What is BUTOH? / 舞踏とは何か?


Butoh is a gift from the universe to experience a “Miracle of Bipedalism”
and say our thanks to the ground for our existence with a Body.


1970年11月25日、私が大学の学生だった時、日本の著名な小説家・三島由起夫[注6][参3]が東京・市ヶ谷の自衛隊に乗り込み、バルコニーで割腹自殺を遂げた。そのニュースを深夜のテレビで見た時私は大きなショックを受け、すぐに大学をやめて東京に行き、舞踏を学ぼうと決心した。当時、多くの大学生は大学というシステムに大きな疑問をもち、大学の教授たちも信頼できず、そしてなぜか「私たちは身体を失っている。身体を探さなければならない」と考えるようになっていた。なぜ「身体」なのか? 当時の私にはその理由はわからなかった。

In 1970 November 25, when I was the university student Japanese famous novelist Yukio Mishima [C-6] [R-3] killed himself at the Self-Defense Forces of Japan in Ichigaya, Tokyo. When I saw its news on the late night television at my university I received a serious shock, then I decided that I should stop my university and go to Tokyo to study Butoh. In these times around 1970, almost our young university students in Japan had big questions about the system called university and we couldn’t trust our professors of the university, also we felt “We lost a Body. We need to find a Body!” Why, “Body”? In that time, I couldn’t understand its reason.


In Tokyo on the first day I saw Tatsumi Hijikata’s [C-7] [R-4] stage named “Butoh with Darkness” [C-8] by a genius dancer Yoko Ashikawa, next day I saw Tenshikan’s stage named “Improvisation Butoh” by Kazuo Ohno [C-9] [R-5], Akira Kasai [C-10] and their young students. Then I decided to join Tenshikan to study “Improvisation Butoh”. Because, through “Improvisation Butoh”, all Butoh dancers, some one keeps a high dance technique, other one don’t keep it, but everybody were sunny and happy in their minds on the stage. Why? They looked to enjoy their existence with a body from the heart without any kind of qualifications. In this point I could feel “New Freedom” and “New Hope” existed there. After my study “Improvisation Butoh”, I could believe firmly my premonition was correct.


One day when I joined “Student Power” [C-11] as the university student, before my studying Butoh, I come to Sanrizuka, Chiba in Japan to support the farmers against the construction of Narita Airport by Japanese Government by force. In that time, my side almost 2,000 our students from all over the country and 500 farmers were stand by, and other side almost 5,000 riot polices were stand by for the collision each other. While running towards the riot polices I realized I was afraid of “Death” and I realized I was scared. Looking at the farmers next door, there is no one not afraid of being aware. They could move forward shaking the earth with big momentum and strong anger.

  この差は一体何なのか? 私は一瞬のうちに理解した。農民たちには守るべき「土地」がある。学生にはそれがない。当然だった。守るべき「土地」がある者は「死」を恐れない。私にもそのような「土地」が必要だ。

  What is this big difference between the farmers and me? I understood it at the moment. Farmers keep the lands that they need to protect it, but our students didn’t have it. People who keep their “Land”, they are not afraid “Death”. So, I need my “Land”.


In this meaning, “Student Power” was not my work which I could commit my life. At Sanrizuka I could understand it. Everybody would like to avoid “Terrible Death”, but we can make a run towards “Beautiful Death”. With this feeling I returned to my university and I started to find my “Land”. Then I could meet with Butoh. I could find my “Land” as my “Body” in Butoh.


Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk [C-12] who received the Nobel Prize for literature in 2006, wrote an interesting critic about a special possibility of Japanese Culture at a preface of Japanese version of his book “My Name is Red” [R-6] such as “In China and in Japan they could keep the strong traditions of painting towards European painting. Moreover, under the influence of European painting, Japan could produce a very characteristic new art named Modern Painting”. In his eyes Japanese Modern Painting is one salvation and he is missing if Turkish painters know it.


Butoh have same history like Japanese Modern Painting which Orhan appreciated its value. In the second half of 1950 in Japan, Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno could create “Butoh with Darkness” to unify the difference as a big problem between Japanese Traditional Dance & its culture [C-13] before Edo-era and the Modern Dance & its culture after Meiji-era. Then, Akira Kasai could create “Improvisation Butoh” through “Butoh with Darkness”. And its Modern Dance was just a dance that Japan imported from German, Rudolf Lavin and Melii Wigman, also in the point of the thoughts Butoh received the strong influences from Antonan Alto, Grotovsky, Kantora Tadeusza, and Jean Genet. In short, Butoh was not an original art, it was recreated by the Japanese taste on the imports from abroad. Then, Butoh was accomplished by one memorial photographic collection named “Kamaitachi” [R-1] through a collaboration with Tatsumi Hijikata and photographer Eiko Hosoe.


