t@e のすべての投稿

t@e について

Tetsuro Fukuhara is space dance artist, writer, photographer, and director of Tokyo Space Dance. I created SPACE DANCE with the concept of “Dance & Design". In 2006 in Tokyo, I and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA) published “SPACE DANCE – Someday in the Universe" with the architect, designer, media art curator, robot developer, and brain scientist. In 2018, my book “VISION of BODY” was published and I held a memorial lecture "APAROS - AI Robot as My Alter Ego" at Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw. Currently, I am running "Space Museum Online" and starting to look a producer, an investor, and other collaborative working partners to open SPACE MUSEUM. If you are interested in my plan, please contact me. Tetsuro Fukuhara email; jv4t-fkhr@asahi-net.or.jp http://sdee-museum.com/

Dialogue about Modern Science, Death, and Matter / 現代科学と死と物質についての対話


Why was a material born, and the universe was born? It has not been understood by anyone yet. “Subject that produces Material” remains a mystery. But our humans want to know it. If “Subject that produces Material” exists, it may be that this entity has created a multilayered physical world. The four-dimensional world in which we live is one of its multilayered physical worlds. So I think that the human’s brain generates consciousness as a physical phenomenon belonging to the four dimensional world but after consciousness of this brain consciousness can survive inside another brain of another world.

なぜ、物質が誕生し、宇宙が誕生したのか? そして、なぜ私たちはここに存在しているのか? それはまだ誰にもわかっていない。「物質を生む主体」は存在するのか、存在しないのか。当然、それも謎のままである。しかし人間はそれを知りたいのである。もし「物質を生む主体」が存在するとすれば、この主体が宇宙において多層な物理世界を誕生させているのかも知れない。私たちが生きる四次元世界は、その多層な物理世界のうちのひとつである。だから私は、人間の脳は四次元世界に属する物理現象として意識や心を生成しているが、この脳の死後、意識や心は別の世界の別の脳の内部に別の形態をとって存続する、と考えてみたい。


The state-of-the-art LHC in the mountains of Switzerland succeeded in detecting Higgs boson, which is supposed to be one of the particles that make up extra dimensions. From now, what kind of new particles will be detected in LHC, including elucidation of Dark Matter? And every time a new particle is detected, scientists are forced to abandon the space model that they had previously proposed as the true form of the universe and switch to a new model. People in general are left behind and will be swayed [C-50]. It cannot be said that the big bang theory, which has gained a great deal of trust, may be changed to “need to be corrected” one day.



How to die together with the theme of how to live will become an especially important theme. It is Tibetan Buddhism that brings in the most strategic way to death. The Dalai Lama 14th said, “Where and how to be reborn after death depends on the power of Karma, but the state of mind at the moment of death also affects the quality of regeneration, the moment of death is the most profound and profitable It is also the time when an internal experience occurs, the process of death and death brings encounter between Tibetan Buddhism and modern science.”



About death, we can prepare a definite practical program for incarnation and declare that it is possible to talk with modern science. For contemporary people who are increasing fear of death, which is said to be a time when people don’t know how to die, apart from whether there is regeneration or circulation, it is wonderful that we can prepare such a program. It is a valuable precedent case for those who want to practice their own active death. The death is important, because “Death is the last creative design opportunity” left to the living one.


Water Wings / 水の翼に


I met a wonderful dancer named Ana in Mexico City. When she gets serious, she looks at people with indescribably beautiful eyes with a very strong eye light. Her friend told me that she died shortly after I returned to Japan. I can’t believe it, she was so young and so fine.



In my sense, when the world is likened to an “Expanding Sphere,” the living world is nothing more than the “Surface of Sphere,” while the dead world belongs to the “Inside of Sphere,” which is truly enormous.



The older I get, the more Ana-like beings, including my Elena, the “Inside of Sphere” continue to expand. In such a vast world, how can I find them? To meet them, I need to think of them and draw them. I felt that its reality determines the “Quality” of the encounter with them. In one painting of them, they wears “Water Wings” on their naked back and dances innocently at the beach.

