“ECKHART GARDEN / Shrine with Alone”
エックハルトの庭 / 一人の神殿
Tetsuro Fukuhara / 福原哲郎

“Eckhart Garden” is a “Sign” and a “Map” that I send to my looking for “Them“. Why I needed to call myself “Universal Age 17“? Because I understood I need a time to meet them. As 17, as a boy with dreaming, in high spirits, I need to wait them well. Also, when I meet them it will no doubt be required to have more strong mind and more great energy.
ECKHART GARDEN 63 / エックハルトの庭63
poem + design + space dance + story
[Poem; I Dance / 詩; 私は踊る]
I dance on the unknown stage. Dance is a “pleasure to renew a sense towards the world completely at the moment“. I am being filled now, so although I am alone, but I am not alone. Although I am humans, but I am not only humans. In my dance I am enjoying by myself because I see myself from far-off another planet.
It seems that even now, as humans, we are unknowingly struck by a deep impression at the moment when we feel the “forgotten totality of movements.” The excellent ancer touch this totality and create the unknown beautiful movement’s world which anybody don’t see before, and same time they make the audience feel deeply be a very nostalgic existence.
■ DESIGN / デザイン
“DANCE, DANCE, and DANCE / ダンス、ダンス、ダンス”

■ STORY / 物語
“Pleasure of Dancing /ダンスの楽しみ”

[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]