Theoretical physicist Lisa Randall who runs at the forefront of modern science, said on her book that her idea of “Surplus Dimension” is not based on scientific positive evidence, but “her own belief” as well as religions and artists. She confessed it is a just “intuition” that come to her mind.
「ふと、自分の本当の気持ちに気づいた。私は余剰次元が何らかのかたちで存在しているに違いないと、信じているのである。まさか自分がそんなふうになるなんて」(リサ・ランドール『ワープする宇宙』 )
“Suddenly I noticed my true feelings. I believe that Surplus Dimension must exist in some form. No way that I will be its way.” (“Warped Passages” by Lisa Randall 2005.)
In other words, she is also based on something other than science for her scientific idea, and in her mind two spirits are living, one sprit come from Religion or Art and other spirit come from Science. From now our era will be an era that Religion, Art, and Science come closer each other again like the former Renaissance. In that meaning the era of science established by taking distance from Religion and Art will end. Religion and Art can still lead Science. Science can also update Religion and Art by adding new content to Religion and Art once denied. What I am going for in this part is renewal of Science, and renewal of Religion and Art.
On this book a theme that some one view belongs to a “Hypotheses” or a “True” will be not important basically. Because, we know almost “Scientific Facts” are remaining in the position of “Hypotheses”. Most important thing is that I can feel one view as “Like True” for my feeling, for my antenna or not. So, even if it is a “Hypotheses”, or if it is a science fiction, if it will be interesting and important for my book, I take a policy to adopt it.
As a Butoh-Space Dance Choreographer long year, I have bringing up these following ideas;
Our human’s body and brain keep all memories including the memories of animal’s age. We can get back these memories through our body’s characteristic movements. Humans are dreaming beings, and our dreams are flowing towards the Surplus Dimension and towards the Future.
I have one feeling which supports my ideas as “Surplus Dimension exists very near our world with a different layer, and the lost animals, the aliens, and the dead people live there. And always they are sending some messages to us”. This feeling is a true for me. Or, it is a true I hope that’s Surplus Dimension exists with such a condition. So, if today’s Science can’t prove my feeling I don’t need to negate it. Because I know today’s Science itself is a transitional existence and there’s no doubt that it have a destiny always to be renewed. I don’t need such a Science to guarantee my most important part.
My “Story” just might be a “Story” constructed by “Hypotheses” mostly which exists in the area of reasoning. But, it is my “Reminded Matter” and important “Story” which really touch my heart. So, even such a “Story”, if it will work to solve several new problems in the world and if it will be useful for people to get a good life, it will be a valuable trial.