私が年を取るほど、アナのような存在が増え、「球の内部」も膨張を続ける。そんな広大な世界の中で、彼女たちをどうやって探せばいいのか? 彼女たちに会うためには、彼女たちを思うこと。そして、彼女たちを描くこと。そのリアルさが彼女たちとの出会いの「質」を決めるのだと私は感じている。彼女たちを描いた一枚の絵では、彼女たちは裸の背中に「水の翼」をつけ、海辺で無心にダンスしている。

Parallel World / 並行宇宙


Lisa Randall, Theoretical physicist, describes the layer that constitutes the extra dimension as follows;


   “One layer is parallel to our layer and may contain a parallel world. Even if there is an organism in another layer, the living thing is confined in a completely different environment, so it must be perceived totally different force with a totally different sensation. Our senses are coordinated to pick up scientific reactions, lights, and sounds surrounding us. In another layer, the fundamental force and particles should be different, so if there are creatures there, there is no point in common with our layer creatures. For some layer worlds, we may be able to find the signal.”(Lisa Randall “Warped Passages”)


Modern medicine judges death by “Brain Death” and “Cardiac Arrest”. Because of “Brain Death”, consciousness also disappears because it is the brain that is generating consciousness. We believe that “Cardiac Arrest” completes death and begins body decay. Indeed, if anyone dies, they disappear in a matter of time before our eyes, leaving no traces of it. However, these are the understanding of the physical phenomena that make up the four-dimensional world where we live. Indeed, consciousness will disappear with the death of the brain. However, its extinction is the annihilation in our world, if there are other physical phenomena, it may continue to exist in a different form.



Atsushi Iriki, brain scientist, said about “Mind leaving the Body” like the below;


   “In the near future world connected by the net, what happens to our “Self” leaving the body and floating into the electronic society? When the mind leaves the body, where does it go? Will human’s brain and mind with science technology and intelligence create new “Something” again?”(“Origin of Intelligence, Hand and Brain Mechanism to Create the Future” by Riken Brain Science Institute)

   「ネットでつながれた近未来世界では、身体を離れ、電子社会を浮遊する<自己>はどうなるのでしょうか? 心が身体を離れた時、それは一体どこへ向かうのでしょうか? 科学技術と知性をもった人間の脳と心は、また新たな<何か>を創造するのでしょうか?」(理化学研究所「知性の起源、未来をつくる手と脳のメカニズム」)

It is impossible to estimate “Mind leaving the Body” for an ordinary brain scientist who thinks that the mind occurs only in the body. But we can’t find any contradictions in his thought because he thinks that the mind occurs in the brain as a virtual existence. If his thought is right we are released from the big question of long-standing such as “how is the mind occurred as a physical entity in the brain?” Also, his thought gives great hints to the search of the mind in the surplus dimension.



Why was a material born, and the universe was born? It has not been understood by anyone yet. “Subject that produces Material” remains a mystery. But our humans want to know it. If “Subject that produces Material” exists, it may be that this entity has created a multilayered physical world. The four-dimensional world in which we live is one of its multilayered physical worlds. So I think that the human’s brain generates consciousness as a physical phenomenon belonging to the four dimensional world but after consciousness of this brain consciousness can survive inside another brain of another world.

なぜ、物質が誕生し、宇宙が誕生したのか? そして、なぜ私たちはここに存在しているのか? それはまだ誰にもわかっていない。『物質を生む主体』は存在するのか、存在しないのか。当然、それも謎のままである。しかし人間はそれを知りたいのである。もし『物質を生む主体』が存在するとすれば、この主体が宇宙において多層な物理世界を誕生させているのかも知れない。私たちが生きる四次元世界は、その多層な物理世界のうちのひとつである。だから私は、人間の脳は四次元世界に属する物理現象として意識や心を生成しているが、この脳の死後、意識や心は別の世界の別の脳の内部に別の形態をとって存続する、と考えてみたい。


The state-of-the-art LHC in the mountains of Switzerland succeeded in detecting Higgs boson, which is supposed to be one of the particles that make up surplus dimensions. From now, what kind of new particles will be detected in LHC, including elucidation of Dark Matter? And every time a new particle is detected, scientists are forced to abandon the space model that they had previously proposed as the true form of the universe and switch to a new model.


