
We also live in Surplus Dimension? / 私たちは余剰次元にも住むのか?


On the door of the cover of the popular theoretical physicist Lisa Randall’s “Knocking Heaven’s Door” (2013), she is one of the leading-edge questers for Surplus Dimension, we can read several words like “What does it mean to be Science? What is Higgs Particle? What is Dark Matter? Is it possible to make a Black Hole? And we are living in Surplus Dimension?” I think this is a nice catch copy by a combination of really skilled questions, which evokes the readers’ willingness to buy and invites them.

最先端の余剰次元の探求者の一人である理論物理学者リサ・ランドールの『宇宙の扉をノックする』(2013)の表紙の扉には、「科学するとはどういうことか? ヒッグス粒子は何か? 暗黒物質は? ブラックホールは作れるのか? そして私たちは異次元にも住むのか?」と書かれている。実に巧みな質問の組合せによるキャッチコピーで、これで読者の購買意欲を喚起し、誘っているのである。


Because, if we read it carefully, the question other than the last “We are living in Surplus Dimension?” is a “Scientific Question“, but this question is different. But, this last non-scientific question invites ordinary people’s interest and ignites purchasing will.



In this book, Lisa Randall answered to one choreographer that “the influence by Surplus Dimension on physical phenomena is infinitely small, so if we are receiving it, we could already see its effects” to the choreographer’s question of “I know you study Surplus Dimension, please teach me does Surplus Dimension influences the movement of humans body?”.



For me, this exchange is interesting. Because, her answer also leaves the possibility that if its observation accuracy increases dramatically in the near future “its effect may be observed“. And if it comes up with a case where the effect is demonstrated, can she admit it honestly? Because she confessed in the previous work “Warped Passages” (2007) that she believed its existence before “Demonstration” in her verification work about Surplus Dimension, in short she belongs to a next generation type as a scientist.

私には、このやり取りが面白い。それは、彼女の答え方が、近い将来観測精度が飛躍的にアップするなら「その効果が観測されるかも知れない」という可能性も残しているからだ。そして、もしその効果が実証される事態になる場合には、彼女なら素直に認めるのではないか? 彼女は前著『ワープする宇宙』(2007)において、余剰次元の検証作業の中で、「実証」よりも先にその存在を「信じている」ことを告白した次世代型の科学者であるからである。


Christopher Nolan’s movie “Interstellar” (2014) is a work that expresses the scene that Surplus Dimension affects Four-Dimensional World. This movie is like a picture for Lisa Randall’s Surplus Dimension Theory. The featured scene is a scene where the hero returned to a nostalgic room 30 years later when he departed to the universe to reunite with his daughter. The hero contacts from Surplus Dimension called “4 dimensional hypercube TESARACT” where time and space expand and shrink, and the daughter lives in the same our Four-Dimensional World.



In the movie, the two worlds are connected via “Bookshelf” of this room as an intermediary. Father moved the books and the watch from behind and gave a signal, both of them “daughter when small” and “daughter who grew up as a physicist” both feel “Father” sensitively. Finally, the grown daughter notices that the watch on the bookshelf carved “Cipher“. Then, she could solve the secret of gravity from the cipher and could success in launching a big space colony near Saturn. This is a story that human beings who were about to die on the diseased Earth were relieved by migrating to space colony.



In this movie, the theoretical physicist Kip Thorne who was awarded the Nobel prize served as a science consultant and became a big topic after the appearance of the black hole by the latest scientific knowledge was portrayed. But, there is no detailed explanation about TESARACT which is the most important, which is regarded as a space connected to all the times of the Earth’s past, present and future, which arrived after the hero was absorbed by this black hole. Although TESARACT is in contact with our Four-Dimensional World through a bookshelf as one of Surplus Dimensions.



Why the time at TESARACT connected to the earth’s time? The hero entered in TESARACT by being absorbed by the black hole, how did he come out from TESARACT? Also, can he enter in TESARACT again? Is there no physical change due to entering and leaving TESARACT? The effectiveness of TESRACT is expected to be enormous for the humans, but what kind of benefit can we imagine?

なぜ、テサラクトでは、地球の時間と連結しているのか? 主人公はブラックホールに吸収されることでテサラクトに入ったが、どうやってテサラクトから出てきたのか? また、再度テサラクトに入ることは出来るのか? ブラックホールに吸収されるだけで何もしなくてもそれは可能になるのか? テサラクトへの出入りによる身体の変化はないのか? テサラクトの有効性は人類にとり莫大であると予想されるが、どんな利益として想像されるだろうか?


I think about Surplus Dimension including these questions as one “Hypothesis” or “Story” as follows.

