[5th year] ECKHART GARDEN 51-60 / 2024.3-12


ECKHART GARDEN 51 / エックハルトの庭51
poem + design + space dance + story

[Poem; I Dance / 詩; 私は踊]

  I dance on the unknown stage. Dance is a “pleasure to renew a sense towards the world completely at the moment“. I am being filled now, so although I am alone, but I am not alone. Although I am humans, but I am not only humans. In my dance I am enjoying by myself because I see myself from far-off another planet.

It seems that even now, as humans, we are unknowingly struck by a deep impression at the moment when we feel the “forgotten totality of movements.” The excellent ancer touch this totality and create the unknown beautiful movement’s world which anybody don’t see before, and same time they make the audience feel deeply be a very nostalgic existence.



■ DESIGN / デザイン
“DANCE, DANCE, and DANCE / ダンス、ダンス、ダンス”

■ SPACE DANCE / スペースダンス
“Space Dance in the Robotic Universe 51 – Paradise”
スペースダンス・イン・ザ・ロボティックユニバース51 – パラダイス

■ STORY / 物語
“Pleasure of Dancing /ダンスの楽しみ”


[Poem; One and One / 詩; 一人と一人]

  It is necessary for everyone as much as “Love“, and there is nothing to bother. It is as close as possible, none is impossible in the distance for “Love”.

In a dream. I am left alone on a certain planet. Now, assuming a shared life with my lost prematurely dead girlfriend, Elena, I am striving to build a “ECKHART GARDEN / Shrine with Alone” by myself everyday. I don’t know she will come to this planet tomorrow. Human beings are always “Alone“, both when we come into the world, when we create our important expressions, and when we die. So, one miracle named “Love” has been born to bring into contact “One” and “One.”


夢の中で。ある惑星に一人残された私は、早死にした恋人エレナとの生活を夢見て、毎日一人で孤独に『エックハルトの庭 / 一人の神殿』の構築に励んでいる。彼女が明日ここにやって来ることも知らないで。人間はいつも「一人」だ。生まれてくる時も。表現の大切な時も。死ぬ時も。だから「一人」と「一人」をつなぐ「愛」という奇跡が生まれた。

■ DESIGN / デザイン
“Metaphysics of Wings / 翼の形而上学”

■ STORY / 物語
“ANA’s Death and Rebirth / アナの死と再生”


ECKHART GARDEN 53 / エックハルトの庭53
poem + design + space dance + story

[Poem; Elena is calling me / 詩; エレナが私を呼んでいる]

  Elena was calling me. I was led by Elena’s “Voice” and walked out in front of the unknown big shrine. With a “Divine Possession” I felt down into a big garden of this shrine, and I closed my eyes in spite of myself. What kind of event is waiting for me? I want to return if “Terrible death” is waiting, but if it is a “Beautiful death” I can push forward.

When I dance a “Fluctuation” will come up in a Space. The audience sees me as a dancer who lives in a Space and see me as a dancer who dances as a Space. There, a Space moves with a “Fluctuation” together with my movements. Extra Dimension appears into this “Fluctuation” in a Space, so I am dancing while I am bringing Extra Dimension into our world. At last the audience starts to think about me, I exist both into our world and into Extra Dimension same time as a double-existence.

  エレナが私を呼んでいる。彼女の「声」に誘われて歩いて行くと、見知らぬ大きな神社の前に出た。私は神憑り、憑かれたように神社の庭に倒れこみ、目を閉じた。何が起きるのか? 私の口に、自分でも理解できない言葉があふれ出してくる。「恐ろしい死」が待っているなら帰りたい。「美しい死」ならつき進める。


■ DESIGN / デザイン
“Parallel World / 並行宇宙”

■ SPACE DANCE / スペースダンス
“Space Dance in the Robotic Universe 53 – Extra Dimension”
スペースダンス・イン・ザ・ロボティックユニバース53 – 余剰次元

■ STORY / 物語
“We also live in Extra Dimension? / 私たちは余剰次元にも住むのか?”


