Pleasure of Bipedalism / 二足歩行の歓び



When human being could get the bipedalism successfully first time, what kind of emotion that first person experienced in his standing up and in his walking? Its emotions are same or different from today’s astronauts who could succeed their first Moon Walking on the moon?



Human’s movements keep the massive amount of memories not only the memories at the time humans started the bipedalism but also many memories of the animals, and every day they organize their each behaviors by selecting such movements variously and unconsciously. In this concerns, each time something happen, humans feel “Nostalgia” without a reason and bring up the systems of “Beauty” also “Prayer” secretly based on “Nostalgia”. And its ideas will be useful for making up each person’s “Originalities” that will be different from each other before we know it. “Originalities” will be made up not only through the intelligent difference like the thought but also through this kind of difference like the unconscious selection of the behaviors.



I would like to get a taste of the pleasure when humans could get the bipedalism successfully first time. And, when they started to walk on the ground freely what kind of troubles they experienced? I would like to ruminate their experiences. Maybe, for only one step, they must be needed so many unbelievable troubles and they could get several new discoveries. If I can know that, it is possible to perceive more sensibly what is lost things by the person living in the present age, and what progresses are made.



In front of me, one disabled person is walking very slowly while he takes a rest many times. What its figure inspires my heart! He uses all muscles of his body desperately only for one step, and he twists his neck hardly, he flares his both eyes, he opens his both hands and throw it in the sky, finally he is smiling from ear to ear just like he can climb up a big mountain through his only one step.



For me, this kind of walking by a disabled person will be a dance itself and it will be a wonderful example to express “Miracle of Bipedalism”. Its walking takes the imagination to us about the time when human could start the bipedalism. Me too, as a Butoh-Space Dance Choreographer, I would like to start my dance by this kind of walking. I think this is our human’s existence, at the moment when we touch “The Whole of the Movements that we forgot” we will be stricken with a deep impression unconsciously still now.