
When the Time comes / 時が来れば


When the time comes, will humans return to the sea like whales and dolphins? Or will they succeed in their journey to space by creating new designs that did not exist in human history?

時が来れば、人間は、クジラやイルカのように海に還るのか? 或いは、人間の歴史には存在しなかった新しいデザインを誕生させることで、宇宙への旅立を成功させるのか?


Humans could get a very characteristic evolution as human beings different from the monkey realized by a design of “Chair for the Sitting”. Then, they could develop a new culture. In my story I adopted a hypothesis that “Posture is a Womb for Creating Culture”. In this hypothesis each fish, amphibian, quadruped animal, bird, monkey, human have each cultures depend on each postures. So, the culture is not a monopoly of humans. In this meaning “Posture” is one of very important keywords in my story.

人間は、「坐るための椅子」をデザインすることで、 サルとは違う人間としての特有の進化を決定づけ、新しい文化を誕生させた。私の「物語」では、魚・両生類・四足動物・鳥・サル・人間のそれぞれにおいて、それぞれの姿勢に応じた文化が存在するという、「姿勢は文化創造の母胎である」という「仮説」を採用している。つまり、文化とは人間の独占物ではない。そのために「姿勢」が重要なキーワードになっている。


Humans could perfect the bipedalism well, so they could notice a special value of the sitting. And for supporting this behavior such a sitting humans could start to create “Chair for the Sitting”. Its awareness and its creation are estimated highly as “Design’s Behavior that developed Human’s Characteristic Evolution”. Indeed, not only humans but also monkey could sit on the rock, on the grass, on the tree, and on other every location. However, it is only human beings that bother to make the man-made article “Chair” and only human sit on it.



What is the difference between when humans sit on an artificial object named “Chair” and on other natural objects? Of course it is not only the theme about the comfortable sitting. Frankly speaking, humans could get an ability of “Looking Objectively”. In short, through the sitting on “Chair”, they could expand the body to the world, and at its point they could meet “Nature” again. Then, humans could start to look “Nature” and “Earth” including the body objectively.



This ability of “Looking Objectively” generated the definite difference between our humans and the monkey and other animals at my “A Story constituted on One Hundred Hypotheses”. In the end, by this ability, only humans could start to look our existence on the ground with a “View from Outside”. Its first fruits of this view were an invention of “God” and an occurrence of “Religion.”


Humans, through this ability of “Looking Objectively” could start to live into the universe as a spirit at the same time humans existed on the earth, and humans start to look same person who lived on the earth. Humans has been getting a new “Mind” different from the monkey and other animals.



In this way, when the humans have a new “Mind” and come up with a new design necessary for space advancement from insights into “Chair”, the humans exist on the ground and at the same time look at themselves from space, and the humans take the first step toward “Next Evolution”, and get on a “New Boat” that no one has seen yet.


Ana’s Death and Rebirth / アナの死と再生


As Bjork sings “I am lonely without you, but I have not met you yet”, people are waiting for the appearance of “You” that they don’t meet yet? Love is one of the driving forces of human activity, no one can avoid passing. Especially, since Love is putting out their souls unprotected to the opponent, so if we make a mistake for selecting a partner, we hurt each other soul and fight each other with a bitter experience. Still, no matter how much we discipline, we can’t withdraw from Love. And we will be more deep our thoughts on “You” where Bjork sings whenever we have a bad time.



Love is a condition when I am living with a new unified existences, no difference between I and others. A world filled with Love is truly happy, it looks same but quite different. A world lost Love suddenly changes to the emptiness.



In Mexico City, Anna, who made me feel the high potential as a space dancer. Anna, who looks at people with incredibly beautiful and strong eyes. But, I got a sad news that Anna died after my leaving to Japan. I still can’t believe, she was so young and so fine. The dead Anna has become a member of the same Extra Dimension that Elena lives in, so she appears in my work many times.



