[Photography & Poem / 写真と詩]
Tetsuro Fukuhara / 福原哲郎

This book is my “Mythical Journey” to go to find my lost girlfriend ELENA, she died youth, together with my dear space dancers. Through this journey I tried to reach “Extra Dimension.“ Because I felt she lives in Extra Dimension.
[1] DREAM / 夢

I had a dream. In my dream I was traveling to one “Memorial Planet” to meet with my missing ELENA. I want to stand up on the edge of the Universe to understand “Those Who Exist” truly through her guidance. What can I see there?


Every morning I sit down with a meditation to know my way. I have been living with a feeling that there is an unknown “World” that I don’t know yet and I have an unknown “Vocation” to be done. Where is it? What is it?
毎朝、私は坐る。私の行くべき道を知るために。私には、私がまだ知らない「世界」があり、すべき「仕事」が残されていると感じて生きてきた。それはどこか? それは何か?

[3] AWAKNING / 目覚め

One day morning I awaked up and I could understand myself. In my dream, Elena, surrounding by flowers, come and sat down next to me on the bed peacefully, then she whispered in my ear “All right, Time come.” Elena was as young as she was when she died.


I went to the habitual sea to take a purification to purify my body and mind, and I started a preparation for my journey. Ah, my heart is throbbing violently. My earnest time will be coming soon. If I don’t go now, sure I should be suffocated. I have been suffering so much to become a “New Life Form“.

[5] MERMAID / 人魚

When I was sinking in the water of the sea, various memories revived in my mind. A long time ago, I felt I went up to the ground as a “Mermaid“. There is also a legend that the mermaid is the ghosts of the animals who had returned to the sea and become dolphins and whales long ago when they didn’t remember anymore. I don’t know if they regret or they are inviting humans to the sea?


My dance starts with living in the space completely. When I dance the space moves, and “Fluctuation” is born in the space. Since the extra dimension appears in the fluctuation of the space, I am dancing while drawing the extra dimension into the world. But I don’t know the way yet how to put myself into the extra dimension.

[7] EMPTINESS / 空虚

When I was dancing on a big bridge where many cars traveling with a tremendous speed, suddenly I felt the cold and felt “Emptiness” made a faint around my neck. The “Fluctuation” produced by my dance was expanding between the cars and me, and changed a space. I wonder, this was a hint that the entrance to the “Extra Dimension” may be existing near unexpectedly.

[8] NOSTALGIA / 郷愁

Through being united with the space I can stare at myself from the outside, then I find “Movements which I can’t understand as human’s” is mixed in my dance movements. In that time, I am stricken by strong “Nostalgia” that I can’t express by words. I understand “Stage of unknown movement’s world” exists behind our usual human’s movements.

[9] DANCE, DANCE, DANCE / ダンス、ダンス、ダンス

I dance on the unknown stage. Dance is a “pleasure to renew a sense towards the world completely in an instant“. I am being filled now, so although I am alone, but I am not alone. Although I am humans, but i am not only humans. In my dance I am enjoying by myself because I see myself from far-off another planet.

[10] MUSIC / 音楽

When I repeated one my favorite dance on and on, I could hear a nostalgic “Music” which I loved in my childhood. I felt it was a cry of long past animal which was memorized in my brain. I thought I could hear it as “change of unknown tiny flow of electricity = Music” during a time one old memory and one new memory contacted each other.
私が気に入った一つのダンスを延々と繰り返していると、子供の頃に好きだった「音楽」が聴こえはじめた。それは私の脳に蓄積された遠い動物たちの叫びだ。私の頭の中で古い記憶と新しい記憶がせめぎ合い、そのズレがニューロンを通過する「未知の微電流の変化 = 音楽」として聴こえるのだろう。

[11] WILDNESS / 野生

I regained the “Wildness” that I had lost. Wildness is a regression and a jump with only a paper thin, a violence and a gentleness with only a paper thin. I shout, like a ferocious animal bark to the sky. While screaming, I felt that my former world was a wolf. I still have a dream of pure white wolf.

[12] TRANCE / トランス

I could get in “Trance” first time in my life. Trembling in pleasure, my body began to be cramped. A temporal lobe of my brain shaking subtly, I become slowly “Transparent“. Beyond the time, exceeding the place, I sink into the vast “Sea of Memories“, and I fall off from my body.