Butoh started its days as a major art with their first performance “禁色/Kinjiki” in 1959. Both Hijikata and Ohno organized it against the bad critic as the backward students from Modern Dance School with a standard of revolt. So, everything earned frowns of disapproval from the establishment were mobilized fully on the stage. Audiences saw “Obscene Naked Body”, “Wring a Chicken’s Neck” and so on. Then, at once Butoh could get a position of major art as compared with Modern Dance was a minor art [C-14]. As it is called “Body’s Rebellion” strongly influenced by Yukio Mishima could start.


But, such a Butoh was one of the movements of “Restoration of Body” in Japan and its position was same with other avant-garde arts like Fine Art, Theater, and Music. So, Butoh was not an outstanding work. But, American’s and European critiques changed this condition completely, through them only Butoh could raise its head. Because in Europe and in U.S.A., they didn’t have this kind of unique dance like Butoh, they remarked its originality very much. For example, in Japan avant-garde theater was in fashion, but from European critiques it was a “Children of Shakespeare”, so they couldn’t value it. It was a same condition like Yoko Morishita, she was a very famous nice classical dancer in Japan. But from European critiques she was a same “Children of Moscow”, so when she visit to Moscow people treated her like a child.


Like that, only Butoh was valued by the foreign critiques passionately as a “Second Coming of Japanism like Ukiyo-e”, it could get the position for “Rise of Butoh”. In 1976 in Tokyo Butoh could touch its peak by Hijikata’s work “鯨線上の奥方/Lady in the Line of Whale”. And in 1977 Kazuo Ohno’s legendary work “アルヘンチーナ頌/Admiring La Argentina” was presented by Hijikata’s direction. Also in 1978 Hijikata’s dear apprentice Yoko Ashikawa could get the first big success through her Butoh performance in Paris.

それにしても、何を覚えてしまったから、私は今もなお舞踏を続けているのか? 舞踏家になってから既に46年の年月が流れている。舞踏には何があるのか? それはやはり舞踏が可能にする「美しい死への予感」なのか? 或いは「生の新しい確立」なのか? 当時の私には生活の最優先事項が舞踏になり、二人の子供に恵まれた結婚生活も、生活を支えるための仕事も、二の次になり、舞踏なくしては自分の精神を支えられない状態になっていた。

Even so, why I have continued Butoh still now, what kind of treasure I remembered? Already 46 years have passed. What is in Butoh? Is it a “Premonition for Beautiful Death” that Butoh can be, or is it a “New Approach to Life”? At that time my top priority in daily life became Butoh, and the married life blessed with two children and the job to support the life became secondary, then it was in a state that I couldn’t support my spirit without Butoh.


In this period, I had one favorite book “The Diary of Vaslav Nijinsky” [R-7] which gave a lot of impression to me. Its translator was Miyabi Ichikawa, a very nice Butoh Critic, he has been going in and out to Akira Kasai’s Tenshi-kan. So I could talk with him several times. On this book Nijinsky wrote that “People have the emotion. But they don’t know it. I will write about it to explain to the people. I have been distressed more than anyone else in the world”. Also he said “I am a god who lived in the body”, and he started a revolution in the dance world, then he was taken ill at 29 years old, finally he died at 60 years old with a madness. I could believe “Emotion” by his explanation.


But, such a great Butoh should come to a big turning point in Japan. After “Lady in the Line of Whale”, Hijikata become silence for 7 years, he couldn’t create his new work. Then, after 7 years he could revive again with his work “東北歌舞伎計画/Plan of Tohoku-Kabuki”, but unfortunately this work couldn’t get a high valuation. And he contracted a cancer, then in 1986 he died with 57 years old disappointingly, so young. Then, within 3 years after his death, in Japan the mass media started to report “Atrophy of Butoh”.


In short, Butoh could survive at foreign cities, like Paris, London, Berlin, and New York. Kazuo Ohno, Sankai-juku, and other Japanese groups, they could take on the responsibility of acting as promoters. Through their activities many foreign Butoh dancers could born and come to Japan to study Butoh. Then “First Butoh-boom” was made up. Depend on this boom I could perform as my first expansion overseas in Paris, Berlin, Montreal, Toronto, and New York in 1990 and 1991 supported by Japan Foundation and Canada Council.

