
VISION of BODY on Earth and in Space

Tetsuro Fukuhara / 福原哲郎

BODY is a daily concern of 8 billion people worldwide. Everyone dreams “VISION of BODY.”


[Recommendation / 推薦文]

○JAXA – Space Environment Utilization Center &
Tsukuba Space Center / 宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA) &

An interesting feature of Tetsuro Fukuhara and Tokyo Space Dance activities is that they go beyond the boundaries of art and dance. Since the theme is to examine the lifestyle of humankind in space, we expect that it will develop into a wide range of activities such as the fusion of research in different genres and the birth of new lifestyles.


○Osamu Sakura – Professor at The University of Tokyo,
Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies
/ 佐倉統(東京大学大学院情報学環・学際情報学府教授)

Tetsuro Fukuhara’s thought that emphasis on physicality is quite agreeable. Humans and other living creatures will not progress unless we think of them as a set with the environment.


○Shinji Matsumoto – Space Architect for Moon and Former Shimizu
Corporation Space Development Office
/ 松本信二(月の建築家、元・清水建設宇宙開発室室長)

In order to build a futuristic architecture, we need to know more about the basic principles of the human body. Tetsuro Fukuhara’s project is very effective as a method to do this, and it seems that great results can be expected.


○Masato Sasaki – Professor of The University of Tokyo,
Faculty of Education
/ 佐々木正人(東京大学大学院教育学研究科教授)

Dance is an exploration of expressions connecting the universe and the ground. Tatsumi Hijikata finished the first step, Tetsuro Fukuhara is doing the second step.




Fumikodori Saito / 斉藤史子鳥

“The world is set in the 2050s, when people live on the Moon and Mars, and many extraterrestrial life forms have begun to be discovered.Life on Earth has also changed significantly.People wear robot suits as a sophisticated fashion item in their daily lives. They began dating as their own alter egos, and in cyberspace they competed and trained excellent secretary robots using the third-generation BMI system, and even developed space tunnel passage technology that allows them to freely travel between reality and other worlds according to their abilities. As a result, politics, economy, war, expressive activities, communication, love, family, and death have changed dramatically.”




Fumikodori Saito / 斉藤史子鳥

[Contents / 目次]

Part 1; What should I do? / Adventure – 14 years old Kaori
/ 第一話; 私はどうしたらいいの? / 冒険~14歳のカオリ
Part 2; Beyond Me / Sex – 20 years old Kaori
/ 第二話; 私を超える / 性~20歳のカオリ
Part 3; Wandering alone, traveling the world / Politics – 26 years old Kaori
/ 第三話; 一人さまよう、世界の旅へ / 政治~26歳のカオリ
Part 4; My husband is a genius / New life – 32 years old Kaori
/ 第四話; 私の夫は天才だった / 再生~32歳のカオリ



Tetsuro Fukuhara / 福原哲郎

This book is my “Mythical Journey” to go to find my lost girlfriend ELENA, she died youth, together with my dear space dancers. Through this journey I tried to reach “Extra Dimension“. Because I felt she lives in Extra Dimension.



/ エレナ礼賛

Tetsuro Fukuhara / 福原哲郎

It is necessary for everyone as much as Love, and there is nothing to bother. It is as close as possible, none is impossible in the distance for Love.


I also had one of themes to live seeking “Impossible Love” on the way of my life. My first girlfriend when I was a high school student, died at the age of 23 and I knew her death when I was 40, this event was a big shock to me. Since then, she has grown bigger and bigger in my heart. Because I knew at that time that no woman was as good as the spiritual partner I wanted. Now she is a magician to me, she appears with different charm figures everywhere I go, and she haunts me.


I gave a name “Elena” to her, this subject of love and I started to looking for her. Now I believe she lives in an extra dimension with silence.


[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]