ECKHART GARDEN 54 / エックハルトの庭54
poem + design + space dance + story

[Poem; Kibe is Crying and Tana is calling
/ 詩; キベが泣いている、タナが呼んでいる]

  When I was playing in Space Tube, I met Kibe, who claims to be a clan of lost animals. Kibe who was born half as a monkey and half as a human by genome editing. He is crying, because he doesn’t want to live in our world and wants to go to Extra Dimension and become a pure monkey. But Kibe doesn’t know how to do it.

Next day, I also met a boy named Tana. Tana said that the world was made up of a giant sphere, with the living live on the flat surface and the dead, lost animals, and aliens live inside the sphere. Tana then said something strange: “Every day, 360,000 children are born, and 230,000 die, with the total number of deaths exceeding 100 billion. The inside of the sphere is now full. The dead also need to migrate to other planets.” Then he disappeared from me saying he wants to go to see me soon because he has something to ask. Ask? What is that?


次の日、同じく死者たちの一族と名乗るタナという少年と出会った。タナは、世界は巨大な球体で出来ていて、その平面に私たち生者が住み、球体の内部に死者たち・失われた動物たち・異星人たちが住んでいると言った。タナは「毎日36万人の子供が生まれ、23万人が死に、死者の総数は1,000億人を超えました。それで、球体の内部は満杯。死者たちにも惑星移住が必要です」と不思議な事を言い、頼みたいことがあるので近くあなたに会いに行くと言って姿を消した。頼みたいこと? 一体何だろう?

■DESIGN / デザイン
“Boys in Dream / 夢の中の少年たち”

■SPACE DANCE / スペースダンス
“Space Dance in the Robotic Universe 54 – Strange Fruit”
スペースダンス・イン・ザ・ロボティックユニバース54 – 奇妙な果実

■STORY / 物語
“Resident in Extra Dimension / 異界の住人”


[Poem; Fluid Furniture / 詩; 流体家具]

  Shiro Kuramata, Japanese interior designer, has created a chair that gives a floating sensation as if we are free from the gravity. Just imagine, at this “Boundary” we also could create a chair as innovative as Kuramata’s.

I saw a strange sight at “Boundary” of Space Tube. At this “boundary,” two or more different extra dimensions intersected and swirled. Then, humans and chairs melted into each other, forming a strange one like a “Fluid Furniture.” When I look closely, there are many such combinations. I timidly held out my right hand as a test, then the stardust that caught my eye the moment I opened the bathroom window when I was three years old, the beloved dog I kept in my boarding house when I was a university student, and the grandfather I loved sitting in his favorite armchair all scurried over to me at once, and in an instant they connected with my body to form a “Fluid Furniture.” Surrounded by nostalgic things, my brain went numb and I felt happy.



■DESIGN / デザイン
Strange Furniture / 不思議な家具”

■STORY / 物語
Looking for New Furniture / 新しい家具を見たい”


[Poem; Please, get up / 詩; さぁ、起きて]

  Elena was quietly sleeping. Oh, my nostalgic face. And lost animals, dead people, and the alien were also sleeping together. Finally I could find my lost girlfriend. “Please, get up and revive as my wife!” Elena awoke up slowly and greeted me with a familiar smile. Then she stood up quietly and for me she began a most sympathetic and most bewitching dance in the world. I have never seen such a beautiful dance.

One day, Atsuko, Ana, Nami, Kako, and Yvonne, came to my studio. All five of them look a bit like Elena. When I asked “Why are you here?” Ana entered the boundary vortex and joined Kibe and Tana in their dance. The three danced so well that they soon came together and began to beat out a harmonious scale. Atsuko, who was watching this, seemed to be struck by a psychic inspiration, said that her brain was starting to convulse, and began playing the violin she was holding. Inspired by this, Nami, Kako and Yvonne also started singing a song to Ana’s violin. The melody sounded similar to “Bird Song”, a folk song from Andalusia, Spain, but also seemed to be a completely different version. Either way, this was the “Birth of Music” in my studio. It was a monumental moment.

