About LOVE / 愛について


America’s first female cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead sent a life full of dread. Due to the talent that she loves everyone deeply, she had many friends, she had fall in love many times, she got deeply hurt and got the great pleasures. She married with Gregory Bateson, and made a child and divorced. This is a meaningful poem by Ruth Benedict she quoted;


  All that we have is the time that two wonderful living steps are attracted to each other’s investigation and carved one tempo.


The relationship between Margaret and Ruth also progressed secretly as a relationship of love, and Margaret wrote that “The moment of intelligent opening of eyes is similar to falling in love.”



Philosopher Arendt Hannah was a disciple of Heidegger. Heidegger taught her thoroughly about “How important is to think by yourself”, she resonated deeply with this thought. In the open court asking Eichmann Adolf’s crime of Nazi war criminal warrant about how Eichmann is not a brutal human being but a mediocre person who just merely thinks not to think himself by complying with power. Then she received a great bashing from the press and public opinion that they wanted to thoroughly criticize the cruelty of Eichmann. However, Arendt bounced off this bashing. She has shown herself over how long it is that there are cases where it is sometimes how big negative chains may be caused by not thinking about important issues on our own and leaving it to others. We need to take responsibility ourselves for what we did. However, if we cease thinking ourselves, that trace will not remain in our mind and we can’t take responsibility for it. It is pointed out by Arendt that Eichmann was a good example.


And, when we see the movie of Arendt, we know another her theme underlying her life is love. Arendt loved Heidegger on a young day when she met him. Arendt in a young age, she was staring to Heidegger with an expression of euphoria. The expression is beautiful and impressive. Her husband who has continued to support her still knows that her love is alive in her heart and it is sad. He can’t change its love. But Arendt’s love to Heidegger is purely spiritual and it does not break the relationship with him. Arendt still loves her husband and needs him. That’s why he also accepts her. Such challenges frequently occur in our life. Having subjects of spiritual love will enrich our lives. But it is painful for our partner to have it. What to do? People in such a situation will be tested to their fullest extent of their ability to adjust.

そして、アーレントの映画を見ればわかるように、彼女の人生の底流になっているもう一つのテーマが、愛。アーレントはハイデッガーと出会った若き日に、彼を愛した。ハイデッガーを陶酔の表情で見つめていた若き日のアーレント。その表情は美しく、印象的だ。彼女を支え続けた夫も、いまでも彼女の心にその愛が生きていることを知り、それが悲しい。彼にはその愛をどうすることも出来ない。しかし、アーレントのハイデッガーに対する愛は純粋に精神的なもので、彼との関係を壊すものではない。アーレントは依然として夫を愛し、彼を必要としている。だから彼も彼女を受け入れていく。人生にはたびたびこのような難題が起きる。精神的な愛の対象をもつことは人生を豊かにする。しかし、それを自分のパートナーがもっていることは辛い。どうするか? 人は、このような局面で、自分の調整能力を最大限に試される。


  It is necessary for everyone as much as Love, and there is nothing to bother. It is as close as possible, none is impossible in the distance for Love.


I also had one of themes to live seeking “Impossible Love” on the way of my life.


My first girlfriend when I was a high school student, died at the age of 23 and I knew her death when I was 40, this event was a big shock to me. Since then, she has grown bigger and bigger in my heart. Because I knew at that time that no woman was as good as the spiritual partner I wanted. Now she is a magician to me, she appears with different charm figures everywhere I go, and she haunts me.


I gave a nickname “Elena” to her, this subject of love and I started to looking for her. Now I believe she lives in a surplus dimension with silence. I feel that Elena is quiet as long as she appears in our world, because she lives in quiet another world.



As Bjork sings “I am lonely without you, but I have not met you yet”, people are waiting for the appearance of “You” that they don’t meet yet? Love is one of the driving forces of human activity, no one can avoid passing. Especially, since Love is putting out their souls unprotected to the opponent, so if we make a mistake for selecting a partner, we hurt each other soul and fight each other with a bitter experience. Still, no matter how much we discipline, we can’t withdraw from Love. And we will be more deep our thoughts on “You” where Bjork sings whenever we have a bad time.



Love is a condition when I am living with a new unified existences, no difference between I and others. A world filled with Love is truly happy, it looks same but quite different. A world lost Love suddenly changes to the emptiness.