TESARACT is one of Surplus Dimensions where time and space freely stretch and shrink, but there are many Surplus Dimensions adjoin to our Four-Dimensional World other than TESARACT. In Surplus Dimension that I perceive “They – The Dead, Lost Animals, Aliens” live as close to “They” who appear in “Interstellar”,




And, this Surplus Dimension is composed of substances different from substances including Higgs boson and dark matter constituting Four-Dimensional World. Those who live in Four-Dimensional World can have a “Mind” with continuity in this Surplus Dimension after their death. But, since the substance is different, the body is also different, so it seems to be completely different from the other’s point of view. Only the principal understands the identity. Even “They” who live in Surplus Dimension, other than their own, don’t know how they were in Four-Dimensional World.



In order for us living in Four-Dimensional World to move to Surplus Dimension, we need to discover the “Boundary” in Four-Dimensional World, and we need to occur “Saturation of Mind and Body = Catharsis” there. If we can move, we will have a different body, live a different time from Four-Dimensional World, and we can move space freely. Also we can make a contact to Four-Dimensional World from Surplus Dimension. If we want to return to Four-Dimensional World it will be OK to stop “Saturation”.



Why “They – The Dead, Lost Animals, Aliens” which I perceive could move to Surplus Dimension? Because they experienced “Death” that is close to “Saturation”. They are living with same mind when they had lived in Four-Dimensional World, and with different body. But, they can’t return to Four-Dimensional World. Because they lost body that they kept it in Four-Dimensional World. Me too, if i die in Four-Dimensional World even if I can move to Surplus Dimension but I can’t return to Four-Dimensional World. Just I only can send “Signal” to Four-Dimensional World.



The hero of “Interstellar” was able to move to TESARACT because it fell into the black hole and accidentally experienced a state close to “Saturation of mind and body”. He moved to TESARACT through the black hole, also he returned to Four-Dimensional World through the black hole again, but he can move to TERASACT again. Because, he couldn’t established its method deliberately. Therefore, he can’t establish the effective use of TESARACT as a property of the humans. He could only return to a planet where one colleague is left and continues their research in the last scene of the movie. Since the space colony have already been realized, so there is not much meaning to work there.



If I produce a sequel of “Interstellar”, at first let’s the hero develop a transportation to TESARACT. For its purpose, the humans intellectual maturity and the physical modification are also required. Then, let’s the hero solve all other Surplus Dimensions and develop a “New Way of Collaboration” with all existence living in Surplus Dimensions. This collaboration will be the arrival of new opportunities, this will give us the unknown possibilities of space development by the humans more than space colony which only allows the migration of earthlings.


Aldrin, I am standing diagonally / オルドリン、斜めに立っている私


For us who pay attention to “Posture“, the testimonies by the astronauts who could land on the moon of gravity 1/6 of the earth are very interesting. It were the important experiences about the close relationship between the body and the gravity, and recognitions that “Posture” is a function of the gravity with their own bodies. In particular, a testimony of Astronaut Buzz Aldrin who could realize a moonwalk as the second human tells the fact very clearly, including his expression of “Oh, my body stands at an angle on the moon!”, that how the humans maintain their “Posture” in relation to the gravity.



The humans could renew our recognition of the “Body” by walking on the moon for the first time, including the spacewalk in non-gravity environment at International Space Station. Through this recognition we forces to regain consciousness of the relationship with the gravity which we were not aware of as an unconscious process on the earth, but as a result, we also could learn “the possibility of adjusting the relationship with gravity artificially“.



The “Floating Experience” in non-gravity environment in space is a revolutionary event from the perspective of “Liberation from Gravity“, as many astronauts have already described as an emotional experience since the beginning of the human history. But, from the perspective of our “Space and Culture“, it seems one-sided. This is because, apart from specially trained astronauts, for ordinary humans, everyone should has the same “Posture” in non-gravity environment, so in the sense that the essential “Mood” and individual “Way” that have been realized on the ground cannot be guaranteed. So, its condition will be boring and take away “Individuality” as the humans.



In a world where the human’s “Individuality” is not exhibited, the human’s consciousness gradually will begin to fall sleep, and there will be a risk of the human’s decline. The communication between people also loses the rich character by various transportations due to various personalities, and loses the contents to be exchanged, finally the establishment of the “World as Culture” that has characterized the human world will be dangerous.



In the world of physical expression such as several sports, martial arts, dance, theater, and so on as well as in the world of various craftsmanship, important basic human movements that form the unique “Posture” by putting effort into the waist become impossible. The same is true in the everyday world of standing behavior, and there is no doubt that the basic state of the human’s physical existence will be confused.



Therefore, we propose that we need the artificial gravity for the human life in space, and in order to form a rich space culture, the wearing “Personal Tool for supporting Posture” with which we can customize the artificial gravity will be effective. This is because, above all, “Posture” is the mother’s womb of cultural creation, and in the future human world including the space environment, it is inevitable that the physical and spiritual desires of individuals will further increase. So, the unprecedented support for the “Body” will be one of the focal points the culture of next-generation.



