t@e のすべての投稿

t@e について

Tetsuro Fukuhara is space dance artist, writer, photographer, and director of Tokyo Space Dance. I created SPACE DANCE with the concept of “Dance & Design". In 2006 in Tokyo, I and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA) published “SPACE DANCE – Someday in the Universe" with the architect, designer, media art curator, robot developer, and brain scientist. In 2018, my book “VISION of BODY” was published and I held a memorial lecture "APAROS - AI Robot as My Alter Ego" at Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw. Currently, I am running "Space Museum Online" and starting to look a producer, an investor, and other collaborative working partners to open SPACE MUSEUM. If you are interested in my plan, please contact me. Tetsuro Fukuhara email; jv4t-fkhr@asahi-net.or.jp http://sdee-museum.com/

Technique of Love / 愛の技術


Love” is also one of the universal themes of human beings. I want to contribute to improving the “Technique of Love” of men and women.

」も人間の普遍的テーマの一つ。私は男と女の「愛の技術」を高めることに貢献してみたい。どんな社会でも、その社会を動かすのは人間の欲望だ。世界は大きく変化してきたけれど、「愛の技術」も進化しているのかどうか。コミュニケーションの改革とは、一体何か? 結局、世界にはどんな変化が生じているのか。私は次のように考えてきた。











Love with Elena / エレナと愛し合う


The way “how to love” each other between Elena, who has roots in Mars, and me, I am an earthling, is quite different. This is because Elena is basically an aerial dweller. Elena grew up on Mars in one-third gravity, so it takes time to get used to one gravity after she meets me and lives on Earth. And since I and Elena don’t think it’s too long before we leave Earth and travel to some planet, Elena doesn’t need to get used to the global environment.



In addition, Elena always bites my neck lightly before kissing or having sex with me, making sure that there is a slight blood bleeding there. It is said that Elena will be “minded” only after seeing the blood. Every time I feel like I’m being attacked by a vampire, I have to put up with a slight pain, but I can’t help it because it’s Elena’s “habit” as a Martian inhabitant. Many Martian residents have a transparent body, so it is an effective way to check how much the other person has a real body.


Girl Dancer in Bali / バリ島の少女ダンサー


Astronaut Chiaki Mukai of JAXA talked about her spacewalk experience at a debriefing session at Tokyo University of the Arts in October 2003, “The body needs to be attached to somewhere in order to make a base. I wanted to connect to something even with a single string. Isn’t that the essence of human beings? Sometimes I feel sick. I think space needs artificial gravity.” Her recognition seems to be appropriate and right, and it is an excellent reference for me to think about physical and brain problems in less-gravity environment. Not many astronauts say this point.



Although it is not a scientifically proven case, as an example similar to Mukai’s remark, there is an interesting episode “Loss of sense of direction of a girl dancer in Bali” on the ground. In Bali dance, the relationship with the sacred mountain in the center of the island is important, and for a young girl dancer, when she blindfolds her and loses her “direction” towards the sacred mountain, she immediately changes her “posture” and can’t continue her dance. Then she takes her blindfold and asks her to confirm the “direction” of the mountain, she begins to dance again. This is because for a girl dancer, the state of losing her relationship with the sacred mountain is close to the state of being placed in a less-gravity environment, the “posture” is broken and the dance cannot be established. At that time, as if her brain function was paralyzed, holy mountains existed in all directions, making her expect to be in serious sensory confusion.



As the physical and brain problem, if such a difficult problem like the humans in less-gravity environment or a girl dancer in Bali arises, how to solve it?



I have tried to solve this problem using Space Tube which can be regarded as a pseudo less-gravity environment. In the first place, what is “Posture” for humans in relation to the environment? How is “Posture” expected to change in relation to gravity? Space Tube has a certain solution to these questions. Above all, in Space Tube we can study for ourselves that the support from space and things is indispensable for forming a “posture”.

