Cube at their office, it will be convenient, they don’t need to go to the studio after leaving their office.



[Workshop 5 / ワークショップ5]
Design of Information / 情報のデザイン

[Design of Information 1 / 情報のデザイン1]
Evolution of Information Space with Mixed Reality
/ 拡張現実によって進化する情報空間

We design “Change in Space” using Augmented Reality. For example, with Extended Reality and Hologram I try to digitize a former “Lover” who died prematurely, then I try to appear her as a hologram in my room and talk with her. Or, I try to appear “Dinosaur” that I want to see directly, instead of TV of Film, in my room. Also, I try to create the appearance of flying in the air outside my window.


In our modern digital society in which augmented reality is highly developed, people’s desire are visualized as “Information” and it is filing in the space, then the space is greatly transformed. Such an evolution of the information space is very useful, as long asl we keep in mind that what is visualized is “Information”, not “Reality“. Because, the quality of “Experience” will be changed and not only it will be possible to realize the dreams that humans were unable to do such as the reproduction of the lost existences, but also it will be useful to exploring the ideal way what people are seeking internally.



[Design of Information 2 / 情報のデザイン2]
Real and Fake, Original and Imitation
/ 本物と偽物、オリジナルと真似

On the assumption that about the lost beloved thing, or about the old best friend we can no longer meet, as much as we remember, and we design a reproduce about them on our PC using digital technology, and at one time if we can reproduce “things or person with something special familiar feeling” as the images on the screen and if we can really feel “That is it!” In that case, is the existence on the screen “Fake” rather than “Real“? Also, on the assumption that we continue to input the conditions such as our “Favorite Melody and Favorite Harmony” into the “Automatic Music AI Program” that learned many music in the past, and at one time, if we can output “Music or Song that makes us feel special emotion with some reason“. In that case, is its music or song an “Original“, or an “Imitation“?

紛失した愛用品について、或いは今は会えないかつての親友について、可能な限り思い出し、デジタル技術を使用してPC上でその再現をデザインします。そして、ある時、「特別に親しみを感じるモノや人」を画面上の像として再現でき、「これだ!」とつよく感じたとします。その場合、画面上の存在は「本物」ではなく、「偽物」でしょうか? 或いは、過去の多くの曲目を学習した「自動作曲AIプログラム」に自分の「好きな旋律、好きな和声」などの条件を入力し、ある時「なぜか特別な感動を覚える曲や歌」を出力できたとします。この曲や歌は、「オリジナル」な作品と言えるでしょうか? 或いは「真似」の世界なのでしょうか?

Now in our society, it is possible that we will be suddenly arrested one day by a police officer and we can see ourselves as one of the criminals in a scene photography of a bank robbery shown as the evidence at the police office. Even if we protect “It is a deep fake, not real“, the proof becomes more difficult if we don’t have an alibi and the higher AI technology used. Similarly, if I modify a Van Gogh painting with AI and sell it saying “This is my new work“, it will be difficult to probe that it is not the original if AI technology is high. How to do in these cases? In any case, a new understanding and countermeasures for “What is Real? and What is Original?” will be necessary.

最近では、ある日突然私たちが警察に逮捕され、警察で証拠として見せられた銀行強盗の現場写真に私たちが犯人の一人として映っているという事は、あり得ます。私たちがいくら「それは偽物、本物ではない」と抗議しても、偶然その日のアリバイがなかったり、使用されたAI技術が非常に高いとその証明は困難になります。同様に、ゴッホの絵をAIで改変し「これが私の新作です」と言って売り出しても、AI技術が高ければ、それがオリジナルではないことを証明するのが困難になります。これらの場合、どうすればいいのでしょうか? いずれの場合も、「本物とは何か? オリジナルとは何か?」に対する、これまでには不要だった新しい理解と対策が必要になってくるでしょう。


[Design of Information 3 / 情報のデザイン3]
Reality and Idea, Nature and Artificial
/ 現実と観念、自然と人工

If such a situation is possible, we design “Artificial Love” that exceeds “Natural Love” in the degree of happiness. For example, Mother Teresa, who was single all her life, said “No, I am married with Jesus.” She said that she could bear the daily hard work for the people through this living with Jesus. What kind of existence such as Jesus? She was lucky enough, or because of her special ability to feel closer to Jesus, so just could she escape from “Real” world to “Ideal” world?

