t@e のすべての投稿

t@e について

Tetsuro Fukuhara is space dance artist, writer, photographer, and director of Tokyo Space Dance. I created SPACE DANCE with the concept of “Dance & Design". In 2006 in Tokyo, I and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA) published “SPACE DANCE – Someday in the Universe" with the architect, designer, media art curator, robot developer, and brain scientist. In 2018, my book “VISION of BODY” was published and I held a memorial lecture "APAROS - AI Robot as My Alter Ego" at Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw. Currently, I am running "Space Museum Online" and starting to look a producer, an investor, and other collaborative working partners to open SPACE MUSEUM. If you are interested in my plan, please contact me. Tetsuro Fukuhara email; jv4t-fkhr@asahi-net.or.jp http://sdee-museum.com/

New Visions of Body, World, and Universe / 新しい身体観・世界観・宇宙観



また、長期の宇宙滞在者或いは宇宙永住者を対象とする場合には、脳の改造を含めた根本的な身体改造が計画される可能性がある。現在の人間の脳は、地上の重力環境における進化史のなかで形成された器官であり、床・壁・天井の区別のある空間で正常に機能する。しかし、微小重力環境において、床・壁・天井の区別のない空間に一定期間人間を滞在させるとどうなるか? 脳科学や心理学の観点からは、脳が眠り出すか発狂するかも知れないことが予想されているが、ここでは環境への適応原則や姿勢支援ツールの使用により、睡眠も発狂もせずに機能する新しい脳が誕生する可能性も考えられる。その場合には、同一空間に複数の「上」が存在しても、新しい脳が内部で情報を組み替えることで知覚上の混乱はなく、コミュニケーションもそれぞれバラバラな方向を向いたまま実現されることになる。


こうして、微小重力環境における身体問題を考えるだけでも、姿勢支援ツールを含めた身体に直接の影響を与える人工物を宇宙にどのように持ち込むべきか、テクノロジーをどのような許容範囲で使用すべきか、その差が将来的に非常に大きくなることが予想されるため、それらの判断は進化の観点からもきわめて重要なものになる。 そして、その場合にも、短期宇宙滞在を目的とする宇宙旅行者が対象の場合と、長期の宇宙滞在者或いは宇宙永住者が対象の場合とでは、判断はおおきく別れることになる。さらに、後者の場合でも、どんな活動意図を想定しそのためにどんな身体デザインを構想するのかにより、必要なテクノロジーは異なってくる。

たとえば、われわれは、人間としていつまでも二手二足を維持したいのか? 四手の人間になってもいいのか? また、脳の改造も含め、身体改造も必要であれば何でも実行するのか。つまり、われわれは宇宙環境において、テクノロジーを身体に行使しない方向を選択するのか、或いは逆に有効と思われる一切のテクノロジーを行使するのか。自然か、人工か? これは、かつて地上において問われたように、宇宙環境においてもあらためて問われる非常に重要な問いになる。むろん、その選択は個々の人間の自由な判断に委ねるべきである。しかし、どちらの方法を選択するとしても、そこには明確な判断基準が求められることになる。



このように、宇宙開発においては、それがどれほど荒唐無稽なテーマに見えようとも、現在の決定が人間の未来に影響を及ぼす可能性があるテーマの場合には、時期早尚として考える必要がないのではなく、まさに現在、人間の叡智を総動員して取り組むべきテーマであるということになる。たとえば、脳科学者・養老孟司の「脳の3倍化」のテーマも、われわれの地球的感覚では荒唐無稽であっても、宇宙においては先見の明に満ちた有力な提案として採用される可能性がある。奥野卓司(関西学院大学教授)は『人間・動物・機械』(角川oneテーマ21 2002年)において、このような可能性にも触れながら、「脳が何らかのインターフェースを使って、仮に人工脳とでも言うべきものに置き換えられたとき、そこで考えられたことはその人間の思考と言えるのだろうか?」と述べている。


Why the humans chose the bipedalism? / ヒトはなぜ二足歩行を選択したのか?


動物の脳と人間の脳を比較した場合、何らかの根本的な変化が起きているのだろうか? サカナから両生類へ、両生類からサルへ、サルから人間へという、生物の進化の歴史をふりかえって見ると、それぞれの生物にはその生物の生存にとって必要な固有な「姿勢」というものがあり、人間にも人間として存在し生活する為に必要な二足歩行を基本とする「姿勢」とそれに基づく生活文化があることがわかる。人間の場合、二足歩行により前足が解放されて「」になり、垂直に立つことから「」が活性化されて肥大し、過剰になった脳のエネルギーが「手」に伝えられて手仕事から「道具」を生み出し、そこから「言語」が生まれ、道具と言語の使用により「文化」を築きはじめた、と言われている。確かに、人間にとって二足歩行とは、重力との格闘の果てに獲得した貴重な財産であり、生物の進化史においては奇蹟に近い「姿勢」の実現だったのである。







