
Why the humans chose the bipedalism? / ヒトはなぜ二足歩行を選択したのか?


動物の脳と人間の脳を比較した場合、何らかの根本的な変化が起きているのだろうか? サカナから両生類へ、両生類からサルへ、サルから人間へという、生物の進化の歴史をふりかえって見ると、それぞれの生物にはその生物の生存にとって必要な固有な「姿勢」というものがあり、人間にも人間として存在し生活する為に必要な二足歩行を基本とする「姿勢」とそれに基づく生活文化があることがわかる。人間の場合、二足歩行により前足が解放されて「」になり、垂直に立つことから「」が活性化されて肥大し、過剰になった脳のエネルギーが「手」に伝えられて手仕事から「道具」を生み出し、そこから「言語」が生まれ、道具と言語の使用により「文化」を築きはじめた、と言われている。確かに、人間にとって二足歩行とは、重力との格闘の果てに獲得した貴重な財産であり、生物の進化史においては奇蹟に近い「姿勢」の実現だったのである。







When the Time comes / 時が来れば


When the time comes, will humans return to the sea like whales and dolphins? Or will they succeed in their journey to space by creating new designs that did not exist in human history?

時が来れば、人間は、クジラやイルカのように海に還るのか? 或いは、人間の歴史には存在しなかった新しいデザインを誕生させることで、宇宙への旅立を成功させるのか?


Humans could get a very characteristic evolution as human beings different from the monkey realized by a design of “Chair for the Sitting”. Then, they could develop a new culture. In my story I adopted a hypothesis that “Posture is a Womb for Creating Culture”. In this hypothesis each fish, amphibian, quadruped animal, bird, monkey, human have each cultures depend on each postures. So, the culture is not a monopoly of humans. In this meaning “Posture” is one of very important keywords in my story.

人間は、「坐るための椅子」をデザインすることで、 サルとは違う人間としての特有の進化を決定づけ、新しい文化を誕生させた。私の「物語」では、魚・両生類・四足動物・鳥・サル・人間のそれぞれにおいて、それぞれの姿勢に応じた文化が存在するという、「姿勢は文化創造の母胎である」という「仮説」を採用している。つまり、文化とは人間の独占物ではない。そのために「姿勢」が重要なキーワードになっている。


Humans could perfect the bipedalism well, so they could notice a special value of the sitting. And for supporting this behavior such a sitting humans could start to create “Chair for the Sitting”. Its awareness and its creation are estimated highly as “Design’s Behavior that developed Human’s Characteristic Evolution”. Indeed, not only humans but also monkey could sit on the rock, on the grass, on the tree, and on other every location. However, it is only human beings that bother to make the man-made article “Chair” and only human sit on it.



What is the difference between when humans sit on an artificial object named “Chair” and on other natural objects? Of course it is not only the theme about the comfortable sitting. Frankly speaking, humans could get an ability of “Looking Objectively”. In short, through the sitting on “Chair”, they could expand the body to the world, and at its point they could meet “Nature” again. Then, humans could start to look “Nature” and “Earth” including the body objectively.



This ability of “Looking Objectively” generated the definite difference between our humans and the monkey and other animals at my “A Story constituted on One Hundred Hypotheses”. In the end, by this ability, only humans could start to look our existence on the ground with a “View from Outside”. Its first fruits of this view were an invention of “God” and an occurrence of “Religion.”


Humans, through this ability of “Looking Objectively” could start to live into the universe as a spirit at the same time humans existed on the earth, and humans start to look same person who lived on the earth. Humans has been getting a new “Mind” different from the monkey and other animals.



In this way, when the humans have a new “Mind” and come up with a new design necessary for space advancement from insights into “Chair”, the humans exist on the ground and at the same time look at themselves from space, and the humans take the first step toward “Next Evolution”, and get on a “New Boat” that no one has seen yet.


Fountain for Originality – Message of Front-Runners / オリジナルの泉~先行者たちのメッセージ

〇 Hokusai, Last Painting / 葛飾北斎、最後の絵

These are the words of the various front-runners of the past and the present that guide me.


〇 Mister Eckhart / マイスター・エックハルト

We need to study the “Internally Retire“. Wherever we are, with whom we are, we need it.


Carl Gustav Jung / カール・グスタフ・ユング

It is important to have some secrets and have one secret to what is impossible. It fills our human’s life with “Non-Personal Numinous.”


〇 Bjork / ビョーク

I am lonely without you, but I have not met with you yet.


〇 Shusaku Arakawa / 荒川修作

If nothing is born after dance, do you feel your dance as a futile event?


〇 Ann Druyan / アン・ドルーヤン

We could invente the tools with terrifying power, but we are totally ignorant of what will happen from now on.


〇 Taruho Inagaki / 稲垣足穂

We can get “Wings” in A-sense. I want to tell about “Future of Matter.”


〇 Albert Einstein / アルベルト・アインシュタイン

Does Time and Space remain even if Matter runs out? Not so, Time and Space along with Matter will disappear.

