
Kibe, Resident in Surplus Dimension / 異界の住人・キベ


One day, while I was playing in Space Tunnel, I noticed that Space Tunnel would deform depending on the postures I took. It was a subtle deformation, so I didn’t pay attention to it at first. But, when I saw it closely I also noticed that in Space Tunnel, like the convex and the concave, the “Boundary” where two contradictory curved surfaces were connected was created or disappeared. This “Boundary” is the gateway to another world? In other words, when the residents in Surplus Dimension appear they form the unique warped spaces, so they distort Space Tunnel subtly. Its distortion is just the “Boundary”. What an unique way for the residents in Surplus Dimension to appear through the “Boundary”!

ある日、私がスペーストンネルの中で遊んでいたら、私がとる姿勢に応じてスペーストンネルが変形することに気がついた。とても微妙な変形なので、最初は気に留めていなかった。しかし、よく見ていると、スペーストンネルの中には、凸と凹のように、たがいに矛盾する二つの曲面が接続されている「境界」が生まれたり消滅したりしていることにも気がついた。この「境界」が異界への出入り口になるのではないか? つまり、異界の住人たちがスペーストンネルに姿を現わす時は、それぞれ独特なワープする空間を形成するために、スペーストンネルの形状を微妙に歪めるのだ。その歪みが「境界」なのだ。「境界」を介して異界の住人たちが出現するとは、何とユニークな方法だろう。


I could meet Kibe, a clone monkey, when I took a “Monkey’s Posture” and entered a “Monkey’s World” in Space Tunnel. Kibe was 17 years old. His hands were the same as the humans, but when I saw his feet I knew his big toes were the same as the humans. Kibe was born by inserting a genetically modified human male’s sperm into the womb of his mother monkey. He is one of the most noticeable artificial animals in the medical world. But, he suddenly left home last year and he was a hot topic in the world. According his speaking, after he was educated as a “Family Member” on a trial basis at one researcher’s house who had a direct relationship with his birth, Kibe escaped, then he started to live alone in Space Tunnel. He was grateful for the education, but he said it was the imposition of values in the humans world to him, so he couldn’t stand it.



Kibe cried and spoke to me. “I know my birth was meant to tell people the direction of humans evolution. The humans want to know what new things I would invent with a tool by four hands when my legs became hands completely. I lived in a room with lots of tools every day. It was my daily routine to play around with it. But I was not interested in its play. It was good for the humans, but not for me. Why the humans do such selfish things to make me half human and half monkey? I want to return to my monkey’s world.”

キベが泣きながら話してくれた。「僕の誕生は人間の進化の方向を占うためのもので、僕の足が完全に手になったら四つの手で道具を使い僕がどんな新しいものを発明するのか、知りたかったらしい。僕はたくさんの道具がある部屋で毎日生活していた。それをいじって遊ぶのが僕の日課だった。でも僕はそんなことに興味がない。それは人間のためにはなっても、僕のためじゃない。半分が人間で半分がサルの僕をつくるなんて、どうして人間はそんな勝手なことをするの? 僕はサルの世界に戻りたい」。

Looking for New Furniture / 新しい家具を見たい


For example, now, as a ground version of “Fluid Furniture”, it is assumed that “Strange Furniture that has never existed, such as being a Chair and also a Bed” appeared. At that time, if 10 years or 20 years ago people just feel a sense of incongruity, if for some reason this furniture feels more comfortable than an existing chair or bed, what kind of situation has happened in our world? It is an important “One Sign” for changes in human senses?

たとえば、今、「流体家具」の地上版として、「椅子でもあり、ベッドでもあるような、これまで存在しなかった不思議な家具」が登場したとする。その時、10年や20年前なら人びとが違和感を覚えたに過ぎないとしても、なぜか、この家具の方が既成の椅子やベッドよりも心地いいと感じるとするならば、一体何が起きていることになるだろう? それは、人間の感覚の変化に対する重要な「ひとつのサイン」になるのではないか。


In other words, the people are now beginning to seek “Creation of a New Posture between and , also and “. For that reason, “New Furniture” that enables the new posture is needed, and maybe we are beginning to seek a more delicate, smoother and more amicable design between the chair and the bed?



Gently I would like to see “New Furniture“. Because, it was an ancient time, very before, humans could create “Chair for the Sitting”. If “Talismanic Fluid Furniture, as a chair and same time as a bed” will appear and if people love it, yes, this new furniture will be a great “Gift from the Universe” for us to bring a new era to the earth.



On our ground too, we can build up a new way to realize a new revolution based on the body through such a “Creating Postures”. On one occasion, like Shiro Kuramata, Japanese industrial designer could design a very eccentric chair. Now, like last Kuramata, we have a becoming time to start to seek “Talismanic Furniture” as a new type actively? Even so, as a demand of a new era, we would like to seek an appearance of “New Furniture” not only for “Release from the Gravity” which Kuramata has dreamed but also for “Creating Postures between 0 gravity and 1 gravity” with a wide field of the vision for the improvement of earth environment and the cultural space development.


Big Family / 大家族


Every night many people see a “Dream of Flying in the Sky“. Me too, in my childhood I have seen it. In the past life I felt I was a mermaid, a wolf, and a bird finally. Now, in my dream I am fling in the sky as a bird. So, a “Sign of Bird” is left on my back.



I became a new. When I looked at my face in the mirror, there was a new face I had never seen. Somehow I felt nostalgic with this face. Just now, I live in my usual word and I also live in Elena’s world same time, I could start the surprising and unexpected life. My life change with a big scale.



My work is to realize the emigration to the universe together with Elena in order to not repeat the mistakes of earth culture. Also, in order to recognize one fact more exactly that in our humans world also dead people, lost animals, and alien live together, and
they want to get their own growth.



Elena taught me about several interesting points of “Surplus Dimension”. The structure of the “Surplus Dimension” is unique, and countless worlds coexist here. But, the materials constituting one world and the materials constituting other world are different completely, so there is no contact between 2 worlds, any war and any conflict can’t happen there. The progress of one world will not be hindered by the trend of other worlds. Also, for every worlds, even if they fail, if they wish, they can start again from the beginning.


Declaration of Future / 未来宣言


I will go on a journey looking for the end of the universe through the surplus dimensions with my Elena.



In order to get a map of “New Thought“, I will set up the next mission and design the “New Body” using as much of the technology as possible. And a test subject of this “New Body” is me who said it. If I am not a test subject, I can’t know its true validity. Also, I want to take responsibility on my own.



To survive the new environment including the space environment, I will create a “New Body”. A “New Body” is composed of four elements of Living Body, Real World Alter Ego, Internet Alter Ego and Alter Ego to the universe. Because the body of living is also remodeled with state-of-the-art medical care, the relationship of the four elements will become complicated. But, I will organize those relationships, raise a “New Body”, train my dreams according to changing circumstances, devise communication, and I will make a journey to the end of the universe together with Elena.



This mission will be successful if I am convinced by my friends who trust to travel on somewhere in the universe instead of having disappeared after my death. No matter where I am in the universe, I will take another form of my living for my activity and continue to communicate with my friends.