Mystery – Road to Return back to Sea / 謎~海に還る道


What is amazing is that like Pakicetus and Ambulocetus, other one part of quadruped animals, what kind of thinking they had in that time I don’t know, but they made choice to return back to the sea. Then, they were being the ancestors of the whales and the dolphins. So, I wonder about them, they could recognize “Something”, so they returned to the sea spontaneously? Or, they had a same reason with “Ichthyostega”, they came to be treated as nuisances, as “Weak Animals” from “Strong Animals” on the ground? They were exposed to the fears of the predation and the extinction, so they should returned to the sea helplessly as their only one way? Or, because they kept a strong nostalgia to the sea, so they couldn’t stand any more of their condition on the ground, then they returned to the sea? Or, more in simple, the food were running short in their habitat, so they thought the getting the food was more easy in the sea?



I think, maybe almost people will be interested in a “Mystery” of the behaviors of Pakicetus and Ambulocetus. Why they selected the way to be back to a same existence like the fish again, since they could transfer to the animal from the fish with big efforts? Even if they felt the fears to exist on the ground, also they felt something uncomfortable condition, or depend on such a reason they felt the crisis will come soon, then they decided to return back to the sea? Also, why our today’s people love whales and dolphins specially? Why we conjecture that maybe whales and dolphins keep a high intelligence? Particularly why we feel strong affinities with dolphins, because they keep a peaceful face? Are we ashamed of our history of human’s evolution with a true feeling? For us the existence of human beings is “Pain”?

このパキケトゥスやアンプロケトゥスたちの行動の「」については、誰もが関心をもつのではないか? なぜ、せっかく、魚から動物になれたのに、ふたたび魚と同じような存在になる道を選んだのか。陸上に存在することに恐怖があったとしても、或いはその他にも何か居心地の悪さのようなものを感じたり、或いは地上にやがて危機が訪れることをいち早く感じ取った等の理由で、それで海への帰還を決断したのだろうか。われわれ人間は、なぜ、クジラやイルカを特別に愛したり、クジラやイルカに人間に似た高度な知性が宿っていると推測したり、特に平和な顔つきをしたイルカに特別の親しみを感じたりするのだろうか。われわれ人間は、本当のところでは、自分たちの進化の歴史に何か恥じるものを隠しているのだろうか。人間である事は「痛み」なのだろうか?


Why human beings love to dive into the sea in the same way we love to climb a mountain and look up to the heaven? Both Mountain and Sea has been the subjects of worship mixed with fear and admiration from the ancient times. Why we feel whales and dolphins will be our “Friends” and why we feel “Restoration” in their existence? Or, our humans too, when our time come, we will be aware to our fate to advance to the universe or to return back to the sea in the same as Pakicetus and Ambulocetus unconsciously? So, in spite of ourselves, we could feel the affinities with them as a predecessor?



And, the ancestor of our humans, although they could notice the crisis which will come in the future on the ground, but they insisted on selecting a way to be on the ground? Or, it is not “Now” but they think it on “Someday”? Or, with a reason they didn’t notice the crisis, so they continued its existence on the ground as today’s condition? From these points, I will expand my “story” on more large scale depend on my “hypothesis” as follows;


Our humans, in a short time, will start to do “Same kind of Adventures” like Pakicetus and Ambulocetus.

人間は、近く、パキケトゥスやアンプロケトゥスたちと 「同じ種類の冒険」をはじめる。

For Human’s New Evolution / 人間の新しい進化のために


Humans could perfect the bipedalism well, so they could notice a special value of the “sitting“. And for supporting this behavior such a sitting humans could start to create “Chair for the Sitting”. Its awareness and its creation are estimated highly as “Design’s Behavior that developed Human’s Characteristic Evolution”. Indeed, not only humans but also monkey could sit on the rock, on the grass, on the tree, and on other every location. However, it is only human beings that bother to make the man-made article “Chair” and only human sit on it.



What is the difference between when humans sit on an artificial object named “Chair” and on other natural objects? Of course it is not only the theme about the comfortable sitting. Frankly speaking, humans could get an ability of “Looking Objectively”. In short, through the sitting on “Chair”, they could expand the body to the world, and at its point they could meet “Nature” again. Then, humans could start to look “Nature” and “Earth” including the body objectively.



This ability of “Looking Objectively” generated the definite difference between our humans and the monkey and other animals at my “A Story constituted on One Hundred Hypotheses”. In the end, by this ability, only humans could start to look our existence on the ground with a “View from Outside”. Its first fruits of this view were an invention of “God” and an occurrence of “Religion


  Humans, through this ability of “Looking Objectively” could start to live into the universe as a spirit at the same time humans existed on the earth, and humans start to look same person who lived on the earth. Humans has been getting a new “Mind” different from the monkey and other animals.