  エレナが静かに眠っていた。懐かしい顔。失われた動物たちや、死者たちや、異星人たちも一緒に眠っていた。私の失われた恋人。「さぁ、起きて、私の妻として復活して!」 エレナがゆっくりと目を覚まし、私を笑顔で迎えてくれた。そして静かに立ち上がり、世界でもっとも優しく、もっとも妖艶なダンスを始めた。私はこれほど美しいダンスを見たことがない。


■DESIGN / デザイン
Affinity – Rhythm of Another World / 親和性~異界のリズム”

■STORY / 物語
The forest is burning / 森が燃えている”


ECKHART GARDEN 57 / エックハルトの庭57
poem + design + space dance + story

  I became a new through the birth of APAROS. When I looked at my face in the mirror, there was a “New Face” I had never seen. Somehow, I felt nostalgic with this face.

APAROS memorizes and reproduces my dance, and awakening my subconscious desires. Every time when I dance, APAROS continues to grow as my “Alter Ego“. I wear APAROS as a robot suit, sit up straight with a mind, and slowly stand up.



■ DESIGN / デザイン
“BIRTH of APAROS / アパロス誕生”

■ DANCE / ダンス
“Space Dance in the Robotic Universe 57 – Standing ZEN”
スペースダンス・イン・ザ・ロボティックユニバース57 – 立上がる禅

■ STORY / 物語
“Declaration of Future / 未来宣言”


ECKHART GARDEN 58 / エックハルトの庭58
poem + design + space dance + story

[Poem; Someday in the Universe / 詩; ある日、宇宙で]

  ”The humans are expected to face the new evolutionary possibility in space environment. At that time, it is important what kind of posture creation can be realized. Because posture is mother’s womb for creating cultures.“

In a reduced gravity environment of 0G to 1G, I create new postures between “standing” and “sitting“, and between “sitting” and “sleeping posture“. The difference in posture appears to be only a slight difference. However, just as the slight slope of the stone pavement brings a decisive difference to my space dance, this slight difference in posture will invite me into an unknown world of mood and contemplation, and eventually will lead to unknown discoveries and creations.



■ DESIGN / デザイン
“Posture is Mother’s Womb for Creating Culture
/ 姿勢は文化創造の母胎である”

■ SPACE DANCE / スペースダンス
“Space Dance in the Robotic Universe 58 – Walking Dance 2”
スペースダンス・イン・ザ・ロボティックユニバース58 –

■ STORY / 物語
Girl Dancer in Bali, or Aldrin
/ バリ島の少女ダンサー、或いはオルドリン


ECKHART GARDEN 59 / エックハルトの庭59
poem + design + space dance + story

[Poem; Like Vampires / 詩; 吸血鬼のように]

  Life has been possessed by “Love”. Now it bears fruit. I and you swirl around each other’s necks like vampires flying in the air, and we are pouring love.

Our two souls melted into one. You live inside me, I live inside you, we will never be apart. We raise “Space Race,” and go through the extra dimension to the planet where nobody never live before,



■ DESIGN / デザイン
“Pouring Love / 愛を注ぐ”

■ SPACE DANCE / スペースダンス
“Space Dance in the Robotic Universe 59 – Catharsis”
スペースダンス・イン・ザ・ロボティックユニバース59 – カタルシス

■ STORY / 物語
“End of Love / 愛の果て”


ECKHART GARDEN 60 / エックハルトの庭60
poem + design + space dance + story

[Poem; Reincarnation / 詩; 輪廻]

  Elena is singing with a pleasure, “Hi, here, we have such the new encounters and such the wonderful happenings!”

I was very surprised with Elena’s speaking. She said that now the dead people plan to get the emigration to the universe together with the lost animals and the alien. They want to leave the earth. So, she tried to contact with me and she handled “Elena as my memory in my brain”, then she invited me here. Now I understand a reason why she left our world at a young age. Now my soul and Elena’s soul resonate with a beautiful link called “Reincarnation.” Every time when we move through many planets, we die once, and we revive again, then we meet again. I and Elena bring up many children and we form “Big Family” together with many friends.



■ DESIGN / デザイン
“Million Flowers Fall / 百万の花が降る”

■ SPACE DANCE / スペースダンス
“Space Dance in the Robotic Universe 60 – Flower”
スペースダンス・イン・ザ・ロボティックユニバース60 – 花

■ STORY / 物語
“Human Cosmic Plan / ヒト宇宙化計画

[all rights reserved copyright @ tokyo space dance]