もしそのような状態が可能であるとすればですが、幸福度において「自然の愛」を凌駕するような「人工の愛」をデザインします。例えば、生涯独身だったマザーテレサは「いいえ、私もイエスと結婚しています」と言い、日々の辛い仕事もイエスと共に生活しているので耐えられると言っていました。このようなイエスとは、どのような存在なのでしょうか? 彼女は、幸運にも、或いは彼女の特殊な力によりイエスを身近に感じることができ、「現実」から「観念」の世界に逃避できていただけなのでしょうか?

In our real word, in truth, there is a limit to “Natural Love“, and even if we think that its love was realized with 100 percent, but later we think it was not enough. Also, my love with Elena ended without being realized as full love because of my immaturity and because she died young. Can I challenge to realize “Love with 100 percent” as “Artificial Love“, as “Living Image“, if I can rebirth Elena as artificial information and start over the relationship with her?



[Design of Information 4 / 情報のデザイン4]
From Information to Experience
/ 情報から体験へ

We design “Information” that stimulates “Experience“. As the game designer Tetsuya Mizuguchi suggests, a new flow of “From Information to Experience” will emerge in accordance with the evolution of information space. The accuracy of information that can be perceived by humans is limited to 8K. So, even if the accuracy is increased beyond 8K, humans can’t recognize it, so it is worthless. Because humans desires are endless, people who are tired for pursuing the accuracy of information will start to seek “Actual Experience” of information. There is no limit in the world of experience such as information, and the experience keeps an unknown depth, so the quest never stops.


Even if my Elena and dinosaur who appeared in my information space gained more precision and were able to interact intimately and enjoy this experience like a real experience, but it were not real revivals of Elena and dinosaur, so my room is a same room. When I swith it off, it stays in its original room and my life has not changed. But, taking this opportunity by my Elena and dinosaur, if my life will change? For example, what if a doorbell ring while I am talking with Elena and a woman who looks exactly like Elena is standing there? And what if she says “I feel I am called here, so I come“, and I feel she is a “Lover’s Rebirth“, and a new life starts with her? If such a situation occurs, it may be a wonderful example that information has changed the condition, and information has created a “New Experience“?

情報空間に登場させた私のエレナも恐竜も、どれほど精度が増し、親密に触れ合うことができてこの体験を実体験のように享受できても、実際にエレナや恐竜が蘇生したわけではなく、私の部屋が変化するわけではありません。電気のスイッチを切れば元の部屋のままで、私の生活には何の変化もありません。しかし、登場したエレナや恐竜を契機に、生活も変化するとすれば? 例えば、私がエレナと話し込んでいる時に玄関のベルが鳴り、そこにエレナとそっくりな女性が立っていたとしたら? つまり、私が制作し私の部屋に登場させたエレナは、私はあくまで仮想の存在と思っていたのに、この世に対応する実在をもっていた? それほどまでに私の創造が一定の限界を超えていた? そして、彼女が「私、あなたに呼ばれた気がしたので、ここに来ました」と言い、私にも彼女が「恋人の再生」と感じられ、彼女との新しい生活が始まったとしたら? そのような事件が起きるなら、情報を契機に事態が一変し、情報が「新しい体験」を誕生させるという見事な一例になるのではないでしょうか?


[B] SPACE DESIGN SCHOL / スペースデザインスクール


[Workshop 1 / ワークショップ1]
Evolutionary History of Postures / 姿勢の進化史映像

In Space Tube we can experience a nostalgic feeling as if we return back to the mother’s womb, and if we can deepen its experience we can get back several lost memories when we were the animals far away. Focus on the dancer’s movements to promote recovery of the memories in Space Tube, we design “History of Posture’s Evolution, Fish, Amphibia, Quadrupeds, Bird, Monkey, and Human” as the visualization.