Atsushi Iriki, a brain scientist at Brain Science Institute of Physical and Chemical Research Center in Tokyo, suggested a very unique hypothesis about the occurrence of “Mind” like follows;


When the ancestor of humans started to hand the outward object to move it as an extension of their body, and when they could use it as a tool, something happened and it underwent a radical change. In that time, the body also changed to be an outward object at the same time a tool changed to be one part of the body. Then, the body was symbolized in the brain as a new organization. So, like that, when the body was separated as the object, we should imagine a new core as the independent position to move the body into the cranial nerve of the brain. I foresee that the name of its virtual core will be a “Mind” as a space with a will and with a feeling.”(“Origin of Intelligence, Hand and Brain Mechanism to Create the Future”(Riken Brain Science Institute. Kodansha 2007.)

様相が一変したのは、ヒトの祖先が、外界の事物を手に持ち、それを身体の延長として動かそうと、道具の使用をはじめたときでした。このとき、道具が身体の一部となると同時に、身体は道具と同様の事物として客体化されて、脳内に表象されるようになります。自己の身体が客体化されて分離されると、それを動かす脳神経系の機能の内に独立した地位を占める主体を想定せざるを得なくなります。その仮想的な主体につけられた名称が、意思を持ち感情を抱く座である心というものではないでしょうか。」(『脳研究の最前線』講談社 2007)

I think his hypothesis is a great and wonderful discussion. In short, he said that our brain didn’t need to develop a brain’s ability and didn’t need to get the human’s “Mind” to move the body as the subject, but our brain needed it when the humans started to move the body as the object. His position is “the humans have not survived simply in accordance with changes in the environment, but the humans are in the process of new evolution to further develop brain function and mind by creating an artificial environment by using tools and looking the artificial environment itself as the object”, if his position is proved as right it is expected to form a new evolution theory which turns into Darwin’s theory of evolution.



Humans who has come to sit on the artificial object named “Chair” could belong to the outside of the earth with a different “Mind” from other animals at the same time they belong to the earth. They didn’t keep the unity with the nature, they had eyes to see themselves apart from the nature. Why humans, by chance, suddenly feel the loneliness or they are overcome with strong nostalgia and yearn “Return” to the nature? Because, it is a reason they took on the separation from the nature. A person who keeps the unity with the nature he don’t need this kind of “Return” to the nature.



Humans don’t feel the unnaturalness for thinking about the universe, because their “Alter Ego” exists into the universe. In other words, humans meet “Alter Ego” who lives into the universe and humans are taking a dialogue with them. Human symbolized such as “Alter Ego” as a name of “God” in Christian Religion or Islam, or called it as “Big Ego” in Buddhism, then humans has been living with a great respect to them just like they are big and great more than humans.



The ability of “Looking Objectively” will be watched as a special ability in my “Story”. Because now humans, as the merits and the demerits of the development of science technology and too much consumption, on the one side we advance to destroy the global environment, on the other side we can reach the initial foray into the universe, then humans enter upon a “New Era called Space Age” and they are becoming to face with unknown question like “What will you do as a human being now?” In short, in my “Story” we will use this ability of “Looking Objectively” strategically to solve these urgent themes.



For this my purpose, moreover I will bring in this new “Hypothesis” on a chain of my several hypothesizes I have mentioned so far;


For our humans, the necessary condition to evolve as “Post-Human” will be to design “Fluid Furniture” to realize the “Creating New Postures” between 0 gravity and 1 gravity at a stage of the universe. Then the humans can develop “New Universal Culture”.

人間が、「ポスト人間」に進化する為に必要な条件とは、宇宙を舞台として、0重力~1重力間における「新しい姿勢構築」を実現するために必要な「流体家具 – 姿勢支援ロボット」をデザインすることである。「流体家具」の使用によって、人間は「新しい宇宙文化」を誕生させることができる。

Yes, this is a hypothesis that for the humans to get the evolution to “Post-Human“, humans at first needs to design a “Fluid Furniture”, then the humans needs to strengthen “Alter Ego” using by the ability of “Looking Objectively” as much as possible, at last the humans needs to create “New Universal Culture” by “Creating New Postures”, like humans could get a new evolution from the apes with a design of “Chair for the Sitting” on the ground in ancient times.



In the end, we will bring the condition of whales and dolphins they returned to the sea into the universe with 0 gravity, and about “Something the ancestors of whales and dolphins could notice in their life on the earth” we will move its stage to the universe and we will try to solve it there. The solution of its “Something” will be fulfilled as a “Task we will challenge into the Universe”.


Pakicetus and Ambulocetus returned back to the “Sea”, but our humans trust its hope to the “Universe”.


For this work, I try to find a “Way for Space Culture Development as a New Type” that has never been conceived. Then I will practice its way as I am a test subject for it. Because I think that if we bring only today’s earth culture to the universe we should lost our “Tomorrow for Human Beings”.