How many people have died on our planet so far? The number of dead is just enormous about 100 billion people. The world’s population continues to grow and is expected to reach 8.2 billion. I compared the world to an “Expanding Sphere,” and thought that the world of the living exists on the “Surface of the Earth” while the world of the dead exists “Inside the Earth“. Then, as time progresses, the “Surface of the Earth” expands, but how much does the “Inside of the Earth” expand? It is difficult to imagine even if it can be shown numerically. The number of deaths increases exponentially.



The older I get, the more Ana-like beings, including my Elena, the “Inside of Sphere” continue to expand. In such a vast world, how can I find her? I thought. To meet her, I need to think of her and draw her. I felt that its reality determines the “Quality” of the encounter with her. In one painting of her, she wears “Water Wings” on her naked back and dances innocently at the beach.

私が年を取るほど、アナのような存在が増え、「球の内部」も膨張を続ける。そんな広大な世界の中で、私ず彼女を探したたくてもどうやって探せばいいのか? 私は、考えた。彼女に会うためには、彼女を想うこと。そして、彼女を描くこと。そのリアルさが彼女との出会いの「質」を決めるのだと私は感じている。彼女を描いた一枚の絵では、彼女は裸の背中に「水の翼」をつけ、海辺で無心にダンスしている。

What is Expected New Dance Generation? / 期待される新世代ダンスとは?


It is amazing to the reality that “Butoh Dancers” are surprisingly increasing all over the world. That is a witness in the today’s dance world that “Freedom” is craving for it. However, simply enjoying “Freedom” can not reach “Expected Social Value = Cultural Commodity” as expected by Hijikata Tatsumi, and “Expected New Dace Generation” which is required to us now.



Hijikata Tatsumi aimed to position Butoh as traditional arts like Noh and Kabuki in Japan. His “Butoh with Darkness” is said to be “Beauty of Form“, 80 percent of which was completed. After the death of Hijikata, in order to complete the remaining 20 percent, it was needed a disciple, Yoko Ashikawa, but unfortunately its road was cut off for another reason.



As Akira Kasai’s “Butoh Improvisation” that I studied did not have the possibility of “Social Value = Cultural Commodity” like “Beauty of Form” that Hijikata aimed for, it only says “Freedom” and instantaneously flashes just letting it go was ruined. Although it was a short period, Kasai was loved by Yukio Mishima, and there were activities like Kira by young improvising Butoh dancers. However, its record is not correctly preserved in Butoh history.



The specificity of Kazuo Ohno was that, as one of Butoh founders, he was able to inherit the “Beauty of form” of Hijikata despite being basically an improviser. And, he got on the trend of the era of running the forerunner of the expected elderly culture. In these two points the secret of its success is summarized. It is a miraculous case. Therefore, no matter how much overseas butoh drunken in Ohno, it is not easy to get “Beauty of Form” for them, and much less anyone can manipulate the trend of the times.



“Expected New Dance Generation” will be not born from the “Extensions” of “Butoh” and “Contemporary Dance”. Because, maybe we need to get “New Placement” for the dance is essential.



In my case, I took distance from “Butoh with Darkness” and also recognized the limits of “Butoh Improvisation”. Only one thing, my attention was paid to “Affinity Relationship between Body and Space” realized by “Butoh Improvisation”, and this was brought to the birth of Space Dance to create various designs with the theme of “Informationization of Tacit Knowledge“. Space dance can be said to be one of the candidates of “Expected New Dance Geration” in the sense that dance has been read from the viewpoint of “Creation of Posture“.

私の場合は、暗黒舞踏からも距離を取り、即興舞踏の限界も認識した。ただ一つ、即興舞踏が実現する「身体と空間の親和的関係」に注目し、これを「身体知の情報化」をテーマとして「ダンス & デザイン」をコンセプトとして掲げ、諸々のデザインを誕生させるスペースダンスの誕生に漕ぎつけた。スペースダンスは、「姿勢の創造」という観点からダンスを読み替えたという意味において、「期待される新世代ダンス」の一つであると言えるだろう。


To the best of my knowledge, there are foreign dancers who pursue “Beauty of Form” in young generations, but I feel they can’t get the success yet. “Beauty of Form” is unique to Japan, so, still now is it difficult for foreigners to learn? The tradition of Japanese Flowers, Tea Ceremony, Calligraphy, Kendo, Bow, etc., as well as the current overseas fashion of Japanese Food and Bonsai are by the techniques of “Beauty of Form”.

