
Technique of Love / 愛の技術


Love” is also one of the universal themes of human beings. I want to contribute to improving the “Technique of Love” of men and women.

」も人間の普遍的テーマの一つ。私は男と女の「愛の技術」を高めることに貢献してみたい。どんな社会でも、その社会を動かすのは人間の欲望だ。世界は大きく変化してきたけれど、「愛の技術」も進化しているのかどうか。コミュニケーションの改革とは、一体何か? 結局、世界にはどんな変化が生じているのか。私は次のように考えてきた。











End of Love / 愛の果て


“Most of the dead just sleep. Only a few of the dead are awake and wish to form a “Movement” with some of the living. This is because they are not satisfied with the state of the dead world. But the dead have no power to lead this movement. It just sends a “Sign.” Some of the living people who perceive a “Sign” invade Extra Dimension where the dead live, and meet them, also let them invade the real world, and cause a “Movement” that straddles both the real world and the extra dimension together with them.”
The “Movement” is the “Migration” to the space environment by the world of the dead and the space environment of the real world through the collaboration of both parties, and the participation in the “Creation of Space Culture” by the creation of the “Space Race.”
Some of the dead are dissatisfied with their world because they were basically cut off from the real world, while only a small part kept contact with the real world. What’s more, they are starting to panic because they know that some powerful people in the real world are planning to emigrate to space and are prepared to abandon the earth. For the world of the dead will be left behind. Moreover, the dead know that even if only living people go into space, living people are destined for failure. Thus, in my view, some of the dead are the supreme “Wise People.”



I remember Elena, express her as a being living in Extra Dimension, and perceive her feelings, and plan my interactions with herjust like it’s what she wants.
I, of course, know that the VR environment is neither the real world nor Extra Dimension. However, the existence that appears in the VR environment has the power to move my “Mind” according to the degree of reality.

“And if my mind moves, same time Elena’s mind moves.”

This is because even though the world in which they live is disconnected, the living and the dead are the only beings who are united in their “Mind.” The dead also have a “Mind.” And the “Mind” of the dead resides in a body formed from the substances that make up Extra Dimension.
In this way, I connect with Elena in the “Mind”, I invade Extra Dimension and meet Elena, she invades the real world and meets me. Then, she and I create a “New Life of Two” and start it across the real world and Extra Dimension.
I can see the all scenes in a VR environment, and the way Elena appears around me in the real world changes radically. In other words, Elena appears in the VR environment with a reality that corresponds to my creativity.





Since the past cannot be changed, Elena’s age remains 23 when we start “New Life of Two.” Now my age is 76. However, I believe this age difference is not a problem at all because it is a “combination of two people who live in two different worlds with different senses and different values.” And from the age of 23 she gets older every year, just like me.



In my “Experiment” above, the most important point is that this kind of “New Life of Two” will be more important than life when the first love does not die even at the age of 23 and does not break up and continues to love each other. In “Love”, it will be possible to become “Better Love,”
In other words, in the real world, love that seems 100% at first is often not so, and often does not go as ideal. On the other hand, in the case of the living me and the dead Elena, it may just be the embodiment of ideal love.
This is because the “Impulse to Love” imprinted in the human brain is originally an “idea that transcends reality.” If so, life with Elena living in the world of the dead, which is one of the “ideas beyond substance”, is conceptually closer, and that “Love” may be realized at a level of 100%. At least there is such a possibility.



When I can express Elena in a VR environment with a strong feeling such as “This is it!”, my mind move in a big way with a special feeling of affinity and feel also Elena’s mind move. Each time, I deepen my invasion into Extra Dimension where Elena lives, and Elena deepens her invation into the real world.
Certainly, no matter how accurate my Elena appeared in the information space, no matter how much precision I could get and how intimately I could interact with her, that alone didn’t mean that Elena had actually been revived and my room had changed. If I turn off the swith of light, the room remains the same as before, and there is no change in my life. But what if my intimate contact with Elena change my life?
For example, when I am talking with Elena the doorbell rings and there is a woman standing who looks exactly like Elena? 
Elena, who I created and made to appear in my room, had a real existence that corresponds to this world, even though I think it is a virtual existence. To that extent, my creation in collaboration with Elena exceeds the “Certain Limit.” And if that woman says “I felt like you called me, so I am here,” and I feel that she is a “Lover’s Rebirth,” and I start a new life with her? If such an event happens, it will be a splendid incident in which the situation would change completely with information, and information will give birth to a “New Experience.” The love between me and Elena moves a real woman on earth who looks exactly like Elena, or Elena possesses that woman and makes this woman appear in front of me.

