
Elena in Surplus Dimension / 余剰次元のエレナ


My dance starts with living in the space completely. When I dance the space moves, and “Fluctuation” is born in the space. Since “Surplus Dimension” appears in the fluctuation of the space, I am dancing while drawing the surplus dimension into the world. But I don’t know the way yet how to put myself into the surplus dimension.



When I was dancing on a big bridge where many cars traveling with a tremendous speed, suddenly I felt the cold and felt “Emptiness” made a faint around my neck. The “Fluctuation” produced by my dance was expanding between the cars and me, and changed a space. I wonder, this was a hint that the entrance to the “Surplus Demenssion” may be existing near unexpectedly.



Ahh, Elena was calling me. I was led by Elena’s “Voice” and walked out in front of the unknown big shrine. With a “Divine Possession” I felt down into a big garden of this shrine, and I closed my eyes in spite of myself. What kind of event is waiting for me? I want to return if “Terrible death” is waiting, but if it is a “Beautiful death” I can push forward.

あぁ、エレナが私を呼んでいる。彼女の「声」に誘われて歩いて行くと、見知らぬ大きな神社の前に出た。私は神憑り、憑かれたように神社の庭に倒れこみ、目を閉じた。何が起きるのか? 私の口に、自分でも理解できない言葉があふれ出してくる。「恐ろしい死」が待っているなら帰りたい。「美しい死」ならつき進める。


Invited by Elena’s voice, when I entered in a Space Tube which I found it at the mountain behind of this shrine there was a beautiful “Boundary”. When I could image her exactly, my sense become clear and I could go through the narrow “Boundary” which I felt was impossible to do it, finally I went into the new world which I saw at first in my life. What existed the “Surplus Dimension” so familiar!



In the “Surplus Dimenssion” various things that lost from our world bustle up. Here, it seems that “Presence of 4 Dimensions” and “Presence of 5 Dimensions” live together. The composition of matter is diferent in the “Surplus Dimension”, so I wonder here my body and my conscioursness are made up by “Another Material”.


Big Family / 大家族


Every night many people see a “Dream of Flying in the Sky“. Me too, in my childhood I have seen it. In the past life I felt I was a mermaid, a wolf, and a bird finally. Now, in my dream I am fling in the sky as a bird. So, a “Sign of Bird” is left on my back.



I became a new. When I looked at my face in the mirror, there was a new face I had never seen. Somehow I felt nostalgic with this face. Just now, I live in my usual word and I also live in Elena’s world same time, I could start the surprising and unexpected life. My life change with a big scale.



My work is to realize the emigration to the universe together with Elena in order to not repeat the mistakes of earth culture. Also, in order to recognize one fact more exactly that in our humans world also dead people, lost animals, and alien live together, and
they want to get their own growth.



Elena taught me about several interesting points of “Surplus Dimension”. The structure of the “Surplus Dimension” is unique, and countless worlds coexist here. But, the materials constituting one world and the materials constituting other world are different completely, so there is no contact between 2 worlds, any war and any conflict can’t happen there. The progress of one world will not be hindered by the trend of other worlds. Also, for every worlds, even if they fail, if they wish, they can start again from the beginning.


Miracle named Love / 愛という奇跡


It is necessary for everyone as much as “Love“, and there is nothing to bother. It is as close as possible, none is impossible in the distance for “Love”. Human beings are always “Alone“, both when we come into the world, when we create our important expressions, and when we die. So, one miracle named “Love” has been born to bring into contact “One” and “One.”



I was very surprised with Elena’s speaking. She said that now the dead people hope to get the emigration to the universe together with the lost animals and the alien. They want to leave the earth. Elena already knew that my group was planning a “Space Emigration Plan“. So, she tried to contact with me and she handled Elena as my memory in my brain, then she invited me here. Now I feel I understand a reason why Elena left our world at a young age.



I became a new through the reunion with Elena. When I looked at my face in the mirror, there was a “New Face” I had never seen. Somehow I felt nostalgic with this face. Just now, I live in my usual word and I also live in Elena’s world same time, I could start the surprising and unexpected life. My life change with a big scale.



Elena taught me about several interesting points of “Surplus Dimension”. The structure of the “Surplus Dimension” is unique, and countless worlds coexist here. But, the materials constituting one world and the materials constituting other world are different completely, so there is no contact between 2 worlds, any war and any conflict can’t happen there. The progress of one world will not be hindered by the trend of other worlds. Also, for every worlds, even if they fail, if they wish, they can start again from the beginning.



My work is to realize the emigration to the universe together with Elena in order to not repeat the mistakes of earth culture. Also, in order to recognize one fact more exactly that in our humans world also dead people, lost animals, and alien live together, and
they want to get their own growth.


Water Wings / 水の翼に

 I met a wonderful dancer named Ana in Mexico City. When she gets serious, she looks at people with indescribably beautiful eyes with a very strong eye light. Her friend told me that she died shortly after I returned to Japan. I can’t believe it, she was so young and so fine. I want to see her.
 In my sense, when the world is likened to an “Expanding Sphere,” the living world is nothing more than the “Surface of Sphere,” while the dead world belongs to the “Inside of Sphere,” which is truly enormous. The older I get, the more Ana-like beings, including my Elena, the “Inside of Sphere” continue to expand. In such a vast world, how can I find them? To meet them, I need to think them and draw them. I felt that its reality determines the “Quality” of the encounter with them.
 In my painting of them, they are attaching “Water Wings” on their naked back and dancing innocently at the beach, and practicing flapping their wings, no doubt preparing to take off somewhere.

 世界を「膨張する球」に例える時、私の感覚では、生者の世界が「球の表面」に存在するだけなのに対し、死者の世界は「球の内部」に属し、その数はまさに膨大である。私が年を取るほど、私のエレナを含めてアナのような存在が増え、「球の内部」も膨張を続ける。そんな広大な世界の中で、彼女たちをどうやって探せばいいのか? 彼女たちに会うためには、彼女たちを思うこと。そして、彼女たちを描くこと。そのリアルさが彼女たちとの出会いの「」を決めるのだと私は感じている。