私の知る限り、若手世代にも「形式の美」を追及する外国人舞踏家たちが存在する。しかし、いまだ成功していないように思われる。「形式の美」は、日本独自なもので、外国人には習得が困難なのか? 生け花・茶道・書道・剣道・弓などの伝統をはじめ、日本料理や盆栽の現在の海外での流行も、「形式の美」の成せる技である。


Japanese dancers who don’t carry Butoh are also weak. In the case of young and talented contemporary dancers, even if they go abroad, they are not attracted, even if they succeed its success are temporary and there is no major development in their works. “Parents” of Contemporary Dance are Western countries, so it is no use for them. Therefore, apart from those who don’t expect “Prominence” or those who hide themselves in the Western Dance Troupes, it is difficult to seek a good place in abroad, trapped in Japan and eventually get exhausted. In order to be active as a dancer with originality overseas, there is no way but to realize “Expected New Dance Generation”.



“Young Talented who bear Space Dance” that I should find out are not members of Butoh nor Contemporary Dance, tired of being wasting talents, they are the species who are struggling for “Undiscovered Dance“. Where are they? They must be hiding in the unexpected places.

私が探し出すべき「スペースダンスの担い手たち」も、舞踏にもコンテンポラリーダンスにも属さず、才能の浪費に疲れ果て、「まだ見ぬダンス」を求めてもがいている種族である。彼らはどこにいるのか? 思いがけない場所に潜んでいるに違いない。

A Story constituted on the Million Hypotheses / 百万の仮説の上に構成される一つの物語


  In a very far-gone age, we have one hypothesis that “Strong Fishes” had pursed “Weak Fishes” like “Ichthyostega” to eat, then “Weak Fishes” run away to the river from the sea. And during the very long time when “Weak Fishes” was trying to keep their positions in the river keeping by their pectorals into the gravel of the bottom of a river, their pectorals could change to the feet with a bone. Then, by chance “Weak Fishes” could invent the pulmonary respiration after learning to stick the head above the river, and at last they could advance to the ground, finally they could be an “Amphibian”.


If these hypotheses are right, “Amphibian” could be bone from the river, moreover from “Weak Fishes”. I wonder such “Amphibian” could keep the memory about “Ichthyostega” in their brain and in their behaviors? And, if “Amphibian” keeps its memory I wonder it is a memory with happiness? In other words, this accident that they could be born as “Amphibian” from “Weak Fishes” was happy or not? They were proud of its roots? Or, its memory was filled with sadness?



Why I want to ask these questions? Because “Amphibian” with this history could grow up at the various environments on the ground and they could evolve into many kind of quadruped animals. Then, one part of quadruped animals by a reason for getting the foods, or by other reason, they were driven by necessity to rise into the air. So they started to climb a tree and they changed their forefeet to the wings, finally they could transform into the “Birds”. Also, other part of quadruped animals by a same reason for getting the foods, or by other reason, they were driven by necessity to stand up. So they started to throw out their forefeet in the air and they could stand up on only their hind feet still imperfectly, finally they could transform into the “Apes”. And we know such the apes could use their forefeet as a “Hand” and they could organize the animal’s born as the weapon, then they could realize a first step of the instrument culture. So, these stories are true, or not?



And, at last, about our humans, one part of the apes, or one ethnic group near the apes, they started to feel their bipedalism was not enough for their life, and by a reason for feeling something lack, or by other motive, they could get a success to stand up only by hind feet perfectly evolved by two new muscles on the waists which other apes didn’t have it. Then, they could raise their bipedalism as a perfect activity and get a great success to point up their character as “First Human Race.”