私は、この問題解決を擬似的無重力環境と見なせるスペースチューブを使用して試みてきた。そもそも人間にとり「姿勢」とは、環境との関係において何であったのか? 重力との関係により「姿勢」はどのように変化することが予想されるのか? チューブ空間はこれらの問いに一定の解決を与えることができ、何よりもチューブ空間の中では、「姿勢」の構築のためには空間やモノからの支援が不可欠であることを、身をもって学ぶことができる。

Thinking Elena and Drawing Elena / エレナを想うこと、そしてエレナを描くこと


In order to bring Elena back from surplus dimensions, or to go to meet Elena in Surplus Dimension, I need to think about Elena and I need to draw Elena.



If such a situation is possible, we design “Artificial Love” that exceeds “Natural Love” in the degree of happiness. For example, Mother Teresa, who was single all her life, said “Yes, I am married with Jesus.” She said that she could bear the daily hard work for the people through this living with Jesus. What kind of existence such as Jesus? She was lucky enough, or because of her special ability to feel closer to Jesus, so just could she escape from “Real” world to “Ideal” world?

もし私が、幸福度においては「自然の愛」を凌駕するような「人工の愛」のデザインに成功したとすれば? 例えば、生涯独身だったマザーテレサは「いいえ、私もイエスと結婚しています」と言い、日々の辛い仕事もイエスと共に生活しているので耐えられると言っていた。このようなイエスとは、どのような存在なのか? マザーテレサは、幸運にも、或いは彼女の特殊な力によりイエスを身近に感じることができ、「現実」から「観念」の世界に逃避できていただけなのか?


In our real word, in truth, there is a limit to “Natural Love“, and even if we think that its love was realized with 100 percent, but later we think it was not enough. Also, my love with Elena ended without being realized as full love because of my immaturity and because she died young. Can I challenge to realize “Love with 100 percent” as “Artificial Love“, as “Living Image“, if I can rebirth Elena as artificial information and start over the relationship with her?



We design “Information” that stimulates “Experience“. I think that a new flow of “From Information to Experience” will emerge in accordance with the evolution of information space. The accuracy of information that can be perceived by humans is limited to 8K. So, even if the accuracy is increased beyond 8K, humans can’t recognize it, so it is worthless. Because humans desires are endless, people who are tired for pursuing the accuracy of information will start to seek “Actual Experience” of information. There is no limit in the world of experience such as information, and the experience keeps an unknown depth, so the quest never stops.



Even if my Elena who appeared in my information space gained more precision and were able to interact intimately and enjoy this experience like a real experience, but it were not real revivals of Elena, so my room is a same room. When I switch it off, it stays in its original room and my life has not changed. But, taking this opportunity by my Elena, if my life will change? For example, what if a doorbell ring while I am talking with Elena and a woman who looks exactly like Elena is standing there? And what if she says “I feel I am called here, so I come“, and I feel she is a “Lover’s Rebirth“, and a new life starts with her? If such a situation occurs, it may be a wonderful example that information has changed the condition, and information has created a “New Experience“?

情報空間に登場させた私のエレナも、どれほど精度が増し、親密に触れ合うことができてこの体験を実体験のように享受できても、実際にエレナが蘇生したわけではなく、私の部屋が変化するわけではない。電気のスイッチを切れば元の部屋のままで、私の生活には何の変化もない。しかし、登場したエレナや恐竜を契機に、私の生活が変化するとすれば? 例えば、私がエレナと話し込んでいる時に玄関のベルが鳴り、そこにエレナとそっくりな女性が立っていたとしたら? つまり、私が制作し私の部屋に登場させたエレナは、私はあくまで仮想の存在と思っていたのに、この世に対応する実在をもっているとすれば? その場合には、私の創造が「一定の限界」を超えていたのか? そして、彼女が「私、あなたに呼ばれた気がしたので、ここに来ました」と言い、私にも彼女が「恋人の再生」と感じられ、彼女との新しい生活が始まったとしたら? もし、そのような事件が起きるなら、情報を契機に事態が一変し、情報が「新しい体験」を呼び起こしたという驚くべき事件になるのではないだろうか?


And if a new relationship grows between me, her and Elena, Elena intervenes between me and her as an immortal being, and the growth of the three is confirmed, beyond “real world love” , the true, ultimate, and no more “love” as an idea, that is, as a “living image“, may be realized.