“Personal Tool for supporting Posture” we propose is a body support system that allows us to freely customize the artificial pravity and build our favorite “Posture” between zero gravity and one gravity. It is a tool that supports the body beyond the innate physical ability of the humans, and it transforms according to the situation and preference of the humans, and can be moved as plastic clothes, artificial hands and feet, free walking sticks, etc. It functions as an auxiliary tool. In our proposal we plan to make “Personal Tool for supporting Posture” work with the connection to “Artificial Gravity Generator” by rotation in the International Space Station, space hotel, lunar dwelling, and Mars dwelling.

私たちが提案する姿勢支援ツールは、0G~1Gの間で、自由に人工重力をカスタマイズし、好みの「姿勢」を構築できる身体支援システムである。それは、人間の生得の身体能力をこえて身体を支援するツールで、人間が置かれた状況や好みに応じて変形し、可塑的服や人工の手や足や自在な杖などとして、或いは移動機械などとして、補助具的に機能する。 私たちの提案では、このような姿勢支援ツールを、国際宇宙ステーション・宇宙ホテル・月面住居・火星住居などにおける回転による「人工重力発生装置」に連結させて機能させるという設定である。


By using “Personal Tool for supporting Posture” we can form our favorite “Posture” freely according to the space environment in which we are placed and build a new “Physical Base for Demonstrating Individuality“. Through this tool, it is expected that various “Individuality” will be born by various “Posture”, and the creation of a new space culture that was unthinkable on the earth can be expected. A new concept of the body will be born and there is a possibility that a new evolution of the humans will be realized in an unexpected way.


Tana, Resident in Surplus Dimension / 異界の住人・タナ


One day, when I was playing at the “Boundary” in the space tunnel, I met Tana, who at first did not seem to be a human being in our world. That’s because Tana had a different atmosphere than a living human being, and there was a shadow of us inside the space tunnel, but Tana didn’t have it. Something that doesn’t have a shadow is something that doesn’t belong to this world, like a vampire, or a dead human being.



When I look closely, Tana, like a pterosaur, was a boy who often appears in my dreams. I knew Tana in my dreams. At this way, I may be able to meet a pterosaur soon. Tana had previously come up in a dream and told me that the book I was looking for was in the National Library of Paris. I went for a trial while I was at work and its book was really there. That’s why I trusted Tana as a special person.


And when I was looking at an old photo book on another day, Tana was on it. How, Tana died in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1850, according to this record. Tana was a real person in the 19th century. Naturally, I was very surprised. And since then, I have come to believe in the existence of the world of the dead. Anyone who has such an experience, not just me, will have no choice but to believe.



The day I met Tana, he came to see me because he had something to do. Since he died at the age of 17, he seems to have remained at same age. He was also a disciple of a famous puppeteer in Prague. Partly because of his profession, he was interested in our work of manipulating space tube robots and net robots as human’s alter ego. By the way, the book I searched for in the National Library of Paris was also a document about Western dolls. So I was surprised to hear “What kind of business do you have with me?“ Tana explains that they need a “Moving House” and want me to help.



Tana said that “We would like to restore the relationship with the real world that was estranged until now. In the days when the world religions had power, the exchange between this world and the other world was active, but now it is not. Then, now human beings are planning to go out into space. However, as you can understand that you have a deep affection for animals, human beings are not just real living human beings. We dead are also human beings as our memory, and the dead are also dreaming. In truth, the desire of living humans to want to go to space is influenced by our dreams strongly. So if they go to space, we also need to go to space.


We cannot leave the evolution of humankind to them alone. If they perish, we too will be affected and perished. As you know, their plans for the universe are not always good in all. Already many human space colonization plans have failed. They need our cooperation and accompaniment.”

人類の進化を彼らだけに任せるわけには行きません。彼らが滅べば、私たちもその影響を受けて滅ぶことになります。 あなたもご存知のように、彼らの宇宙についての計画は、全体としては必ずしもよいとは言えませんので。既に多くの人類の宇宙移住計画は失敗しています。人類には私たちの協力と同行が必要なのです」。


I told Tana, “That’s right. Even in our new United Nations, same as in the past, governments of each country are starting to come up with self-centered space plans with the selfishness, so it will be difficult to coordinate. Tana happily said, “You understand my opinion!?”

“I see. That’s it. I understood the dead started preparing by the dead. Is Megumi’s mysterious energy related to that?”
“That’s right. Megumi is very well lately. We are just starting to prepare for a big moving house. Megumi is very educated and she is one of the leaders. She is a great activist. Can you cooperate?”
“Of course. I’m happy.”
“Thank you.”
“Because if that’s the case, it’s a great business to ask from our side.”