Like that, our humans through a perfect bipedalism could enlarge a brain, could invent various tools using by “Hand” well, could make a fire, could create various artificial objects, could use language, could produce the foods, could develop a skill for the war, could increase the “Family” killing by the enemy, could develop a communication, and could develop the artificial and high cultural world which we couldn’t find it in the ape’s world. Then, little by little, they could dominate on the grand as “Human Race”. In this process, maybe, our human experienced several doubts and worries, and they were visited with several abstruse desires and despairs? Can we find people in our world even now who can express it as their memories about the “Worries” in the early stage of our humans, and about “Joy of Life” they could birth with these characters, or its “Sadness”?



And, moreover I continue to tell my story. What is amazing is that like Pakicetus and Ambulocetus, other one part of quadruped animals, what kind of thinking they had in that time I don’t know, but they made choice to return back to the sea. Then, they were being the ancestors of the whales and the dolphins. So, I wonder about them, they could recognize “Something”, so they returned to the sea spontaneously? Or, they had a same reason with “Ichthyostega”, they came to be treated as nuisances, as “Weak Animals” from “Strong Animals” on the ground? They were exposed to the fears of the predation and the extinction, so they should returned to the sea helplessly as their only one way? Or, perhaps they recognized that the path of evolution they were following would only lead to an accumulation of “sadness,” and so they developed a strong sense of nostalgia for the sea, then returned to the sea because they could no longer bear life on land. Is it? Or, more in simple, the food were running short in their habitat, so they thought the getting the food was more easy in the sea?



I think, maybe almost people will be interested in a “Mystery” of the behaviors of Pakicetus and Ambulocetus. Why they selected the way to be back to a same existence like the fish again, since they could transfer to the animal from the fish with big efforts? Even if they felt the fears to exist on the ground, also they felt something uncomfortable condition, or depend on such a reason they felt the crisis will come soon, then they decided to return back to the sea? Also, why our today’s people love whales and dolphins specially? Why we conjecture that maybe whales and dolphins keep a high intelligence? Particularly why we feel strong affinities with dolphins, because they keep a peaceful face? Are we ashamed of our history of human’s evolution with a true feeling? For us the existence of human beings is “Pain”?

このパキケトゥスやアンプロケトゥスたちの行動の「謎」については、誰もが関心をもつのではないか? なぜ、せっかく、魚から動物になれたのに、ふたたび魚と同じような存在になる道を選んだのか。陸上に存在することに恐怖があったとしても、或いはその他にも何か居心地の悪さのようなものを感じたり、或いは地上にやがて危機が訪れることをいち早く感じ取った等の理由で、それで海への帰還を決断したのだろうか。われわれ人間は、なぜ、クジラやイルカを特別に愛したり、クジラやイルカに人間に似た高度な知性が宿っていると推測したり、特に平和な顔つきをしたイルカに特別の親しみを感じたりするのだろうか。われわれ人間は、本当のところでは、自分たちの進化の歴史に何か恥じるものを隠しているのだろうか。人間である事は「痛み」なのだろうか?


Why human beings love to dive into the sea in the same way we love to climb a mountain and look up to the heaven? Both Mountain and Sea has been the subjects of worship mixed with fear and admiration from the ancient times. Why we feel whales and dolphins will be our “Friends” and why we feel “Restoration” in their existence? Or, our humans too, when our time come, we will be aware to our fate to advance to the universe or to return back to the sea in the same as Pakicetus and Ambulocetus unconsciously? So, in spite of ourselves, we could feel the affinities with them as a predecessor?



And, the ancestor of our humans, although they could notice the crisis which will come in the future on the ground, but they insisted on selecting a way to be on the ground? Or, it is not “Now” but they think it on “Someday”? Or, with a reason they didn’t notice the crisis, so they continued its existence on the ground as today’s condition? From these points, I will expand my story on more large scale depend on my hypothesis



  Our humans, in a short time, will start to do “Same kind of Adventures” like Pakicetus and Ambulocetus.

  人間は、近く、パキケトゥスやアンプロケトゥスたちと 「同じ種類の冒険」をはじめる。