しかし、国内で舞踏が衰退した理由は何だったのか? 私は、海外で活躍する他の舞踏家たちと同様に、海外では評価されても、舞踏を生み出した日本では無名になっていくという皮肉な文化現象を生きることになった。なぜなのか? 舞踏は日本で生まれ、私は日本人なのに。

But, what is the reason Butoh has declined in Japan? After this time I had been in the very sarcastic cultural phenomenon, nor other Japanese Butoh Choreographers. Because, although I could get a high valuation in foreign cities, but I should lost my name year by year in Japan. Why? Butoh was born in Japan and I am Japanese.


I thought I should find out its reason exactly to develop Butoh and to continue my career as a Butoh Choreographer. So, at first I left the several colleagues who didn’t want to recognize “Atrophy of Butoh” in Japan. Then, I asked to Takaaki Yoshimoto [C-15], very excellent critic at that time, and I could discuss with him about its reason at a symposium in Tokyo supported by Asahi Newspaper. Yoshimoto, very clearly, explained its reason as “Hijikata’s Body-Model was not a model which could reach to a Japanese Original Body in the era of KOJIKI, records of ancient matters”. I could understand his explanation and I had the scales fall from my eyes, because I had a big question to Hijikata’s “Butoh Notation” [C-16].


Also at the time of my first Butoh Performance in Paris on 1990, at the interview in radio broadcasting station, I was showered a carping question like a leadoff punch from a bitter woman announcer like the below;


 “We know already Butoh was consumed, then Butoh died. In our Paris, can you present something new as a Butoh Choreographer?”


I knew the background of the introduction of Butoh in overseas including Paris, so I replied that it was “Butoh with Darkness” being consumed and still “Improvisation Butoh” remained. In truth, “Improvisation Butoh” was not introduced on a full scale. So I presented my thinking about “Improvisation Butoh” and explained that it keeps the possibility to open a new dance world that can’t be caught up in Japanese Butoh to her. I felt easy because I could confirmed that she was listening my talk with her admirable face as her first experience. At that day, if I couldn’t answer to her with a confidence, sure I will be crushed. Then, night of the day, I could meet with Yvonne Tenembaum. She also had been pursuing “Butoh with Darkness” as a Butoh critic, but after seeing my Butoh she told me that she actually felt that “Butoh is still alive” as a late date.


I know an “Encounter” is such a thing. The meeting with Yvonne decided my way. I still remember clearly, including the details of my movements, what kind of magical dance happened at that night when Yvonne saw as the audience. Also at that time I could study that we can trust the European critique including a last radio announcer, because sometimes it is too hard with a bitter taste but it don’t have the lies. In criticisms in Japan, even when Japanese plays performed in London are ridiculed by critics as “Children of Shakespeare,” the newspaper criticisms lie without shame as if they were “a big cheer.” Anyway, in Paris I could gain a confidence as a Butoh choreographer and my way was created [C-17].


On 1985, young Butoh dancers danced eagerly on the stage together with Yoko Ashikawa in Hijika’s “Plan of Tohoku-Kabuki” in Tokyo. But their waists were unstable, so the overwhelming difference between them and Yoko was quite obvious for everybody. They were beginners and only Yoko could dance with a divine work. In other words, Hijikata’s “Butoh Notation” couldn’t become familiar to their body as young generation. Their body changed as a well-proportioned figure like European girls. This is a very simple reason why “Plan of Tohoku-Kabuki” couldn’t get the success. The audiences couldn’t enjoy his work and several audiences went out on the way. This happening was a first time for him, his last all works always had been charged with the great cheers.


In other words, Hijikata’s body-model was an “Artificial Model” at his time, not “Universal Model” that will be familiar to all Japanese beyond the generation. Young Butoh dancers were ungraceful on the stage in “Plan of Tohoku-Kabuki”, but it was not their responsibility. Just Hijikata’s body-model was a limited model that was familiar to only his generation. Now we can find a reason of “Atrophy of Butoh” in Japan exactly, just his model was old to the young generation including my generation. So, what should be our work? If “Universal Model” exists we should find it. And if it is only ideal model, only intention, we should change our thought itself about the body-model from the ground up.


This is my “Definition of Butoh”;


Butoh is a “Step from Within”.