Certainly, the strange things will happen in the world. The other day, I was just surprised to meet Kibe as one of lost animals. I met Tana as one of the dead today. And I can meet Megumi, who has been wandering in the darkness of my heart for a long time, soon. I have always wanted to live knowing not only animals but also death. It was Megumi’s death that triggered it. The Megumi actually will guide me to the world of the dead. I can also meet my daughter Cosmos. How, I have a daughter. I’ve always wanted a daughter. And Megumi is going to move to a new world with Cosmos. Now I understand the meaning of my recent dream. My life is going to be renewed with a new stage.


My Space Dance / 私のスペースダンス


Molecular Biology has developed greatly and has made a great contribution to our world since the DNA genetic model was revealed to be a double helical structure in 1953. If we can express amicable but mysterious relationships between the body and the environment as “Visible Information” like DNA, we can realize same kind of revolution, then the outcome goes beyond the art world, affecting the whole society. And, I believe that we can make a revolution similar to Molecular Biology. I would like to shoulder one part of it through my Space Dance.

1953年にDNAの遺伝子モデルが二重螺旋構造である事が明らかにされて以来、分子生物学は大きな発展を遂げ、私たちの世界に偉大な貢献をもたらすようになった。私は、もし身体と環境の間で交わされている親密な、そして謎に満ちた関係をDNA のような「見える情報」として表現できるなら、その成果はアートの世界を超え、社会全体に影響を与えるものとなり、分子生物学と同様な革命を起こすことができると信じている。私はスペースダンスを通してその一端を担いたい。


In 2001 when I performed at the United Nations in New York and in Istanbul supported by Japanese Government I could start the original form of Space Dance based on Butoh through my epochal experiences by the meeting with Shusaku Arakawa and the Theory of Affordance by James Gibson.


The essence of Space Dance is “How to recover the lost memories?”, “How to express the Tacit Knowledge?”, and various “Fruits called Design” through “Digitization of Tacit Knowledge”.



In Space Dance, the body is not a tool for expressing a “Story“, the body is a “Story”.


In any time the “Excellent Dancer” in the world keeps a special ability to “Dance with a technique to organize the body as the object“. In Space Dance we study this technique. Then we try to recover the lost memories through our dance movements and we accumulate its result as “Tacit Knowledge” about the body.


In this time when we dance together with the earth we can recognize some strange new feeling happen around the temporal lobe and vertex lobe of “Brain“. Why? Because it is a first experience for the brain to move the body by such a strange new way.


In order to do a first task our brain also had to acquire a new ability. Its experience will be an experience just like a dancer looks for the universe as dancer’s “Second Body” through the earth, as if a blind person looks for the ground as his “Second Body” through his beloved stick.


Our brain keeps all memories about all life on our earth. Because our brain into the Mother’s womb during 10 months grow up through the process of evolution of the brain from the beginning to today’s human brain. So, in our dance movements too, sometime we can find “Other strange movements than human movements”.


So, in Space Dance when we try to dance to organize our body as the object we can touch several “Forgotten Memories” sometimes with a wave motion of the internal organs, sometimes with a sound of the bone, and sometimes with an excitement of the nerve. In that time we can feel a new feeling in our brain, then under this influence we can dance with the inexperienced movements by chance. In short we can stimulate several “Forgotten Memories“.


“Forgotten Memories” wake up a strong nostalgia in our mind. And this nostalgia gives new energy to us. Then we understand “Unknown Movement’s World” exists behind our usual human’s movements.


This energy is infinite, it continue our dance without end. When we dig up “Forgotten Memories” we can organize the “Unexpected Movements” based on each memories. We shake with its freshness and we are amazed to ourselves. Then, we start to talk a “New story beyond the human’s drama.”


Usually, very soon, we feel tired in our movements without this energy. But when we house this energy we get the lasting energy from the circulation between the body and the ground, then it arise like the growth of a snowball on the slope with heavy snow. We never feel tired.


Like that, in Space Dance we dig up “Forgotten Memories” and we expand “Unknown Movement’s World”, then we try to express its process as “History of Posture’s Evolution” including Fish, Amphibian, Quadruped Animal, Bird, and Monkey.


Why the expression of “History of Posture’s Evolution” is important for Space Dance? Because the purpose of Space Dance is the looking back on the past of all life, then it is the creation for “Body of Future” as a return from its retrospection.

なぜ「姿勢の進化史」として表現することが重要なのか? それはスペースダンスが、ヒトの起源について回想すると共に、その回想からのリターンとして、ヒトの「身体の未来」をデザインすることを目的としているからである。

In Space Dance we make a visualization of “History of Posture’s Evolution” as the image. And we express “Tacit Knowledge about Unknown Movement’s World” as the information using by information technology. Finally, we try to make several designs through the Tacit Knowledge for the new body, the new object, and the new space.


Then, Space Dance is very different from usual dance, Space Dance will be a work of “Design after Dance“.
