I will set up the next mission and design the “New Body” using as much of the technology as possible. And a test subject of this “New Body” is me who said it. If I am not a test subject, I can’t know its true validity. Also, I want to take responsibility on my own. When the scientists who developed the atomic bomb are held accountable, the excuse that it was “misused for political purposes” needs to be discarded, and the same applies to future AI products.
To survive the new environment including the space environment, I will create a “New Body”. A “New Body” is composed of four elements of Living Body, Real World Alter Ego, Internet Alter Ego and Alter Ego to the universe. Because the body of living is also remodeled with state-of-the-art medical care, the relationship of the four elements will become complicated. But, I will organize those relationships, raise a “New Body”, train my dreams according to changing circumstances, devise communication, and I will make a journey to the end of the universe.
This mission will be successful if I am convinced by my friends who trust to travel on somewhere in the universe instead of having disappeared after my death. No matter where I am in the universe, I will take another form of my living for my activity and continue to communicate with my friends.
Currently, the attention is gathering rapidly all over the world about “I o T” (Internet of Things. The Internet of goods) which connects objects and humans with the sensors. In this industry, many things connected by sensors are expected to grow as if they are human’s “Alter Ego”. For example, it is said that the door begins to murmur, such as “I am open now”, the cat is “I am asleep now”, plants is “I am thirsty” etc. But can “I o T” develop “Alter Ego” that our humans expect?
現在、世界中で急速に注目が集まっている、モノと人間をセンサーでつなぐ「モノのインターネット」。この業界では、センサーで繋がれた多くのモノたちが、まるで人間の「分身」であるかのように成長していくと期待されている。たとえば、ドアが「今、開いたままです。閉じて下さい」とか、猫が「今、寝ていますよ。静かにして下さい」とか、植物が「今、喉が渇きました。水を下さい」等とつぶやき始めるというのである。しかし、”I o T”に人間が期待する「分身」をつくれるだろうか?
In contemporary society, including the pet boom, rapidly becoming to seek “Alter Ego” like existence of human beings. Why is it? It reflects the fact that human relationships are going wrong? Or is it a manifestation that the desire of human beings has expanded indefinitely?
現代社会では、ペットブームも含め、急速に人間の「分身」的な存在が求められるようになってきた。それはなぜか? 人間関係がうまく行かなくなってきたことの反映なのか。或いは、人間の欲望が無制限に膨れ上がっていることの現れなのか。
What is “Alter Ego”? “Alter Ego” is a “Separated Body” of a single person, and from ancient times, in expressions such as “I feel you as my alter ego” or “Don’t touch it because this is my alter ego”, this words that have been treasured with their thoughts trusted by their children, lovers, dolls and things. Here, I define that when “Cooperative Relationship” is established between I and “X”, “X is my alter ego”. A cooperative relationship means that the relationship between the two is not one way, but two ways. This point of interaction is not easy to understand.
「分身」とは何か。「分身」とは、一人の人間の「別け身」であり、昔から、「あなたは私の分身のような気がする」とか、「これは私の分身だから触らないで」などの表現で、その思いが自分の子供や恋人や人形やモノに託されて大事にされてきた言葉である。ここで、私は、私と「X」との間に「協調関係」が成立する時に、「Xは私の分身である」と定義する。協調関係とは、両者の関係が一方通行ではなく、双方向ということである。双方向という点は、わかるようで、難しい。「I o T」は完全に一方通行である。しかしその開発者たちにはその認識が出来ない。
For example, there is a cooperative relationship between a familiar tool and me who uses it, and the tool is my “Alter Ego”? As tools move skillfully at human will, we may have given the word “Alter Ego” to tools as well. Merlot Ponty, a French philosopher, also points out that the cooperative relationship exists between the blind person and the staff of them pointed out as the extension of the hand. A plane for skilled carpenters may well be a carpenter’s “Alter Ego” as a plane works greatly with their intention. But here, for me, it is insufficient, because we can’t confirm the cooperative relationship from the side of a staff or a plane. Even in the example of “I o T” given earlier, because they can not confirm the cooperative relationship from the side of cats, doors and plants, so they are not “Alter Ego” of human beings. As a test if we ask to them “Are you aware of your speaking? Do you have your mind?” soon we understand everything. Such as a tasteless answer “Thank you” by a vending machine, they are just pressing their speaking by the humans without permission. So they can’t understand what we say, they can’s answer to us.
