We are holding “PERMANENT EXHIBITION” with “SPACE DANCE at Outside Location“, “SPACE DANCE in Space Tube“, “Kids Space Dance “, and “Tetsuro Fukuhara’s Butoh & Space Dance” at SD2 GALLERY.
『常設展』を、『スペースダンス、外で』『スペースダンス・イン・スペースチューブ』『こども宇宙ダンス』『福原哲郎の舞踏 & スペースダンス』により構成し、SD2 GALLEYで開催しています。
/ スペースダンススクール
[1] SPACE DANCE at Outside Location / スペースダンス、外で

We can develop each dances as Space Dancers more easy at outside location with their hidden charms. Because in our today’s world, the theaters, the museums, the studios and so on have almost same environments and same information. But, sure, we need different environments and different information based on each dancers to develop each dancer’s characteristic dances. Every dancer, when they go once outside, transforms into an incredibly unique and fascinating dancer.
私たちは、個々のダンサーが自分にも隠されていた魅力を発揮するスペースダンサーとして育つためには、室内よりも屋外のロケーションがより容易になると考えています。それは、個々のダンサーの個性が開花するためには、 個々のダンサー に根差した異なった環境と異なった情報が必要であるにもかかわらず、今日では世界中の劇場も、美術館も、スタジオも、ほぼ同様な環境と情報に満たされてしまっているからです。あらゆるダンサーが、一度屋外に出ると、驚くほど個性的で魅力あるダンサーに変身します。






[2] SPACE DANCE in Space Tube /
“Space Dance in Space Tube” is a media to realize our concept of “Design after Dance“. In Space Tube we can experience a very amicable relationship between the body and the space. So, we can feel the nostalgia as if we return back to the mother’s womb and we can get back several our lost memories. Then, we can create new dances that we have never experienced before supported by new visions with more big energies from the space.
「スペースダンス in スペースチューブ」は、私たちの「ダンスの後にデザインが生まれる」というコンセプトを実現する重要なダンスです。スペースチューブの中では、私たちは身体と空間の間の非常に親密な関係を体験でき、まるで母の胎内に帰ったような郷愁を感じ、失った多くの記憶を回復できます。そのため、私たちは新しいビジョンに目覚め、空間からエネルギーを与えられ、これまで経験したことがない新しいダンスを創造できます。






[3] KIDS SPACE DANCE / こども宇宙ダンス
“Space Tube Experience” will be a very educational chance for the kids. Sure, if the kids will start to enjoy Space Tube from young age they can develop several interesting acute senses and abilities for their life.
Above all, through this experience the kids can get back the physical sensation, so we help to solve the “Social Problem of the Loss of Physicality in Information Society“. In other words, the kids can learn naturally about the “Distinction between Real and Virtual” which becomes difficult to understand for anyone where the virtualization by the technology such as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, AI, and Robotics rapidly progresses.






[4] Tetsuro Fukuhara’s Butoh & Space Dance
/ 福原哲郎の舞踏とスペースダンス
Tetsuro Fukuhara started his activity as a Japanese Butoh Choreographer and he created “SPACE DANCE” with the concept of “Dance & Design” through the experience of doubting the social position of art. In 2001, at the United Nations in New York he held “SPACE DANCE Performance” and “Kids SPACE DANCE“, and in 2004-2006, at Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA) in Tokyo he held a joint research as a representative researcher about “GRAVITY” and “BODY” together with the architects, designers, media art curator, cognitive psychologists, robot developers, brain scientists, astrobiologists. After that, his book “VISION of BODY” was published and he held a memorial lecture “APAROS – AI Robot as My Alter Ego” at Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw in 2018.
[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]