
Pleasure of Bipedalism / 二足歩行の歓び



When human being could get the bipedalism successfully first time, what kind of emotion that first person experienced in his standing up and in his walking? Its emotions are same or different from today’s astronauts who could succeed their first Moon Walking on the moon?



Human’s movements keep the massive amount of memories not only the memories at the time humans started the bipedalism but also many memories of the animals, and every day they organize their each behaviors by selecting such movements variously and unconsciously. In this concerns, each time something happen, humans feel “Nostalgia” without a reason and bring up the systems of “Beauty” also “Prayer” secretly based on “Nostalgia”. And its ideas will be useful for making up each person’s “Originalities” that will be different from each other before we know it. “Originalities” will be made up not only through the intelligent difference like the thought but also through this kind of difference like the unconscious selection of the behaviors.



I would like to get a taste of the pleasure when humans could get the bipedalism successfully first time. And, when they started to walk on the ground freely what kind of troubles they experienced? I would like to ruminate their experiences. Maybe, for only one step, they must be needed so many unbelievable troubles and they could get several new discoveries. If I can know that, it is possible to perceive more sensibly what is lost things by the person living in the present age, and what progresses are made.



In front of me, one disabled person is walking very slowly while he takes a rest many times. What its figure inspires my heart! He uses all muscles of his body desperately only for one step, and he twists his neck hardly, he flares his both eyes, he opens his both hands and throw it in the sky, finally he is smiling from ear to ear just like he can climb up a big mountain through his only one step.



For me, this kind of walking by a disabled person will be a dance itself and it will be a wonderful example to express “Miracle of Bipedalism”. Its walking takes the imagination to us about the time when human could start the bipedalism. Me too, as a Butoh-Space Dance Choreographer, I would like to start my dance by this kind of walking. I think this is our human’s existence, at the moment when we touch “The Whole of the Movements that we forgot” we will be stricken with a deep impression unconsciously still now.

Pleasure of Dancing / ダンスの楽しみ



Why humans enjoy “Movements”? Its reason is simple, because “the movement itself is interesting” for us. It is clear when we see the daily human’s behaviors including several sports and dances in the world. Like a short-distance race, why humans would like to run as much as fast? Why we will be proud of its record to other people? Or, conversely, we will try to walk with a super-slow. Or, we will give points to a beauty of the movement and compete with it each other. Or, we will compete with a craftsmanship. Or, we will loose a balance purposely and enjoy it. In deed, both adult and child, our humans could create a lot of various forms of the movements and enjoy it with several reasons.


しかし、なぜ動くことがそんなに面白いのか? あらためて考えてみると少しもわからない。平凡な脳科学者なら、この問いに「それは、動くと脳にドーパミンという快楽をもたらす神経伝達物質が沢山分泌されるから」と答えるだろう。しかし、この答えは問いをずらしているだけだ。「動くと、脳にドーパミンが分泌されるのはなぜか?」と問う必要があるからだ。私は舞踏家として次のように見当をつけてみた。

But, why the movement is so interesting? If we think about its reason again we understand that we don’t know its reason exactly. I wonder maybe some today’s brain scientist will give the answer to us like “I know its reason, because a lot of dopamine will be secreted in the brain through the movement”. But this answer is not fine, this brain scientist avoids giving a clear answer by changing the point slightly. Because we should ask like “Why a lot of dopamine will be secreted through the movement?” So, I tried to imagine about its reason as a Butoh-Space Dance Choreographer.


  I think about its reason like that one movement invites other movements naturally as I found in my dance. I feel that a pleasure which I can find in one movement don’t close into this movement, the movement seeks other movements just like one invisible rule works there.


Its chain of the movements keeps the endless options. And over one memory corresponds to one movement. So, we can reproduce various memorial worlds by the combination of the various movements.



I think this is its essential reason why the movements are so interesting for our humans. Because “Follow-up Memories” is one of the universal desires of us. If we can seek “Follow-up Memories” through the movements with a whole body, not only into the brain, more amicably, and more vastly, sure everybody will devote to the movement world. Also, children too, if they can try to do such an experience as a game, sure they will devote it.


And, at the moment when we find one event like “Movements which we can’t recognize it as Human’s Movements” are mixed together into our usual movements, everybody will be stricken with a “Nostalgia” that we can’t express it through a language. Then, we will be surprised at its secret and we recognize that “Unknown Stage” exists behind our usual human movements. Me too, several time I experience the moment that I feel this my movement will be not by humans. In that time I am so happy specially. Why? I don’t know its reason exactly, but sure.