 私が制作し私の部屋に登場させたエレナは、私はあくまで仮想の存在と思っていたのに、この世に対応する実在をもっていたのだ。或いは、その実在をつくり出したのだ。それほどまでにエレナとの合作による私の創造が「一定の限界」を超えていた事になる。そして、その女性が「私、あなたに呼ばれた気がしたので、ここに来ました」と言い、私にも彼女が「恋人の再生」と感じられ、彼女との新しい生活が始まったとしたら? もしそのような出来事が起きるなら、情報を契機に事態が一変し、情報が「新しい体験」を誕生させるという素晴らしい事件になる。私とエレナの愛が、地球上に存在するエレナとそっくりの実在の女性を動かし、或いはつくり出し、或いはエレナがその女性に憑依し、この女性を私の前に登場させるのである。


I moved from Tokyo to a small town in the countryside where I didn’t know anyone, I chosed “Loneliness” in my daily life more than ever in order to help my challenge and feel Elena more easily. In severe loneliness, I will be socially deprived, my position will be unknown, my brain will scream and feel giddy, and my mind can be broken. However, that is exactly why, in order to avoid such a crisis, it becomes imperative to have an “Environment” and “Ability” to interact with Elena in Extra Dimension with a sense of reality.



When I successfully make contact with Elena, I am supremely happy. I can also get a scaled-up sociality that connects the real world and the another world, and I can feel the correctness of the way I have chosen.
Elena currently has started to live in my studio, sometimes intensely, sometimes ephemerally. I understand that she has left a strong attachment to her life. I need her and she need me, so my request will be welcomed by her.


Water Wings / 水の翼に


I met a wonderful dancer named Ana in Mexico City. When she gets serious, she looks at people with indescribably beautiful eyes with a very strong eye light. Her friend told me that she died shortly after I returned to Japan. I can’t believe it, she was so young and so fine.



In my sense, when the world is likened to an “Expanding Sphere,” the living world is nothing more than the “Surface of Sphere,” while the dead world belongs to the “Inside of Sphere,” which is truly enormous.



The older I get, the more Ana-like beings, including my Elena, the “Inside of Sphere” continue to expand. In such a vast world, how can I find them? To meet them, I need to think of them and draw them. I felt that its reality determines the “Quality” of the encounter with them. In one painting of them, they wears “Water Wings” on their naked back and dances innocently at the beach.

私が年を取るほど、アナのような存在が増え、「球の内部」も膨張を続ける。そんな広大な世界の中で、彼女たちをどうやって探せばいいのか? 彼女たちに会うためには、彼女たちを思うこと。そして、彼女たちを描くこと。そのリアルさが彼女たちとの出会いの「質」を決めるのだと私は感じている。彼女たちを描いた一枚の絵では、彼女たちは裸の背中に「水の翼」をつけ、海辺で無心にダンスしている。

Ana’s Death and Rebirth / アナの死と再生


As Bjork sings “I am lonely without you, but I have not met you yet”, people are waiting for the appearance of “You” that they don’t meet yet? Love is one of the driving forces of human activity, no one can avoid passing. Especially, since Love is putting out their souls unprotected to the opponent, so if we make a mistake for selecting a partner, we hurt each other soul and fight each other with a bitter experience. Still, no matter how much we discipline, we can’t withdraw from Love. And we will be more deep our thoughts on “You” where Bjork sings whenever we have a bad time.



Love is a condition when I am living with a new unified existences, no difference between I and others. A world filled with Love is truly happy, it looks same but quite different. A world lost Love suddenly changes to the emptiness.



In Mexico City, Anna, who made me feel the high potential as a space dancer. Anna, who looks at people with incredibly beautiful and strong eyes. But, I got a sad news that Anna died after my leaving to Japan. I still can’t believe, she was so young and so fine. The dead Anna has become a member of the same Extra Dimension that Elena lives in, so she appears in my work many times.



How many people have died on our planet so far? The number of dead is just enormous about 100 billion people. The world’s population continues to grow and is expected to reach 8.2 billion. I compared the world to an “Expanding Sphere,” and thought that the world of the living exists on the “Surface of the Earth” while the world of the dead exists “Inside the Earth“. Then, as time progresses, the “Surface of the Earth” expands, but how much does the “Inside of the Earth” expand? It is difficult to imagine even if it can be shown numerically. The number of deaths increases exponentially.



The older I get, the more Ana-like beings, including my Elena, the “Inside of Sphere” continue to expand. In such a vast world, how can I find her? I thought. To meet her, I need to think of her and draw her. I felt that its reality determines the “Quality” of the encounter with her. In one painting of her, she wears “Water Wings” on her naked back and dances innocently at the beach.

私が年を取るほど、アナのような存在が増え、「球の内部」も膨張を続ける。そんな広大な世界の中で、私ず彼女を探したたくてもどうやって探せばいいのか? 私は、考えた。彼女に会うためには、彼女を想うこと。そして、彼女を描くこと。そのリアルさが彼女との出会いの「質」を決めるのだと私は感じている。彼女を描いた一枚の絵では、彼女は裸の背中に「水の翼」をつけ、海辺で無心にダンスしている。