t@e のすべての投稿

t@e について

Tetsuro Fukuhara is space dance artist, writer, photographer, and director of Tokyo Space Dance. I created SPACE DANCE with the concept of “Dance & Design". In 2006 in Tokyo, I and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA) published “SPACE DANCE – Someday in the Universe" with the architect, designer, media art curator, robot developer, and brain scientist. In 2018, my book “VISION of BODY” was published and I held a memorial lecture "APAROS - AI Robot as My Alter Ego" at Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw. Currently, I am running "Space Museum Online" and starting to look a producer, an investor, and other collaborative working partners to open SPACE MUSEUM. If you are interested in my plan, please contact me. Tetsuro Fukuhara email; jv4t-fkhr@asahi-net.or.jp http://sdee-museum.com/

Beautiful Death / 美しい死

Princess, Mimimono-toji of Shinobu Orikuchi’s “Book of the Dead“. After she had finished to sew a kimono for the ghost of a prince who had been shivering for the cold, she left a house alone with a tear on her cheek. I image that she did her necessary job, then she throwed herself into the reiver and went to a surplus dimension where her loved one live. It is a “Beautiful Death“. For such a death, any specific method of death will be acceptable.


Bjork Digital / ビョーク・デジタル

Why is Bjork’s expression unique? Because, as she said “The real role of artist is to bring life to new technologies“, she is not using by technology, she is using technology. But, even she doesn’t seem to be able to develop her own music using digital. It takes a time. In any case, there is no doult that she is a front-runner as the example of the artist’s activeness. We too, for keeping our originality, we have also decied not to publicly perform a “Space Dance Performance” until the results of “APAROS – AI Robot as My Alter Ego” that started its developments are achieved.

ビョークの表現はなぜユニークなのか? それは、彼女が「アーティストの本当の役割は新しいテクノロジーに命を吹き込むこと」と言っているように、テクノロジーに使われているのではなく、テクノロジーを使いこなしているから。しかし、その彼女でさえ、デジタル使用で彼女の音楽自体を新しく開発できているわけではないようだ。それには時間がかかる。いずれにしても、アーティストの能動性を証明する事例として、彼女がその先行者であることに間違いない。私たちも、オリジナリティを守るため、開発を開始した「アパロス~私の<分身>としてのAIロボット」の成果が出るまでは公に「スペースダンス公演」はしないと決めている。

A Story constituted on the Million Hypotheses / 百万の仮説の上に構成される一つの物語



In a very far-gone age, we have one hypothesis that “Strong Fishes” had pursed “Weak Fishes” like “Ichthyostega” to eat, then “Weak Fishes” run away to the river from the sea. And during the very long time when “Weak Fishes” was trying to keep their positions in the river keeping by their pectorals into the gravel of the bottom of a river, their pectorals could change to the feet with a bone. Then, by chance “Weak Fishes” could invent the pulmonary respiration, and at last they could advance to the ground, finally they could be an “Amphibian”.


If these hypotheses are right, “Amphibian” could be bone from the river, moreover from “Weak Fishes”. I wonder such “Amphibian” could keep the memory about “Ichthyostega” in their brain and in their behaviors? And, if “Amphibian” keeps its memory I wonder it is a memory with happiness? In other words, this accident that they could be born as “Amphibian” from “Weak Fishes” was happy or not? They were proud of its roots? Or, its memory was filled with sadness?



Why I want to ask these questions? Because “Amphibian” with this history could grow up at the various environments on the ground and they could evolve into many kind of quadruped animals. Then, one part of quadruped animals by a reason for getting the foods, or by other reason, they were driven by necessity to rise into the air. So they started to climb a tree and they changed their forefeet to the wings, finally they could transform into the “Birds”. Also, other part of quadruped animals by a same reason for getting the foods, or by other reason, they were driven by necessity to stand up. So they started to throw out their forefeet in the air and they could stand up on only their hind feet still imperfectly, finally they could transform into the “Apes”. And we know one part of such the apes could use their forefeet as a “Hand” and they could organize the animal’s born as the weapon, then they could realize a first step of the instrument culture. So, these stories are true, or not?



And, at last, about our humans, one part of the apes, or one ethnic group near the apes, they started to feel their bipedalism was not enough for their life, and by a reason for feeling something lack, or by other motive, they could get a success to stand up only by hind feet perfectly evolved by two new muscles on the waists which other apes didn’t have it. Then, they could raise their bipedalism as a perfect activity and get a great success to point up their character as “First Human Race.”



Like that, our humans through a perfect bipedalism could enlarge a brain, could invent various tools using by “Hand” well, could make a fire, could create various artificial objects, could use language, could produce the foods, could develop a skill for the war, could increase the “Family” killing by the enemy, could develop a communication, and could develop the artificial and high cultural world which we couldn’t find it in the ape’s world. Then, little by little, they could dominate on the grand as “Human Race”. In this process, maybe, our human experienced several doubts and worries, and they were visited with several abstruse desires and despairs? Can we find people in our world even now who can express it as their memories about the “Worries” in the early stage of our humans, and about “Joy of Life” they could birth with these characters, or its “Sadness”?

Pleasure of Bipedalism / 二足歩行の歓び



When human being could get the bipedalism successfully first time, what kind of emotion that first person experienced in his standing up and in his walking? Its emotions are same or different from today’s astronauts who could succeed their first Moon Walking on the moon?



Human’s movements keep the massive amount of memories not only the memories at the time humans started the bipedalism but also many memories of the animals, and every day they organize their each behaviors by selecting such movements variously and unconsciously. In this concerns, each time something happen, humans feel “Nostalgia” without a reason and bring up the systems of “Beauty” also “Prayer” secretly based on “Nostalgia”. And its ideas will be useful for making up each person’s “Originalities” that will be different from each other before we know it. “Originalities” will be made up not only through the intelligent difference like the thought but also through this kind of difference like the unconscious selection of the behaviors.



I would like to get a taste of the pleasure when humans could get the bipedalism successfully first time. And, when they started to walk on the ground freely what kind of troubles they experienced? I would like to ruminate their experiences. Maybe, for only one step, they must be needed so many unbelievable troubles and they could get several new discoveries. If I can know that, it is possible to perceive more sensibly what is lost things by the person living in the present age, and what progresses are made.



In front of me, one disabled person is walking very slowly while he takes a rest many times. What its figure inspires my heart! He uses all muscles of his body desperately only for one step, and he twists his neck hardly, he flares his both eyes, he opens his both hands and throw it in the sky, finally he is smiling from ear to ear just like he can climb up a big mountain through his only one step.



For me, this kind of walking by a disabled person will be a dance itself and it will be a wonderful example to express “Miracle of Bipedalism”. Its walking takes the imagination to us about the time when human could start the bipedalism. Me too, as a Butoh-Space Dance Choreographer, I would like to start my dance by this kind of walking. I think this is our human’s existence, at the moment when we touch “The Whole of the Movements that we forgot” we will be stricken with a deep impression unconsciously still now.