What is an Excellent Dancer? / すぐれたダンサーとは?



Our humans keep all memories of animal’s movements depend on the structure of the skeleton and our brain preserves the memories. Human’s brain is organized with 3 layers of a brain of the Reptiles, a brain of Old-Mammalia, and a brain of New-Mammalia. So, humans can judge the difference between human’s movement by the bipedalism and other animal’s movements.


Humans of a time who lived in a cave, at very wide fields on the earth, they could develop to draw many pictures of “Humans with an Animal Face” at the walls of the caves. Because humans could keep a special familiarity with the animals, so the behavior of the drawing picture of “Human with an Animal Face” must have been like some important cultural ceremony.



In my body movements and into my brain, I feel, sure, various animal’s memories should be left. When I get it I am so happy with a feeling of strong nostalgia. I will make my efforts to create several new dance movements sifting by the joints of the body for seeking its pleasure more. Why the dancers will try to make a “Strange Movements”? I think they have a same aim. Their judgments will be focused on one point, how to spread their seeking sensations by their movements? In that time they will get what kind of emotions? I know these works should be their one of secret pleasures.


It will be very interesting for the dancers to try to recall the history of the evolutions of Fish, Amphibian, Quadruped Animal, Bird, and Monkey through the combinations of the movements, not only to recall the history of human beings. With a well-keened sense, we can reconstruct the movements of Fish, Amphibian, Quadruped Animal, Bird, and Monkey by remembering its memory from “Pool of the Movements” in our brains.


しかし、何のために? そんな進化史を辿ることに何の意味があるのか? 私がそう問うたびに、私の内部の動物が私に「何か」を囁きかけてくる。私は、その囁きを聞いている内に、その理由を、「生命の進化史にうまく所属しないと、人間の進化もうまく行かないから」と考えるようになった。それは、進化史をうまく辿れた時ほど、過去からのリターンとして、より新鮮な「人間の次の動き」を与えられる気がするからだ。

But, why we try to do it? What kind of meanings we can find out through such a recalling the history of the evolution? Each time I put a question to me, one my internal animal whisper something to me. During I have heard its whispers long time, I could understand about its reason like that “If we can’t belong to the life history of the evolution well, we can’t develop our evolution well”. Because I feel that we can get more flesh “Next Humans Movement” as much as we can recall the history of the evolution well as a return from the past.


したがって、すぐれたダンサーという存在も、 このリターンの振幅の大きいダンサーであるに違いない。「すぐれたダンサー」は、ひどく懐かしい存在であると観客に感じさせると同時に、誰も見たことがない動きの世界を美の世界としてつくり出す。そうだとすれば、観客がダンサーに求めるものも、単なるダンス技術の優劣ではないこともよく理解できる。リターンの振幅の大きいダンサーとは、観客を思いがけない動きの世界に誘う者であり、その動きによって動物たちの姿も再現させ、つよい郷愁に誘う者である。

Therefore, such an “Excellent Dancer” should be a dancer who can realize this return with wide amplitude of vibration. “Excellent Dancer”, they create the unknown beautiful movement’s world which anybody don’t see before, and same time they will be a very familiar existence in front of the audiences. So, we can understand well that something the audiences want towards them will be not only the superiority or inferiority of their dance techniques. What is “Excellent Dancer” with wide amplitude of vibration? Sure, they invite the audiences to the unexpected movement’s world and they recall other animal’s figures through their dances, finally they wake up a strong nostalgia in the audience’s minds.