[5th year] ECKHART GARDEN 49-57 / 2024.1-9


My body and brain store all my memories, including those I had when I was an animal. With the delicate movements of Space Dance, my brain trembles and various creatures in memory are revived. One old pterosaur approached me from the sky and whispered “You remember Everything.”


■ DESIGN / デザイン
“Memories Dance / 記憶が踊る” 

■ STORY / 物語
“A Story constituted on the Million Hypotheses /


ECKHART GARDEN 50 / エックハルトの庭50
poem + design + space dance + story

[Poem; Miracle of Bipedalism / 詩; 二足歩行の奇跡]

Do I remember those experiences when I landed as amphibian, ran as quadruped animal, stood up on two legs, and flew in the sky as bird? When I was a bird, I felt I saw that there were many “gaps” in the sky and various things falling from them. And when I became a human, I stood up to catch what was falling from the sky, reached out my hands toward the sky, and felt desperately learning to walk on two legs. What on earth did I receive from the sky?

私が両生類として陸に上がった時。四足動物として走った時。2本の足で立ち上がった時。鳥として空を飛んだ時。私はその時々の様子を覚えているだろうか? 私が鳥だった時、空には沢山の「すきま」が存在し、そこからいろんなものが落下しているのを見た気がする。そして、私が人間になった時、空から落下してくるものを受け止めるようとよろよろと立ち上がり、空に向かって両手を伸ばした。私は、その行為が自分の二足歩行を完成させたように記憶している。私が空から受け取ったもの、それは一体何だっただろう?

■ DESIGN / デザイン
“History of Posture’s Evolution / 姿勢の進化史”

■ SPACE DANCE / スペースダンス
“Space Dance in the Robotic Universe 50 – Walking Dance”
スペースダンス・イン・ザ・ロボティックユニバース50 – ウォーキングダンス


ECKHART GARDEN 51 / エックハルトの庭51
poem + design + space dance + story

[Poem; I Dance / 詩; 私は踊]

I dance on the unknown stage. Dance is a “pleasure to renew a sense towards the world completely at the moment“. I am being filled now, so although I am alone, but I am not alone. Although I am humans, but I am not only humans. In my dance I am enjoying by myself because I see myself from far-off another planet.


■ DESIGN / デザイン
“DANCE, DANCE, and DANCE / ダンス、ダンス、ダンス”

■ SPACE DANCE / スペースダンス
“Space Dance in the Robotic Universe 51 – Paradise”
スペースダンス・イン・ザ・ロボティックユニバース51 – パラダイス

■ STORY / 物語
“Pleasure of Dancing /ダンスの楽しみ”

画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: o-6-410.jpg


[Poem; LOVE / 詩; 愛]

In a dream. I am left alone on a certain planet. Now, assuming a shared life with my lost prematurely dead girlfriend, Elena, I am striving to build a “ECKHART GARDEN / Shrine with Alone” by myself everyday. I don’t know she will come to this planet tomorrow.

夢の中で。ある惑星に一人残された私は、早死にした恋人エレナとの生活を夢見て、毎日一人で孤独に『エックハルトの庭 / 一人の神殿』の構築に励んでいる。彼女が明日ここにやって来ることも知らないで。

■ DESIGN / デザイン
“Water Wings / 水の翼”

■ STORY / 物語
“About LOVE / 愛について”


ECKHART GARDEN 53 / エックハルトの庭53
poem + design + space dance + story

[Poem; Fluctuation / 詩; ゆらぎ]

When I dance a “Fluctuation” will come up in a Space. The audience sees me as a dancer who lives in a Space and see me as a dancer who dances as a Space. There, a Space moves with a “Fluctuation” together with my movements. Extra Dimension appears into this “Fluctuation” in a Space, so I am dancing while I am bringing Extra Dimension into our world. At last the audience starts to think about me, I exist both into our world and into Extra Dimension same time as a double-existence.


■ DESIGN / デザイン
“Shape of Extra Dimension / 余剰次元の形”

■ SPACE DANCE / スペースダンス
“Space Dance in the Robotic Universe 53 – Extra Dimension”
スペースダンス・イン・ザ・ロボティックユニバース53 – 余剰次元

■ STORY / 物語
“We also live in Extra Dimension? / 私たちは余剰次元にも住むのか?”