Imagination in the age of AI – Space, Information, Body, and Way of Life / AI時代の想像力~宇宙・情報・身体・生き方

Now the world is changing dramatically with a big scale. For stepping into “Unknown World” with 4 themes such as “Space, Information, Body, and Way of Life” we are seeking a “New Imagination“.


[1] Space / 宇宙

From my view point as a Butoh-Space Dance Choreographer, the greatest result of the space development until today is finding a “Chance to organize a Gravity” by the creation of artificial gravity through several astronauts experiences that could realize the experiences of non-gravity environment in the space walk and at a spaceship, also they could experience 1/6 gravity on the Moon. Edwin Aldrin, one of first astronauts of NASA who could reach the ground of Moon on 1969 said “My body is light now, when I start a running I can’t stop! Also I can calm down with my slanting posture!” His reactions about Moon Walking are very interesting for me.


If the humans start to come and go to the conditions between 0 gravity and 1 gravity in the universe this happening will be a complete first experience in our human’s history. So, like a case of the fish that could get the evolution by the advance to the ground, this happening will be a special drama on a stage of the evolution such a “Challenge to the Step for Next Human”. If we have a possibility of the “Next” as the humans it will be started by such an adventure of the new creation of the postures.


So, can we get the pseudo experience to come and go to the conditions between 0 gravity and 1 gravity on this ground too? Can we try to do a new adventure? What are some similar experiences?

私たちは、この地上でも、ゼロ重力と一重力の間を往来するような疑似的体験を得られるだろうか? そんな新しい冒険ができるだろうか? それに近い体験にはどんなものがあるだろうか?

[2] Information / 情報

We have a big theme called “Progress of Virtual Reality” as a pending matter in our information-oriented society. Humans have never infiltrated the information as virtual in the daily world.


For example, what will happen if our lover figures projected around us evolves as an AR by AI? If not only visual effects but also all necessary sensations are artificially entered into the brain and increase reality as if it actually existed? Will it lead to unnecessary theory of a real lover or the problem of further promoting declining birthrate with the sexless? However, as a desire for cloned pets and cloned humans, would it benefit greatly to those who wish to see the deceased relatives or lover’s restorations?

たとえば、自分の周囲に投影される恋人像がARとしてAIにより進化するとどうなるだろうか。視覚効果だけではなく、必要なすべての感覚が脳に人工的に入力され、現実に存在しているかのようにリアリティを増加させるとすれば? リアルな恋人の不要論に結びついたり、セックスレスで少子化をさらに促進させるという問題も生じるだろうか? しかし、クローン人間に対する欲求と同じで、亡き親族や恋人の再生を願う者には大きな恩恵になるのでは?

Recently, the event that professional Go players and Shogi players lose to artificial intelligence Go and artificial intelligence Shogi is going on. As a result, the vigilance against artificial intelligence will rise at once, it is feared that AI will surpass the human’s intelligence and the day when human’s work will be totally deprived. Indeed, various programming of “AI models” such as “Taxi Driver with superior intuition than humans”, “Financial Market Trader who produce ideas better than humans”, and “Politician who create policies superior to humans” has begun.


However, what is the realization of “Progress of Virtual Reality” that we really need? Instead of being swayed by “Progress of Virtual Reality” as we do today, what is “Virtual” that enriches ourselves truly? What do we want to do for that? We need to think more about it with enough imagination.

しかし、私たちに本当に必要な「仮想化の進展」の在り方とは? 現在のように「仮想化の進展」に私たちが振り回されるのではなく、私たち自身を豊かにする「仮想」とは? そのためには、私たちはどうなりたいのか? それについて、私たちは、充分な想像力により更に深く考える必要があるだろう。

[3] Body / 身体

Now Medical Service will open a new door of our human’s history using by iPS cell, Genome Editing and so on. The body is being in the spotlight as the object of “Regeneration” and “Industrialization.”


Moreover, on 2015 Anthony James, a molecule biologist, announced a sensational big news that he could get a success to create a new mosquito that don’t need the intermediation with a malaria parasite by Genome Edition.


At last, Humans has gotten a “Technology to handle All Species of the Creatures”.