物質がなくなっても時間と空間は残るのか? そうではなく、時間と空間も、物質と一緒になくなってしまう。

〇 Lisa Randall / リサ・ランドール

The 3 dimensional world we live in is embedded in the 5 dimensional world invisible to the human’s eye. The 5 dimensional world is represented by the vertical, horizontal, height, time of the 3 dimensional world, and fifth dimensional distances.


〇 Carl Sagan / カール・セーガン

Calls, songs, fragrances, shapes, and food preferences. The imprinted memories were written in the DNA and issue a command with great enforcement.


〇 Shigeo Miki / 三木成夫

Fetuses play a history while transforming themselves as if they were memorizing the scenario of the birth and the evolution of the life.


〇 Haruko Ichikawa / 市川春子

It is not a dream that people live in the sea, as long as the shellfish can live in human’s mouths. For biological evolution, the leaps through symbiosis are more powerful than the environmental adaptation. If we walk together with the shellfish, we may open up a new future for the humans.


〇 Laurie Anderson / ローリー・アンダーソン

My work is story telling, the world’s most “Ancient Art Form.”


〇 Temple Grandin / テンプル・グランディン

When somebody speaks to me, his words are instantly translated into pictures. For me, “Visual Thiking” is a tremendous advangage.


〇 Kenichi Imai / 今井賢一

Kukai went to China to seek the spirit of Buddhism when he was young. It must have been an adventure on board a spaceship from our today’s view. For us today, it is necessary to send our alter ego(robot) to the universe and communicate with it.


〇 Hayao Miyazaki / 宮崎駿

Our civilization will die if we don’t change the way of life. Let’s change the house, let’s change the town. Let’s give children a new space and a new time. We will create a nursery that will move children’s body with all senses by naturally without the noticing.


〇 Seigo Matsuoka / 松岡正剛

If we want to make something happen, we should organize 10 people at first. And we should concentrate 5 years with the core members.


〇 Naoto Fukasawa / 深澤直人

How we organize a good relationship between the object, the environment, and people? We need to design its interactions.


〇Kenya Hara / 原研哉

When we can consider the technology at the interface with the senses, the reality will emerge. There will be many interpretations at the boundary between body and environment.


〇 Sei Takeyama / 竹山聖

It is interesting that space moves. Space don’t move as it is. This bathroom is floating in the air and the celling is also empty to the sky, so it makes this bathroom a comfortable space.


〇 Mochio Umeda / 梅田望夫

I want to do something with the person who is most in love with same “Intention“, not with the person who happened to be next door by chance. At the moment I released my plan on the net, one Ukrainian producer said “It is interesting“. That often happens on the net. The excitement and joy are the basis of my motivation.


〇 Hisao Kanze / 観世寿夫

It is dangerous to rely on a specific sponsor. It is because we don’t knw when we will share our destiny with our sponsor.


〇 Minae Mizumura / 水村美苗

Lonely but Free. Wake up, every wish! Wake up, every desire!


〇 Satoshi Fukushima / 福島智

If it is possible, it is better if we can get multiple and multi-layered existence that respects us and protects us.


〇 Mother Teresa / マザー・テレサ

No, i am also married with Jesus. I always feel him around me in my daily life.


〇 Dalai Lama XIV / ダライ・ラマ14世

The moment of death is a time when the deepest and most beneficial internal experiences happen. Death and the process of the death bring the encounters between Tibetan Buddhism and Modern Science.


〇 Keiji Ueshima / 植島啓司

People who could get a long life always had a special stimulus. The most important thing in the definition of the religion is how we can bring in other great powers beyond ourselves.


〇 Hokusai Katsushika / 葛飾北斎

I want to still live more 5 years, because I could find a subject of the following picture.


〇 Arthur C. Clark / アーサー・C・クラーク

Which of those experiences in the universe will bear fruit? It will take at least a million years to get its answer.


Bjork Digital / ビョーク・デジタル

Why is Bjork’s expression unique? Because, as she said “The real role of artist is to bring life to new technologies“, she is not using by technology, she is using technology. But, even she doesn’t seem to be able to develop her own music using digital. It takes a time. In any case, there is no doult that she is a front-runner as the example of the artist’s activeness. We too, for keeping our originality, we have also decied not to publicly perform a “Space Dance Performance” until the results of “APAROS – AI Robot as My Alter Ego” that started its developments are achieved.

ビョークの表現はなぜユニークなのか? それは、彼女が「アーティストの本当の役割は新しいテクノロジーに命を吹き込むこと」と言っているように、テクノロジーに使われているのではなく、テクノロジーを使いこなしているから。しかし、その彼女でさえ、デジタル使用で彼女の音楽自体を新しく開発できているわけではないようだ。それには時間がかかる。いずれにしても、アーティストの能動性を証明する事例として、彼女がその先行者であることに間違いない。私たちも、オリジナリティを守るため、開発を開始した「アパロス~私の<分身>としてのAIロボット」の成果が出るまでは公に「スペースダンス公演」はしないと決めている。