Butoh is “Self-Realization” through the body of the individual, direct, and original dance technique.


Butoh is “Recovery of the Wild in Mankind” and “Rebirth of the Intoxicated Body” somehow lost in the contemporary world.


Everybody can make their own Butoh as much as they receive their own body. Butoh was born in Japan, but now we have many foreign Butoh dancers in the world like Judo players and Aikido players, Butoh is not limited only for Japanese.


What is a pleasure of Butoh? Sure, it is a pleasure to change our feelings about our world at the moment. In this dance we can’t find any differences between ourselves, we feel we are connected to everyone, everywhere, and every animals. So, the dancers dance eternally to get its feelings exactly.

舞踏とは、「年齢と共に成熟するダンス」をつくる身体芸術である。能の「花」[注18] [参8]のように、舞踏にも「時分の花」と「秘すれば花」があり、舞踏家は年々に成熟する美を創造できる。

Butoh is an art that promotes us growth, and keep “Age-worthy Flower” blossoming continuously. Like “Flower of Noh” [C-18] [R-8], in Butoh we have “Aged Flower” and “Secret Flower”, we can create the beauty year by year beyond our age.


For 21st dance history, we have a big theme to develop “Mature Dance together with the Age” using by new dance technique like Butoh. If we should retire after a define age, we should say this dance belongs to the old art system. So, I teach to my students several ways to expand the idea about the beauty, receive the body, away a model for the imitation, find their own feeling, and develop their own dance story.


Now in the world one interesting phenomenon has happened called “Second Boom of Butoh” different from “First Boom of Butoh”. In short, “First Boom of Butoh” was formed by the “Imitation” of the Japanese Butoh by the foreigners. But, “Second Boom of Butoh” is different, this boom has been formed as a new dance world based on the characters of each foreigner dancers without the nationalities. So, in these years, at several times I have been thinking one theme of “International Butoh”. I hope soon it will be established in our world. It is a true still now “First Boom of Butoh” is alive and it exists into “Second Boom of Butoh”, but I know many nice Foreign Butoh Dancers and Choreographers there, so it will be not a pipe dream. I think we can jump to a new dance field beyond the difference between “Butoh with Darkness” and “Improvisation Butoh”.


In general speaking, what is a main effect of Butoh? For example I know one story as a possibility for getting freedom from my Turkish friend, Olcay Karahan. She was one of top excellent dancers at one famous contemporary dance company in London. But little by little she had started to suffer her spirit without a reason and stopped her dance. She returned to Istanbul in silence and she did nothing for 5 years. She kept herself cooped up in the house.


Then, suddenly, she wanted to start her dance again. In that time she could choose my Butoh Class in Istanbul. When I saw her dance first time I was surprised to her, because she didn’t dance just she continued only the action of fall down although I could feel she has kept a high dance technique. So, I asked to her why she joined my class and she explained its reason that “I needed the absolute freedom for getting back my spirit and my dance. I could feel Butoh has its ability”. Yes, in truth Butoh keeps it, everything are free, with movements or without movements, just we can follow only our favorite feelings. Finally at last day of my class I could see her excellent dance, it was great and she was truly free and quite fine with a smile, no illness. I cried to her dance. Like this story, through Butoh everybody can get the sense of liberation.


But, I think we can’t develop Butoh as more wide scale if only Japanese Butoh Choreographer leads Butoh. For example, in Judo World, after the time when Antonius Geesink, Hollander Judo Player, could get a gold medal at Tokyo Olympic Game on 1964 in Japan, Judo World underwent a complete change. Because “Japanese Mythology” in its world collapsed, and many foreign young Judo players started to come to Geesink to study a Judo, not come to Koudokan, a Mecca of Judo in Tokyo. Then, “International Judo” could start. In short, Judo could get the wealth for the first time by the appearance of Geesink and “International Judo”.


So, I think now Butoh have a same possibility. But, as long as Japanese Butoh Choreographers lead Butoh and teach the characteristic of Japanese way how to use the body to foreign Butoh students and the students only study it, Butoh can’t get the wealth. Otherwise, the students need to develop their own way based on the “Cultural-Body” of their country. Because, it is Butoh. We have different cultural-body depend on our countries. Japanese don’t know other cultural-bodies, he knows only Japanese cultural-body. So, Butoh students should find its ways by themselves depend on their roots. Only in that time the true “Diversity” will appear, then Butoh can get its true “Wealth.”

[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]