Posture is Mother’s Womb for Creating Culture / 姿勢は文化創造の母胎である


In the joint research with JAXA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, in Tokyo from 2004 to 2006, I made the following proposals to JAXA as the principal researcher, assuming that the humans will advance into space in the near future.


[Proposal 1 / 提案1]

When we consider the bilogical essence of the humans based on bipedalism, the artificial gravity will be necessary for the cultural development of the human life in non-gravity environment.


[Proposal 2 / 提案2]

Moreover, in order to for the humans to create a rich space culture in space, “Personal Tool for supporting Posture” that can customize the artificial gravity will be effective. Because, the posture is mother’s womb for creating culture. The humans are expected to face the new evolutionary possibilities in space environment, in that time “Personal Tool for supporting Posture” can influence its evolution.


[Proposal 3 / 提案3]

Since the behavior of the humans in space change drastically by using the tool for supporting posture, major reforms are required fundamentally for living space design, information design, and lifestyle design in space.



When we think about the humans living in space in the near future, what will happen to the human’s posture in non-gravity environment? Is it still floating in the air? Or, we need some kind of “New Posture” to live in space, and for that we need something like a support tool? In that case, how to change our “Body” and “Sense”? What kind of “Information” we need?

人間が近い将来に宇宙で新しく生活することを考える時、人間の「姿勢」は無重力環境ではどうなるだろうか? 中空にふわりふわりと浮いたままなのか? 或いは宇宙での生活のためには何らかの「新しい姿勢」が必要になり、その為に何らかの支援ツールのようなものが必要になるのか? その場合、人間の「身体」や「感覚」はどのように変化し、人間が必要とする「情報」はどのようなものになるのか?


Japanese astronaut, Chiaki Mukai once talked about the spacewalk experience, saying that “It is not good condition if we are just floating in non-gravity environment. We need to touch our body somewhere to keep a source of emotional support. Only one string will be ok, we want to connect to something. Is it the essence of the humans? I feel sick in non-gravity environment because I can’t understand the relationship of higher and lower. We need the artificial gravity in space.” In non-gravity environment all directions are “upper” for our brain, then we lose a sense of direction. So, her recognition is accurate and has been an excellent reference for us to consider the physical and brain problems in non-gravity environment.



What is “Posture” for the humans in relation to the environment? How is “Posture” imagined to change in relation to the gravity?

人間にとり「姿勢」とは、環境との関係において何であったのか? 重力との関係により「姿勢」はどのように変化することが予想されるのか?


The humans exist with their own characteristic “Posture” in various scenes of life. Everyone has the unique habitual gestures, and there are unique ways of laughing, crying, talking, sitting, standing, walking, running and so on, and everyone has a different atmosphere depending on their “Posture”. Everyone communicates with others, works, makes a living, and establishes the expressive activities based on their characteristic “Posture”.



In Space Dance, we try to create a new “Posture” in the individual, away from the narrative world used in the theater. First of all, this is because it became necessary for today’s people to correctly recognize that we need to get a new awareness of the “Body”, and we need to know the way how our “Body” exist in relation to the surrounding space and things, and what the “Body” want there.



When we look back on the evolutionary history of living things, we can understand that from fish to amphibian, from amphibian to monkey, from monkey to the humans, each living things has its own unique “Posture” necessary for their survival. Also about the humans, it can be seen that there is a “Posture” based on bipedalism which is necessary for living and a living culture based on it. In the case of the humans, bipedalism released the forefoot and it became a “Hand”, and standing vertically activated the “Brain” and enlarged it, and the excess energy of the brain was transmitted to the “Hand”, finally the humans created the “Tool” and built “Culture” by using tools and languages. To be sure, bipedalism for the humans was a valuable assert acquired at the end of the fight against the gravity, and it was the realization of “Posture” close to a miracle in the evolutionary history of living things.



However, we think that such “Posture” based on bipedalism is not permanent, but just a function of space that changes with the changes in the environment. The humans are now in the information society are facing major environmental changes as we enter the new space era and the time of creation of new artificial bodies through life science and robotics, so we need to create a new “Posture” and express it for making possible to correspond to its changes.