The way how to treat the individual body will be “Free for everybody“, they don’t need any kind of permissions to do it including a makeup, a cosmetic surgery, and a drug, also a tattoo, a body pierce, a doing injury to the body, at last a suicide. So, nobody can oppose to it basically. By taking the Enhancement if we can get back our health, or if we can get the body ability more beyond the natural condition, and if we don’t have any side effects after the operation, also if we will be able to control a long life freely, it will be just a realization of our human’s long dream. In that time, we can’t find any kind of reasons for opposition, everybody will jump at the Enhancement.


If we can cover our lost lovers with its clones, can we control the urge to wish to see them even in clones?

亡き恋人をクローン人間で補えるとしたら? 私たちはクローンでも会いたいと願う衝動を抑えられるだろうか?

[4] Way of Life / 生き方

From now, the way of life as an individual becomes important, regardless of whether it is married or single, the trend will be a “Single Life”. Both men and women depend on their opponent as before, but something interesting does not begin, and it is difficult to mature with the age of interesting jobs we get once. Since a woman began to become self-sustaining, it would be serious if a man did not become independent. The concept of a retirement age and the second life also began to be suspicious. The sense of age is beginning to change incredibly.


When one meets an opposite sex, when the interest shifts to “Culture” instead of “Love”, the age of the partner is irrelevant. Even a nine-year-old child or an aged 90-year old, if we understand that they are the owner of the knowledge and skills that we wanted to know, we are interested in and obsessed with a form different from “Love.” Even though we are with them, we don’t feel expectation or incongruity as when “Love” was the purpose. Experiencing such a transformation of sensation becomes an important condition for “Single Life” because it can be freed from the feeling specialized in the sex of women and men.


Influenced by the great fluctuations of adults’ world, there are major changes in the world of children. When the present children go out to society, it is pointed out that becoming a profession where 60% or more of them don’t exist, and 20 years later many big companies also disappear, becoming a society without a specific success model. The great sense of death also changes, and it is fully expected that “Grave” will be unnecessary after 50 years. Children are urged to develop new imagination and obliging themselves to acquire new ways of living. What do the children learn and what kind of good skill can they learn? Education for children becomes increasingly important.


As the place where we should live is also higher the level at which information technology provides “New Real”, we will be able to do “One Place of Residence” and “World Tour” at the same time. People will combine real travel and net use, and will start a completely different form of life. Changing the life style itself becomes a symbol of “Age of the Individual.”


Elena in Surplus Dimension / 余剰次元のエレナ


My dance starts with living in the space completely. When I dance the space moves, and “Fluctuation” is born in the space. Since “Surplus Dimension” appears in the fluctuation of the space, I am dancing while drawing the surplus dimension into the world. But I don’t know the way yet how to put myself into the surplus dimension.



When I was dancing on a big bridge where many cars traveling with a tremendous speed, suddenly I felt the cold and felt “Emptiness” made a faint around my neck. The “Fluctuation” produced by my dance was expanding between the cars and me, and changed a space. I wonder, this was a hint that the entrance to the “Surplus Demenssion” may be existing near unexpectedly.



Ahh, Elena was calling me. I was led by Elena’s “Voice” and walked out in front of the unknown big shrine. With a “Divine Possession” I felt down into a big garden of this shrine, and I closed my eyes in spite of myself. What kind of event is waiting for me? I want to return if “Terrible death” is waiting, but if it is a “Beautiful death” I can push forward.

あぁ、エレナが私を呼んでいる。彼女の「声」に誘われて歩いて行くと、見知らぬ大きな神社の前に出た。私は神憑り、憑かれたように神社の庭に倒れこみ、目を閉じた。何が起きるのか? 私の口に、自分でも理解できない言葉があふれ出してくる。「恐ろしい死」が待っているなら帰りたい。「美しい死」ならつき進める。


Invited by Elena’s voice, when I entered in a Space Tube which I found it at the mountain behind of this shrine there was a beautiful “Boundary”. When I could image her exactly, my sense become clear and I could go through the narrow “Boundary” which I felt was impossible to do it, finally I went into the new world which I saw at first in my life. What existed the “Surplus Dimension” so familiar!



In the “Surplus Dimenssion” various things that lost from our world bustle up. Here, it seems that “Presence of 4 Dimensions” and “Presence of 5 Dimensions” live together. The composition of matter is diferent in the “Surplus Dimension”, so I wonder here my body and my conscioursness are made up by “Another Material”.