ECKHART GARDEN 54 / エックハルトの庭54
poem + design + space dance + story

[Poem; Kibe is Crying / 詩; キベが泣いている]

When I was playing in Space Tube, I met Kibe, who claims to be a clan of lost animals. Kibe who was born half as a monkey and half as a human by genome editing. He is crying, because he doesn’t want to live in our world and wants to go to Extra Dimension and become a pure monkey. But Kibe doesn’t know how to do it.


■DESIGN / デザイン
“Strange Fruit / 奇妙な果実”

■SPACE DANCE / スペースダンス
“Space Dance in the Robotic Universe 54 – Strange Fruit”
スペースダンス・イン・ザ・ロボティックユニバース54 – 奇妙な果実

■STORY / 物語
“Resident in Surplus Dimension / 異界の住人・キベ”


[Poem; Fluid Furniture / 詩; 流体家具]

I saw a strange sight at the entrance of “Extra Dimension”. Because humans and chairs melted into each other, forming a strange one. When I look closely, there are many such combinations. Do human bodies and things change in Surplus Dimension? I timidly held out my right hand as a test, then the stardust, it was a memory when I was three years old, flew into my eyes as soon as I opened the bathroom window in the middle of the night, and my missing dog that I had in my boarding house when I was a university student suddenly disappeared one day, and my favorite grandfather who sat on his favorite armchair, all rushed towards me, and before I knew it, they became one with my body. Surrounded by nostalgic things, my brain went numb and I felt happy.

私は「余剰次元」の入り口で不思議な光景を見た。人間とイスがお互いに向って溶け出し、奇妙な一体形をつくっていたからだ。よく見ると、そんな組合わせが沢山あった。余剰次元では人間の身体もモノも変化するのか? 試しに自分の右手を恐る恐る差し出すと、3才の時の記憶で夜中にトイレの窓を開けた途端に私の目に飛び込んできた星屑と、大学生の時下宿で飼っていて或る日突然いなくなった愛犬と、愛用の肱掛椅子に座る私が好きだったおじいさんが、皆一緒にサッーと近づいてきて、見る間に私の身体と一つに繋がった。私は懐かしいものに囲まれて脳が痺れてしまい、とても幸福な気分になった。

■DESIGN / デザイン
Strange Furniture / 不思議な家具”

■STORY / 物語
Ability of Looking Objectively”/ 「客体視」という能力”


[Poem; Please, get up / 詩; さぁ、起きて]

Elena was quietly sleeping. Oh, my nostalgic face. And lost animals, dead people, and the alien were also sleeping together. Finally I could find my lost girlfriend. “Please, get up and revive as my wife!” Elena awoke up slowly and greeted me with a familiar smile. Then she stood up quietly and for me she began a most sympathetic and most bewitching dance in the world. I have never seen such a beautiful dance.

エレナが静かに眠っていた。懐かしい顔。失われた動物たちや、死者たちや、異星人たちも一緒に眠っていた。私の失われた恋人。「さぁ、起きて、私の妻として復活して!」 エレナがゆっくりと目を覚まし、私を笑顔で迎えてくれた。そして静かに立ち上がり、世界でもっとも優しく、もっとも妖艶なダンスを始めた。私はこれほど美しいダンスを見たことがない。

■DESIGN / デザイン
Affinity / 親和性

■STORY / 物語
The forest is burning / 森が燃えている”


ECKHART GARDEN 57 / エックハルトの庭57
poem + design + space dance + story

APAROS memorizes and reproduces my dance, and awakening my subconscious desires. Every time when I dance, APAROS continues to grow as my “Alter Ego“. I wear APAROS as a robot suit, sit up straight with a mind, and slowly stand up.


■ DESIGN / デザイン
“BIRTH of APAROS / アパロス誕生”

■ DANCE / ダンス
“Space Dance in the Robotic Universe 57 – Standing ZEN”
スペースダンス・イン・ザ・ロボティックユニバース57 – 立上がる禅

■ STORY / 物語
“Declaration of Future / 未来宣言”

[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]