たとえば、使い慣れた道具とそれを使用する私との間には協調関係が存在し、その道具は私の「分身」だろうか? 道具は熟練すれば人間の意のままに動くので、これまでは道具にも「分身」という言葉を与えてきたかもしれない。メルロ・ポンティが指摘する盲人にとっての杖も、手の拡張として、盲人の側からは協調関係が存在する。熟練した大工にとってのカンナも、カンナが大工の意図を汲んで見事に働いてくれるので、カンナは大工の「分身」だったかもしれない。しかし、ここでは、それでは不足である。杖やカンナの側からの協調関係が確認できないからである。先にあげた「モノのインターネット」の例でも、猫やドアや植物の側からの協調関係が確認できないため、それらは人間の「分身」ではない。試しにこれらの猫やドアや植物に「君はそれを自覚して言っているの? 君は自分の心を持っているの?」と聞いてみればすぐわかる。自動販売機による「有り難うございます」という無味乾燥とした返事と同じで、人間に勝手に言わされているだけだから何を言われているか理解できず、何も答えない。そのような存在はとても「分身」とは言えない。
In this way, in the relationship between human beings, machines, objects, robots, artificial bodies, and others, how far is the range of tools and where it is appropriate to define as “Alter Ego” from today. Even in relation between people, expressions such as “he is a cold fellow who throws away X as a tool of his advancement and throws away,” or “his relationship with X is like an intimate alter ego relationship”. In the men and women who love each other, each other is “Alter Ego” for each other, its ultimate appearance is expressed as “One whole Heart”. For example, if a cloned human emerges, is that just a cloned human being his “Alter Ego”? How about artificial retina? Is the contact lens user’s “Alter Ego”? How about dentures? If you create a presence that inherits your genes, is it your “Alter Ego”? In the first place, is the child born between I and my wife my “Alter Ego”?
このように、人間と機械・モノ・ロボット・人工身体・他者との関係において、今後、どこまでが道具の範囲で、どこからが「分身」として定義するのがふさわしいのか? 人間同士の関係でも、「彼はXを自分の出世の道具として使い、用がすめば捨ててしまう冷たい奴だ」とか、「彼とXとの関係は親密な分身関係のようで怪しい」とか表現する。愛し合う男女では、お互いが分身同士で、その究極の姿は「一心同体」と表現される。たとえば、クローン人間が登場すれば、それだけでクローン人間は彼の「分身」だろうか。人工網膜の場合はどうか。コンタクトレンズは使用者の「分身」か。入れ歯はどうか。自分の遺伝子を継承する存在をつくり出せば、それは私の「分身」なのか。そもそも、私と妻との間で誕生した子供は私の「分身」なのか。
When “cooperative relationship” exists between “I” and “Alter Ego”, my “Alter Ego” that I would like to develop needs not only cooperative relationship from my side but also cooperative relationship from my “Alter Ego”. Even if the former alone did not hold the latter, there were no problems in the world of tools and artifacts. It is because the other party was “not saying anything”, and it was able to conceal with emotional importation only by the human’s side. However, in my “Alter Ego”, the ability to prove the existence of the latter is the greatest requirement.
As robotics and IT technology are progressing, the robots similar to human beings will appear in the very near future. But, the robots that don’t have cooperative relationships with the humans only unilaterally exert their forces on the humans, and they can’t grow as human beings’ “Alter Ego”.
If we can’t grow up it as an altered presence, the coexistence relationship between humans and robots will not be realized, there are possibilities that various problems that have been faced up to arise. Robots are always used in the wrong direction, and numerous robot soldiers appear on the battlefield. It is a nightmare sci-fi repeatedly painted, as seen in three principles of robots by Isaac Asimov. Robots harm human beings and robots form their own world in a way contrary to human’s interests.
I would like to change this situation. For that purpose, the robot needs to be an alterative existence of human beings. If we are in relationship as “Alter Ego”, we know each other’s “Pain.” A definitive “Attachment” will be also born. It is impossible for humans to handle robots as simple things, to throw away if they get bored, or to use such robot as a weapon. More than anything, from the human side, it is not only that it is an extension of the body of the robot but also a sense of my “Second Body” will be born to the robot. Everyone don’t want to hurt it if it is his own body.
In order to develop a robot as “Alter Ego”, we need a “Love” to a robot. We can’t pursue only the human profits.
It is wonderful for robots to serve us for human beings, but humans also need to be useful for robots. As long as human beings are concerned with robots that think only their own interests, as long as the robot has the same mind as a human being, as soon as SF draws, the robot will revolt against humans. Robots can’t have a reason to love human beings.
ロボットが人間のために役立ってくれることは素晴らしいが、人間もロボットの役に立つ必要がある。人間が自分の利益しか考えないロボットとの関係ならば、ロボットが人間と同等の心をもつようになるかぎり、SFが描くようにやがてロボットは人間に反乱を企てる。ロボットには人間を愛する理由が存在しないからである。しかし、どうすればロボットに人間に対する愛を育てる事が出来るのか? 私はその課題を「アパロス、心をもつロボット」の開発として挑戦している。