I heard Elena’s voice. “Inspiration” has come with me. A fear and an uplifting feeling get mixed up. She was always calm and kind, but sometimes she observed me with very scared cool eyes. What was she watching?


Ahh, Elena was calling me. I was led by Elena’s “Voice” and walked out in front of the unknown big shrine. With a “Divine Possession” I felt down into a big garden of this shrine, and I closed my eyes in spite of myself. What kind of event is waiting for me? I want to return if “Terrible death” is waiting, but if it is a “Beautiful death” I can push forward.
あぁ、エレナが私を呼んでいる。彼女の「声」に誘われて歩いて行くと、見知らぬ大きな神社の前に出た。私は神憑り、憑かれたように神社の庭に倒れこみ、目を閉じた。何が起きるのか? 私の口に、自分でも理解できない言葉があふれ出してくる。「恐ろしい死」が待っているなら帰りたい。「美しい死」ならつき進める。

[15] BORDER / 境界

Invited by Elena’s voice, when I entered in a Space Tube which I found it at the mountain behind of this shrine there was a beautiful “Boundary“. When I could image her exactly, my sense become clear and I could go through the narrow “Boundary” which I felt was impossible to do it, finally I went into the new world which I saw at first in my life. What existed the extra dimension so familiar!

[16] AFFINITY / 親和性

In the “Mysterious Microcosm” called Space Tube, since the form of the space is determined by my dance movements, I can get a nostalgic feeling as if I return back to the moeter’s womb. Such an unexpected spatial experience gives me a feeling of overflowing nostalgia, fills me with new energy, and gives me a “New Recognition” about the world.

[17] FLOATING / 浮遊

In Space Tube my body floated up easy and I could get back my lost “Various Memories” easy. And depend on each memories my brain started to tremble again and my body started to repeat the expansion and the deformation, then I became “Fish“, “Amphibian“, “Quadrupeds Animal“, and “Bird“.

[18] SIGN of BIRD / 鳥の痕跡

Every night many people see a “Dream of Flying in the Sky“. Me too, in my childhood I have seen it. In the past life I felt I was a mermaid, a wolf, and a bird finally. Now, in my dream I am fling in the sky as a bird. So, a “Sign of Bird” is left on my back.


In “Extra Dimension” various things that lost from our world bustle up. Here, it seems that “Presence of 4 Dimensions” and “Presence of 5 Dimensions” live together. The composition of matter is different in the extra dimension, so I wonder here my body and my consciousness are made up by “Another Substance“.

[20] ELENA / エレナ

Elena was quietly sleeping. Oh, my nostalgic face. And lost animals, dead people, and the alien were also sleeping together. I could find my lost girlfriend. “Please, come on, get up and revive as my wife!”

[21] LOVE / 愛

It is necessary for everyone as much as “Love,“ and there is nothing to bother. It is as close as possible, none is impossible in the distance for “Love”. Human beings are always “alone“, both when we come into the world, when we create our important expressions, and when we die. So, one miracle named “Love” has been born to bring into contact “One” and “One.”


Elena awoke up slowly and greeted me with a familiar smile. Then she stood up quietly and for me she began a most sympathetic and most bewitching dance in the world. I have never seen such a beautiful dance.

[23] EMIGRATION / 移住

ELENA said that now the dead people hope to get the emigration to the universe together with the lost animals and the alien. They want to leave the earth. She already knew that my group was planning a “Human Space Plan“. So, she tried to contact with me and she controlled her as my memory in my brain, then she invited me here. Now I feel I understand a reason why ELENA left our world at a young age.

[24] ALTER EGO / もう一人の私

I became a new through the reunion with Elena. When I looked at my face in the mirror, there was a “New Face” I had never seen. Why I felt nostalgic with this face. Just now, I live in my usual word and I also live in Elena’s world same time, I could start the surprising and unexpected life. My life change with a big scale.

[25] TO SPACE / 宇宙へ

My work is to realize the emigration to the universe together with Elena to not repeat the mistakes of earth culture. Also, in order to recognize one fact more exactly that in our humans world also dead people, lost animals, and alien live together, and they want to get their own growth.


My soul and Elena’s soul resonated with a beautiful link called “Reincarnation“. Every time when we moved through many planets, we died once, and we revived again, then we met again. I and Elena brought up many children and we formed “Big Family” together with many children and friends. Now, finally, we could start on a trip to the end of the universe. Elena is singing with a pleasure, “Hi, here, we have such the new encounters, and we have such the nice events!“.

[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]