[Workshop 2 / ワークショップ2]
Design for Body of Future / 未来身体のデザイン


[Design for Body of Future 1 / 未来身体のデザイン1]
Shoes / くつ

The “Feet” adjust the relationship with gravity, create the affinity with the ground, and create a “Comfortable Posture.” “Shoes” support this function. We try to design not only the shoes that have functions such as “Comfortable to Wear” and “Not Tiring“, but also stimulate the brain, making it possible to “Revive forgotten Memories” and “Generate New Ideas.”



Clothing” is an essential item that not only protects the body from the threats of nature, but also shows off or hides the body’s charms. We will not only provide detailed biometric information, but also thoroughly pursue comfort through texture and design clothes using AI devices directly connected to the brain in order to challenge to develop new sensations through aesthetic beauty.



The chair is the largest human-made object that has determined human’s place as a cultural entity. We try to design chairs that are not only comfortable to sit on, but also use AI devices directly connected to the brain to remember our posture, tell us if our posture is bad, and even help restore lost memories.

We have named this type of chair the “Memory Chair,” and we are attempting to create a new posture that has never been seen before by humans “Between Standing and Sitting” and “Between Sitting and Lie Down.” The “Memory Chair” will be developed into a “New Piece of Furniture” that is both a chair and a bed.




画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: 3-410.bmp

What will happen to our bodies in tomorrow’s world, where regenerative medicine and genome editing are accelerating? In order to make possible a “future of our own choosing” rather than a “future that is forced upon us,” we are not waiting for scientific results, but as proof of our proactive attitude, we are challenging ourselves to design the “Body of Future” consisting of four types of bodies, a living body, an artificial body, an online avatar, and a robot as our alter ego to be sent into space.

再生医療やゲノム編集が加速されて行く明日の世界において、私たちの身体はどうなっていくでしょうか? 私たちは、「強いられる未来」ではなく、自分たちが「選択する未来」を可能にする為に、科学的成果待つのではなく、自分たちの能動的姿勢の証しとして、生身の身体・人工身体・ネット上の分身・宇宙に送る分身ロボットの4つの身体から構成される「身体の未来」のデザインに挑戦します。


[Workshop 3 / ワークショップ3]
Living Space on the Moon and Mars
in Less -Gravity Environment
/ 減重力環境の月と火星における居住空間

[提供; NASA]

We design “Living Room on Moon and Mars in Less-Gravity Environment” assuming that the humans will start to live on Moon and Mars in the near future. As we know, our earth has one gravity, Moon has 1/6 gravity, and Mars has 1/3 gravity, It is expected that our body itself will change on Moon and Mars. For example, at non-gravity environment our body is completely floating, so the walking becomes impossible and we don’t need a floor. So, if we have been in this condition for many years, our foot that was essential for the walking may start to degenerate because it is unnecessary, and it may eventually disappear or be reborn as a new hand.


In this way, what kind of furniture and living room will be needed for daily life for the body that is expected to receive a big transformation? So, maybe there is no doubt that furniture and living room designed for the body grown under the gravity on earth can’t be used in space. While imagining the above viewpoint, we try to design a new living room in response to changes in the gravity environment.

このように、大きな変容が予想される身体の為には、どのような家具や居住空間が日々の生活に必要になるでしょうか? 地球で1重力下で育った身体のためにデザインした家具や居住空間は、宇宙ではそのままでは使用できないことは間違いないでしょう。以上の観点について考え、重力環境の変化に応じた新しい居住空間のデザインに挑戦します。


One of the greatest results of the space development until today is finding a “Chance to organize a Gravity” by the creation of artificial gravity through several astronauts who could get the experiences of non-gravity environment. Humans are probably not the final runner in the evolutionary history of life. If the humans start to come and go to the conditions between 0 gravity and 1 gravity in the universe freely using by “Robot for supporting Posture” and create “Several New Postures” that don’t work on the Earth, this happening will be a complete first experience in our human’s history. So, like a case of the fish that could get the evolution by the advance to the ground, this happening will be a special drama on a stage of the evolution such a “Challenge to the Step for Next Human.” Because “Posture is a Womb for creating Culture.” As our last workshop we try to design “Robot for supporting Posture.”


[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]